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6. Blood sucking hookworms inhabit 700 million people worldwide

7. The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph by Fred Rompelberg

8. We can produce laser light a million times brighter than sunshine

9. 65% of those with autism are left handed

10. The combined length of the roots of a Finnish pine tree is over 30 miles

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11. The oceans contain enough salt to cover all the continents to a depth of nearly 500 feet

12. The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion, billion, billion liters of alcohol [JFrater is planning to move there in the near future]

13. Polar Bears can run at 25 miles an hour and jump over 6 feet in the air

14. 60-65 million years ago dolphins and humans shared a common ancestor

15. Polar Bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras, due to their transparent fur

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16. The average person accidentally eats 430 bugs each year of their life

17. A single rye plant can spread up to 400 miles of roots underground

18. The temperature on the surface of Mercury exceeds 430 degrees C during the day, and, at night, plummets to minus 180 degrees centigrade

19. The evaporation from a large oak or beech tree is from ten to twenty-five gallons in twenty-four hours

20. Butterflies taste with their hind feet and their taste sensation works on touch – this allows them to determine whether a leaf is edible
1. Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails

2. Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people

3. If you rub an onion on your foot – within 30 – 60 minutes you will be able to taste it – this is because it travels through the blood stream

4. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath (if you hold it until you go unconscious, you begin to breath normally as soon as you do)

5. On one square inch of human skin there are 20 million microscopic creatures
6. Armadillos are the only creatures apart from men that can catch leprosy – there are known cases of armadillo to human transfers of the disease

7. A snail can sleep for 3 – 4 years – during which period it does not need food

8. Giraffes can live longer without water than camels

9. The songs of humpback whales can change dramatically from year to year, yet each whale in an oceanwide population always sings the same song as the others [Source]

10. The forces required to remove a foot from quicksand at a speed of one centimeter per second would require the same amount of force as “that needed to lift a medium-sized car.”

11. To test if a pearl is real, you can rub vinegar on it – the composition of the pearl will cause it to bubble furiously

12. Goldfish kept in a dark room turn much paler – and if it wasn’t for the color in the food they eat, they would turn completely white

13. Unlike normal bees, the Queen bee’s stinger is not barbed and can be used repeatedly without harming her

14. Quicksand doesn’t directly kill humans as it is usually not very deep at all – it is the fact that it can be incredibly difficult to remove yourself from quicksand that causes death by the environment – such as exposure.

15. Oysters can change between being female or male

16. Men are over 30% stronger than women on average, especially in the upper body, and men’s brains are heavier than women’s
Largest scientific instrument ever built to prove Einstein's theory of general relativity

Three spacecraft flying three million miles apart are to fire laser beams at each other across the emptiness of space in a bid to finally prove whether a theory proposed by Albert Einstein is correct.

