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SCS Standoff Continues

Trade, Public Anger Sharpening Beijing-Manila Spat

By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN | Associated Press – 25 mins ago
BEIJING (AP) — The monthlong standoff between China and the Philippines over a remote South China Sea shoal is snowballing with hints of economic retaliation and sharpening public opinion on both sides — possibly narrowing the space for a hoped-for negotiated settlement.

Beijing is suspending some tourism to the Philippines and ordered stiffened inspections on imported Philippine fruit such as bananas, of which China is the single largest buyer. That follows Beijing's summoning of Manila's charge d'affairs three times, while retired and serving military officers have called for a limited military operation to shore up China's credibility on the matter — a potentially explosive move that could trigger the 1951 U.S.-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty.

The Philippines has registered its own diplomatic protests, with Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario cautioning foreign governments over what the Philippines perceives as China's looming threat to freedom of navigation.

Manila's Department of Foreign Affairs is preparing to bring the territorial rifts to international arbitration. The Philippines is also seeking to shore up its territorial claims with new warships, fighters jets and radars from the United States.

China and the Philippines are among six claimants to waters and island groups in the South China Sea, which has heavily traveled maritime lanes, rich fishing grounds and a potential wealth of mineral resources.

The latest confrontation between Beijing and Manila began April 10 when the Philippine navy accused Chinese boats of fishing illegally around Scarborough Shoal, which Manila claims as part of its exclusive economic zone, but which Beijing insists has been Chinese for centuries.

Beijing's moves on tourism and fruit imports are a variation of unacknowledged economic pressure employed in past international disputes.

China International Travel Service, one of the country's largest, said it was suspending trips from Thursday based on safety considerations. Nationwide online agency Ctrip.com has also suspended trips, an agent said, citing "anti-China sentiments in that country right now." She said the company acted on its own without official orders.

The Shanghai Tourism Bureau had also ordered a suspension, according to staff with the Yiyou and Guojikuaixian travel agencies in the eastern financial hub.

None of the agents would give their names because of the sensitivity of the matter. Calls to China's national tourism administration rang unanswered Thursday.

The suspensions come as China's embassy in Manila issued a safety warning to its nationals in the Philippines over protests planned Saturday. Chinese tourists also make up about 9 percent of total arrivals to the Philippines, according to the Philippines Department of Tourism.
It probably does not belong to the Philippines according to an OP Ed piece of the largest circulating Philippine newspaper.

It appears the disputed area is really not yours. Even your own government does not recognize it. In addition, the US does not recognize Unclos and therefore does not recognize those rock island. Darn, the Filipinos really are fuc#ed!! Perhaps its time for the Pinoys to send some flowers to Beijing.

Check this out Psst
It’s been awkward—even comical—for the Aquino administration to be begging the United States for arms to defend our Scarborough Shoal claim, which it declared is based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos): the Americans aren’t with the convention.

wow... the US seems always being an exclusive country in international treaties. I know they've not sign Kyoto protocol yet. that's why the climate change issue never been seriously addressed by world nations.
Same thing like in Indonesia ??

Stop acting like a wacko by making use of your fellow asian sufferings as a tool for your personal attack.

You should feel ashamed since we (strait chinese) have saved many of your vietnamese refugee (boatman) in the 70's from pirates and helped them by providing shelthers, food, clothings and donations despite we were not so well to do at that point of time.

We were also the ones that were not being calculative despite many of ASEAN members did not see Vietnam as a friendly country which was threatening our safety. Back then, ASEAN counries feared Vietnam not only that she was a communist country but also for her aggressive behaviour, engulfing neighbours' land. Thus, many ASEAN countries acted harshly if not cruelly on these vietnamese.

Go and learned how they were being treated then, you will be "enlightened" and realized the plight of vietnames and those strait chinese (in ASEAN) were not so different after all.
Philippines is calling for a repeat of Krystallnacht on Chinese in Philippines. They are genocidal.

Philippines = Nazi.
Stop acting like a wacko by making use of your fellow asian sufferings as a tool for your personal attack.

