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Scientists Discover Another Earth!

Do you think there is life on other planets?

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nothing new , Scientist are trying hard to find life on other planets but they are to tough to accommodate any life ...
before we even reach to the corner of our Galaxy , the world will end .

Instead of working on these search, scientists should work hard on warp drive and wormhole.
Instead of working on these search scientist should work hard on warp drive and wormhole.

damn i love to travel through a black hole , if i survive :D
man i wanna immigrate there!
If it takes 500 years for light to travel from there how they got photo of that planet ? In which way they r getting data from so far ?
If it takes 500 years for light to travel from there how they got photo of that planet ? In which way they r getting data from so far ?

The light started journey 500 years ago from that planet's sun. Its the shadow of that planet people captured.
artist impression , they simply saw a dark shadow against the bright star and calculated the distance between it and its star , and the planet happened to fall within the star`s goldilocks`s zone. We don`t even know it`s mass , presence of water, atmosphere etc
If it takes 500 years for light to travel from there how they got photo of that planet ? In which way they r getting data from so far ?
damn i love to travel through a black hole , if i survive :D
Life cannot survive in a black hole.
Life cannot survive in a black hole.

i know, that is why i want go there , after Judgment day :D
i will ask Allah to create a black hole again , so i can see how it goes :)
After all in janat we can ask for anything :azn:
Does it contain oil? If so, the Americans may already be on their way! :P

Life cannot survive in a black hole.
There's no such thing as a 'black hole'! :no:
Lets meet there after 500 years travelling at the speed of light.

If we us the Star Trek Warp factor of 14.1 it will take only 65 days. :cool:

Warp speed calculator: Warp Speed Calculator - Anycalculator

*Edit* i have no life :(
There's no such thing as a 'black hole'! :no:
Kindly elaborate.
i know, that is why i want go there , after Judgment day :D
i will ask Allah to create a black hole again , so i can see how it goes :)
After all in janat we can ask for anything :azn:
what if you go to hell..
i know, that is why i want go there , after Judgment day :D
i will ask Allah to create a black hole again , so i can see how it goes :)
After all in janat we can ask for anything :azn:
You want to experience HELL?
what if you go to hell..

than Janati will be LOL at me , and i will be in trouble :fie:
than Janati will be LOL at me , and i will be in trouble :fie:
hedge your bet and secretly worship satan I suggest...:devil:
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