Physicists hope the ambitious mission will allow them to prove the existence of gravitational waves – a phenomenon predicted in Einstein's famous theory of general relativity and the last piece of his theory still to be proved correct.
The mission, a collaboration between Nasa and the European Space Agency, will use three spacecraft flying in formation while orbiting the sun, with each housing floating cubes of gold platinum.
Laser beams fired between the spacecraft will then be used to measure minute changes in the distance between each of the cubes, caused by the weak waves of gravity that ripple out from catastrophic events in deep space.
Einstein's theory of general relativity predicted that when large objects such as black holes collide, ripples in space and time flow outwards. These ripples are called gravitational waves.
A panel of international experts have now set out a detailed plan for the mission and how it can be used to reveal new insights about the universe around us.
Professor Jim Hough, an expert on gravitational waves at Glasgow University and a member of the committee that drew up the plans, said: "Gravitational waves are the last piece of Einstein's theory of general relativity that has still to be proved correct.
"They are produced when massive objects like black holes or collapsed stars accelerate through space, perhaps because they being pulled towards another object with greater gravitational pull like a massive black hole.
"Unfortunately we haven't been able to detect them yet because they are very weak. However, the new experiments we are working on have great potential to allow detection."
Ground based attempts to detect gravitational waves on Earth have so far been unsuccessful and can only look for gravitational waves with relatively high frequencies.
Scientists have already been able to prove a number of predictions made by Einstein's theory of general relativity, including that light is bent by gravity, gravity travels at a constant speed, that time can be warped by gravity and that space and time can bend.
Einstein's other theories including his most famous formula E=mc2 have also withstood scientific testing.
The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, or LISA as the new space based mission is called, will be able to detect gravitational waves of very low frequencies due to the huge distance between the three spacecraft. It will be the largest detector ever built.
A smaller test mission called LISA Pathfinder, which is being built by British engineers at space company Astrium EADS and is due to be launched next year, is to pave the way for the more ambitious mission by demonstrating the technology to be used to detect the waves.
Scientists have already begun building the instruments that will be used in LISA itself, but it is not expected to be launched before 2020.
They hope that once detected, gravitational waves will be able to provide new information about the universe that cannot currently be seen using electromagnetic radiation such as light, radio waves and X-rays.
Professor Sheila Rowan, who also studies gravitational waves at Glasgow University, added: "Black holes are so dense that no light or radiation escapes from inside them.
"Gravitational waves from the warped spacetime around black holes could give us new ways of looking at them.
"We could also learn about the state of matter inside collapsed stars."
Dr Ralph Cordey, science and exploration business development manager at Astrium UK who are building LISA Pathfinder, said: "Trying to measure cosmic events such as collapsing star systems or the collision of massive black holes throughout our universe requires ultra-high precision technology.
"The ultimate goal is to prove that this technology works, before we attempt to put three spacecraft into orbits at a distance of 5 million kilometres from one another, connected only by a laser beam that will measure their positions accurate to 40 millionths of a millionth of a metre."

Largest scientific instrument ever built to prove Einstein's theory of general relativity - Telegraph
Too many vitamin tablets could be bad for your health
New research shows that far from protecting us, antioxidant supplements, such as vitamins C and E, may actually increase the chance of developing cancer.