You should feel ashamed since we (strait chinese) have saved many of your vietnamese refugee (boatman) in the 70's from pirates and helped them by providing shelthers, food, clothings and donations despite we were not so well to do at that point of time.
then you didn't need to save them, they wanna leave the country to 'Democracy land', then OK, let them leave. our population is still very high now.
Diamond_Gold said:
We were also the ones that were not being calculative despite many of ASEAN members did not see Vietnam as a friendly country which was threatening our safety. Back then, ASEAN counries feared Vietnam not only that she was a communist country but also for her aggressive behaviour, engulfing neighbours' land. Thus, many ASEAN countries acted harshly if not cruelly on these vietnamese.

We just beat up Thailand in 10 years, killed lots of Hoa living in Tha-Cambodia, so it's OK for them to hate VN, but Singapre-Thai-Malaysia are just US's pawns , so we only need US's agreement to joint ASEAN. if your countries disobey US's order, and refuse VN to join ASEAN, then you will be sanctioned.
then you didn't need to save them, they wanna leave the country to 'Democracy land', then OK, let them leave. our population is still very high now.

We just beat up Thailand in 10 years, killed lots of Hoa living in Tha-Cambodia, so it's OK for them to hate VN, but Singapre-Thai-Malaysia are just US's pawns , so we only need US's agreement to joint ASEAN. if your countries disobey US's order, and refuse VN to join ASEAN, then you will be sanctioned.

LOL, you are a real 100% WACKO. Good bye!
We Nazi really? very humane of you to tell if we are not Nazi then your country are Nazi Imperialist a threat to world peace and freedom
If China invades the Philippine mainland, the US gets involved. If China sinks Philippine naval warships in the disputed sea, the US will just complain and lament the loss of its former coast guard ship. Filipinos should not think we would send our kids to fight for their territorial ambitions. We will fight if they turn you into a punching bag by taking your mainland (because it is the right thing to do) but don't expect us to fight for your ambitions. You haven't really done anything in the last 50 years to earn the right to be called a major non NATO ally.
If you’re a Chinese living in the US I understand how you feel but sorry to burst your bubble . Obviously you know nothing ‘bout history, FYI we fought many wars with the US (World Wars/Korean/Vietnam/Gulf War even in War on Terror. The Philippines is US Asia’s oldest allies and our country is vital strategic point for the US. Uncle Sam can't afford to lose us since it would start a domino effect that leads to total American defeat. Philippines’ defense is US's responsibility (as well as ours as its citizens). The real trouble maker here is not the Philippines but China, they think they own everything since ancient times and with this kind of barbaric attitude they can actually cause WW3. I hope China will soon choke on its own greed..

The safety alerts came as government-controlled media in China warned the country was prepared to go to war to end the stand-off over Scarborough Shoal -- small islands in the South China Sea that both nations claim as their own.

"No matter how willing we are to discuss the issue, the current Philippine leadership is intent on pressing us into a corner where there is no other option left but the use of arms," the China Daily said in an editorial.

The writing is on the wall, and the Filipinos should take that as a final warning. Don't bully the big boys if you can't back it up.
If you’re a Chinese living in the US I understand how you feel but sorry to burst your bubble . Obviously you know nothing ‘bout history, FYI we fought many wars with the US (World Wars/Korean/Vietnam/Gulf War even in War on Terror. The Philippines is US Asia’s oldest allies and our country is vital strategic point for the US. Uncle Sam can't afford to lose us since it would start a domino effect that leads to total American defeat. Philippines’ defense is US's responsibility (as well as ours as its citizens). The real trouble maker here is not the Philippines but China, they think they own everything since ancient times and with this kind of barbaric attitude they can actually cause WW3. I hope China will soon choke on its own greed..

Yeah, the real santa claus is coming to visit you this coming X-Mas. Be a good boy and please don't misbehave.
Yeah, the real santa claus is coming to visit you this coming X-Mas. Be a good boy and please don't misbehave.
Lots of bad Hoa around ASEAN like you willing to support China than ASEAN nation like Phillipine, that why, Phillipino should treat the same thing to Hoa people like what Indonesian did in 1998.
Lots of bad Hoa around ASEAN like you willing to support China than ASEAN nation like Phillipine, that why, Phillipino should treat the same thing to Hoa people like what Indonesian did in 1998.

It is much better to support a sane country than a Wacko one! LOL

BTW, you meant "hmong" right and they don't live in Indonesia. LOLOL...

Last but not least, forever good bye to you and please don't bother to reply until you found someone to fix your crooked mind.
It's must be nice for Viet Nam Government send some warships to joint with Philipines Navy and regardless the disputes. Main keys are not let China keep BULLYING its neighbors.

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