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Search for Pakistani Strategic Bomber


Sep 8, 2009
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Search for Pakistani Strategic Bomber


Many will argue , we do not need Strategic bomber but lets face it the Bombers have a strategic usage due to large amount of Ammo *Bombs it can carry


Considering the amount of goodies it can carry , JF17 can't possibly match that quantiy and payload for a large scale damage



From Tactical prespective the amount of Damage 1 Bomber flight can do is 10 times what JF17 would deliver

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And many other countries fly Bombers , I think we are being shallow minded by not obsering the valueable role for Bomber fleet even 4-6 units in inventroy is great addition.
Search for Pakistani Strategic Bomber


Many will argue , we do not need Strategic bomber but lets face it the Bombers have a strategic usage due to large amount of Ammo *Bombs it can carry


Considering the amount of goodies it can carry , JF17 can't possibly match that quantiy and payload for a large scale damage



From Tactical prespective the amount of Damage 1 Bomber flight can do is 10 times what JF17 would deliver



Your thinking is on the right track---. What we need the bomber for is to launch our stand off weapons---.

If it can carry 4-6 Babur cruise missiles and launch them flying from farther down the ocean---it will create a big bang for the buck.
A strategic bomber is a medium to long range penetration bomber aircraft designed to drop large amounts of air-to-ground weaponry onto a distant target for the purposes of debilitating the enemy's capacity to wage war.

Unlike tactical bombers, penetrators, fighter-bombers, and attack aircraft, which are used in air interdiction operations to attack enemy combatants and military equipment, strategic bombers are designed to fly into enemy territory to destroy strategic targets (e.g., infrastructure, logistics, military installations, factories, cities, and civilians). In addition to strategic bombing, strategic bombers can be used for tactical missions. There are currently three countries that operate strategic bombers: the United States, Russia, and China.
I believe both @MastanKhan and @Bilal Khan (Quwa) can attest that i have been ranting about this for the longest time, especially since India made a deal for S400 SAMs which will be difficult for PAF to deal with. The 400km range of those sams means they can pick off fighters over Pakistan while sitting deep inside india, comfortably away from PAFs reach.

Pakistan should acquire at least 8 strategic bimbers like the H-6K which should be able to carry 6-8 Babur cruise missiles. With 700km range from surface launch, amd air launched variant would easily have a range of 1000-1200km. With range like that, PAF bombers can sit deep in Pakistani territory and launch strikes on IAF forward bases and S400 poistions. Pushing the S400s away from the border will allow for greater longevity for PAFs air assets and the strikes on IAF bases would prevent rapid turn around of their fighters, making it more challenging to establish air superiority over Pakistan. Basically their fighters have to fly further to get to Pakistan and then back to base, meaning longer time between sorties and more resources and assets used to refuel those aircraft (like tankers for a2a refueling). Longer time between sprties allows for better planning for the defending PAF as well as longer to prolong the conflict and force a peace. A single H-6K could likely overwhelm an S400 battery or possibly annihilate an airbase with a volley of 6-8 Babur.
I believe both @MastanKhan and @Bilal Khan (Quwa) can attest that i have been ranting about this for the longest time, especially since India made a deal for S400 SAMs which will be difficult for PAF to deal with. The 400km range of those sams means they can pick off fighters over Pakistan while sitting deep inside india, comfortably away from PAFs reach.

Pakistan should acquire at least 8 strategic bimbers like the H-6K which should be able to carry 6-8 Babur cruise missiles. With 700km range from surface launch, amd air launched variant would easily have a range of 1000-1200km. With range like that, PAF bombers can sit deep in Pakistani territory and launch strikes on IAF forward bases and S400 poistions. Pushing the S400s away from the border will allow for greater longevity for PAFs air assets and the strikes on IAF bases would prevent rapid turn around of their fighters, making it more challenging to establish air superiority over Pakistan. Basically their fighters have to fly further to get to Pakistan and then back to base, meaning longer time between sorties and more resources and assets used to refuel those aircraft (like tankers for a2a refueling). Longer time between sprties allows for better planning for the defending PAF as well as longer to prolong the conflict and force a peace. A single H-6K could likely overwhelm an S400 battery or possibly annihilate an airbase with a volley of 6-8 Babur.