If, 15 years ago, you were au fait with the word antioxidant, then you probably had a chemistry degree. These days, you're almost certainly an expert on the subject yourself. Every time we read a magazine, turn on the TV or pop to the supermarket, we're bombarded by claims about the ability of these apparently miraculous chemicals to ward off serious illness and help us live longer. As a result, swathes of the public, in particular the "worried well", now expound knowledgeably about the "antioxidant power" of their purchases from the fruit and veg counter at Waitrose to neutralise the dangerous ''free radicals'' in our bodies.
But although "antioxidant good, free radical bad" has become the nutritional rallying cry of a generation, scientists say that worrying questions remain about the complex role the two interlinked chemicals play in our lives. This has been underlined by new research suggesting that, far from protecting us from harm, high doses of antioxidants can do significant damage to our bodies.
Scientists at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles reported in the journal Stem Cells that high doses of antioxidant supplements, such as vitamins C and E, raised the risk of dangerous changes in human cells.
"In simple terms, by taking high amounts of antioxidant supplements, you may be increasing your chances of cancer," explained the team leader, Dr Eduardo Marbán.
Confused? Before we turn to Dr Marbán's explanation, it's worth recapping what we do – and don't – know about free radicals and antioxidants. The starting point is that our bodies generate a class of molecules called free radicals, both as a by-product of our normal metabolic processes and as a result of contact with pollutants. These reactive molecules contain oxygen atoms with unpaired electrons. Since electrons have a very strong tendency to exist in a paired rather than an unpaired state, the free radicals indiscriminately "seek" to grab electrons from nearby molecules. These are then converted into secondary free radicals, setting up a chain reaction that damages our tissue.
In 1956, the Californian scientist Denham Harman proposed a theory that has dominated the field of ageing research ever since. His idea was that ageing is caused by an accumulation of "oxidative stress" – the damage to our cells done by free-radical forms of oxygen. These free radicals are thought to be harmful to our DNA – raising the risk of cancer – and also damaging to cholesterol molecules, creating a reactive form of the fatty molecule that can inflame our arteries, thereby leading to heart attacks and strokes.
Then, over the past few decades, came a series of population studies which suggested that people who ate lots of fruit and vegetables – which contain plenty of antioxidants – tend to live longer. Separate studies in the laboratory showed that antioxidants stopped oxidative chemical processes of the type thought to lie behind several diseases. People added one and one and made three: they assumed that ingesting high doses of these antioxidants, as supplements, would protect them from the diseases of old age.
The first cracks in this argument appeared in the 1990s, when a large clinical trial by the US National Cancer Institute made a surprising – and alarming – discovery. It found that the popular antioxidant supplement beta-carotene actually appeared to increase the risk of lung cancer in those predisposed to the disease. By the middle of this decade, the initial excitement about vitamin E's ability to prevent heart disease, and similar hopes that vitamin-C supplements could extend our lives, had also withered away. "The simple message is: 'Don't buy antioxidant supplements, because they won't do you any good'," says Dr David Gems of University College London's Institute of Healthy Ageing. "The oxidative stress theory is looking very shaky. It is clearly not the only driver of the ageing process."
But it is not just the benefits of antioxidants that have come under attack. The other half of the equation, namely the idea that free radicals must be neutralised at all costs, has also been challenged. These reactive molecules actually play a vital role in our immune systems by killing tumour cells and invading pathogens. Researchers at Nijmegen University in the Netherlands have suggested that giving antioxidants to people with cancer might actually be counterproductive, given that patients will need free radicals to dispose of proliferating tumour cells.
On a subtler level, Professor Malcolm Jackson of University of Sheffield argues that a certain level of free radicals may be needed to stimulate the production of our own internal – and highly effective – antioxidants. These include the superoxide dismutase, a molecule honed by million of years of evolution to mop up free radicals in the body.
Still, there is a considerable leap from this concept to the idea that high doses of antioxidants can actually increase the risk of cancer. Which brings us back to the striking findings published in Stem Cells last week. Dr Marbán and his team accidentally discovered the danger of excessive antioxidant doses while trying to find a way to reduce the genetic abnormalities that occur when growing cardiac stem cells for experimental heart treatments in vitro.
These cultures typically contain very high levels of oxygen, which means that the cells are at high risk of oxidative damage. To limit this, he recently added antioxidant supplements recommended by a technical supplier. But to his surprise, he found this increased the level of genetic damage. The same thing happened when he added the antioxidant vitamins C and E, at the same levels commonly reached by people on high-dose supplements.
Dr Marbán thinks that at such high levels, the antioxidants impede the enzyme that corrects the errors that occur frequently when DNA is duplicated during cell division. Indeed, he has shown that a mix of vitamins C and E could also impede the enzyme that repairs our DNA from doing its job.
Tellingly, he repeated the experiment using unnaturally high levels of the antioxidants produced by the body itself, such as catalase. Again, the cancer-fighting DNA repair enzyme was hindered. "This suggests to us that it was the antioxidant properties, rather than peculiar chemical properties of these two vitamins, that prevented DNA repair," he says.
And back in the real world? "Taking one multivitamin a day is fine, but a lot of people take way too much because they think if a little is good, a lot must be better," Dr Marbán says. "That is just not the case. The simple message for consumers is: eat as much fruit and vegetables as you like. You can't overdose on antioxidants in your diet. But supplements can take you into the danger zone."
Yet if the value of antioxidant supplements is at best uncertain, the evidence for the life-prolonging benefits of a diet rich in fruit and vegetables seems clear. The challenge now is to explain why they work in this form but appear to fail as isolated key chemicals.
Apart from the question of dosing, experts suggest that antioxidants might work best in combination with other nutrients and protective chemicals that are present in fruit and vegetables. Or perhaps it's that eating lots of fruit and veg means you have less room for junk food. It's certainly something to reflect on the next time you find yourself perusing the ever-growing ranks of antioxidant supplements in the pharmacy or health-food shop. Instead of time-release vitamin pills, buy yourself an apple.
Too many vitamin tablets could be bad for your health - Telegraph
LHC particle search 'nearing', says physicist​

The Large Hadron Collider could soon begin a search for new sub-atomic particles, a leading physicist says.

If commissioning work goes well, the LHC could become sensitive enough to probe a hitherto unexplored domain in particle physics by the end of summer.