Or since Pakistan and India share borders, land based Babur 2s can be fired on multiple air defence targets. Why need a heavy air platform since target is next door.

Ra'ad 2 should have improved range of 350-450km so it can likely be PAFs S400 killer as it can be fired at the boundary detection range of the S400.

Babur-1 - 700KM launched from ground
Babur-2 - 750 km active seeker variant launched from ground
Babur-3 - 450km launched from submarine
Harbah - ? Antiship variant launched from ship
Ra'ad 1 - 350km launched from air
Ra'ad 2 - ? launched from air
We have Cruise missiles land, air and sea, so we don't need bombers especially when we have limited budget. (as per air forces policy makers)

Our stand off C.M and land attack C.M can do the same job but little expensive and risky since India can't differentiate between non-Nuclear and Nuclear missile and can launch immediate counter nuclear strike against Pakistan so keeping in mind these things we need bomber aircraft.

We can only have bombers if we have escort fighters and air superiority fighters to protect them. To establish air superiority within Indian airspace is nothing short of suicide for PAF, India has a better SAM network and Larger fighters. It would be better for PAF to get J-10B/Cs to replace mirages in deep strike role, F-16s as escort and air superiority and JF-17 Block 2 + 3 as defensive aircraft with F7-PGs as point defense interceptors. Longer ranged SAMs such as HQ-9 would also be greatly appreciated along with better ground radars.
I believe both @MastanKhan and @Bilal Khan (Quwa) can attest that i have been ranting about this for the longest time, especially since India made a deal for S400 SAMs which will be difficult for PAF to deal with. The 400km range of those sams means they can pick off fighters over Pakistan while sitting deep inside india, comfortably away from PAFs reach.

Pakistan should acquire at least 8 strategic bimbers like the H-6K which should be able to carry 6-8 Babur cruise missiles. With 700km range from surface launch, amd air launched variant would easily have a range of 1000-1200km. With range like that, PAF bombers can sit deep in Pakistani territory and launch strikes on IAF forward bases and S400 poistions. Pushing the S400s away from the border will allow for greater longevity for PAFs air assets and the strikes on IAF bases would prevent rapid turn around of their fighters, making it more challenging to establish air superiority over Pakistan. Basically their fighters have to fly further to get to Pakistan and then back to base, meaning longer time between sorties and more resources and assets used to refuel those aircraft (like tankers for a2a refueling). Longer time between sprties allows for better planning for the defending PAF as well as longer to prolong the conflict and force a peace. A single H-6K could likely overwhelm an S400 battery or possibly annihilate an airbase with a volley of 6-8 Babur.
yes sir you've very brilliant/unique idea, Pakistan must/should have go 6-7 of these

Or since Pakistan and India share borders, land based Babur 2s can be fired on multiple air defence targets. Why need a heavy air platform since target is next door.

Ra'ad 2 should have improved range of 350-450km so it can likely be PAFs S400 killer as it can be fired at the boundary detection range of the S400.

Babur-1 - 700KM launched from ground
Babur-2 - 750 km active seeker variant launched from ground
Babur-3 - 450km launched from submarine
Harbah - ? Antiship variant launched from ship
Ra'ad 1 - 350km launched from air
Ra'ad 2 - ? launched from air
still have a chance to being intercepted by indian S-400 and destroyed by Indian standoff missiles like brahmos and other:disagree:
From Tactical prespective the amount of Damage 1 Bomber flight can do is 10 times what JF17 would deliver

Yes, but in order to use these,
you'd need to run them mostly
outside Pakistan's airspace ...

France has practiced nuke runs
with Rafales and the route goes
from southern France to the isle
of La Réunion in the Indian ocean.

I do get that those are "export runs"
but 8, 800 kms don't fit in Pakistan
and even circling around the skies
waiting will be tough for such long
range creatures.

The only real use is to bomb India
and the missiles can do that cheaper.

Nice but not necessary IMHoO.

Good day and thread nonetheless, Tay.
A better spending would be the induction of a heavy fighter like Su35 or Eurofighter with much bigger payload compared to single engine multirole jets. Our main rival is right next door and we already have credible missile power.

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