Among the first candidates for discovery are two boson particles that have been predicted to exist.

The £6bn ($10bn) collider is being used to smash together proton beams to shed light on the nature of Universe.

The machine has seen half a billion of these collisions since beams crossed for the first time in November 2009.

It is operated by Cern (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), based near Geneva. The machine itself is housed in a 27km-long circular tunnel under the French-Swiss border.

It is designed to search for the elusive Higgs boson and study new physics predicted to exist at the 1,000 gigaelectronvolt (GeV) scale (approximately 1,000 times larger than the mass of a proton).

One of the first prospects for new discoveries at this mass scale are particles known as W prime and Z prime bosons. These are heavier versions of the W and Z bosons, which are responsible for weak interactions.

The weak interactions are one of the four fundamental interactions of nature, alongside gravity, the strong interaction and electromagnetic force.

The W and Z bosons were discovered at Cern in the 1980s at the 100 GeV (gigaelectronvolt) mass scale. Particle physicists need to push particle accelerators to ever higher energies in order to detect higher-mass particles, so the LHC was built to be more powerful than any previous "atom-smasher".

Energy boost

If all goes well, the machine could be sensitive enough to probe the 1,000 GeV scale within a few months, according to Dr Tony Weidberg, a particle physicist at the University of Oxford, UK.

Dr Weidberg works on the LHC's Atlas experiment, which is one of two enormous "multi-purpose" detectors looking for new phenomena in the particle collisions (the other is the Compact Muon Solenoid, or CMS).

The collider will operate at 3.5 TeV (teraelectronvolts) this year and next year - about half the energy it was designed for. But engineers have been steadily increasing the intensity - or luminosity - of the beams.

In order to do so, they need to commission more and more of the LHC's protection system which ensures that if control of the particle beams is lost, they do not plough holes through the magnets designed to bend them around the tunnel.

Atlas has already identified what appear to be lower-mass W bosons from their "decay products" in collisions at the LHC. Although the W boson was already known to physicists, identifying known particles is vital for calibration of the detectors like Atlas.

The LHC is designed to look for new physics beyond the Standard Model - the framework drawn up in the 1970s to explain the interactions of sub-atomic particles. But the model is now regarded as incomplete, a mere stepping stone to a deeper understanding of laws governing the Universe.

The discovery of higher-mass W and Z bosons would shed important new light on these interactions. The lower-mass versions fall into a category called gauge particles, which are associated with a particular form of "handedness".

In this scheme, particles can be described as left-handed, right-handed or as combinations of both. The W boson is described by physicists as "left-handed".

"We're into speculation here, but one possibility is that the Universe is really symmetric at high energies and that there are right-handed W bosons as well," said Dr Weidberg.

"For some reason, they happen to be much heavier than the left-handed W bosons we know."

Dr James Gillies, director of communications at Cern, said the LHC was "still on course" to be exploring the 1,000 GeV mass range during its first run (scheduled to last between 18 and 24 months). But he said he could not say for sure whether it would be this year.

LHCb, another large detector, will focus on exploring the nature of anti-matter. The detector recently identified a pair of sub-atomic particles known as Charm and Strange Beauty - the first time they have been seen with this experiment.

Dr Tara Shears, who works on LHCb, said that sighting the Strange Beauty particle was particularly exciting for her team.

"This is the first of a type of particle that we're going to use to try to give us a handle on anti-matter and why it behaves differently to normal matter," the University of Liverpool researcher told BBC News.

"We're going to use matter and anti-matter versions of this particular particle to really probe our understanding of what's going on in a way that we haven't been able to with other experiments."

Dr Weidberg said the LHC would probably not be sensitive enough to conduct searches for the Higgs boson until 2011 at the earliest.

BBC News - LHC particle search 'nearing', says physicist
Bonobo chimps filmed shaking their head to 'say no'

Bonobos have been filmed appearing to 'say no' by shaking their heads, report scientists.

On a number of occasions, bonobos were filmed using side to side head movements to prevent others from doing something they did not want them to do.

In one film a mother is seen shaking her head to stop her infant playing with its food.

This may reflect an early precursor to head-shaking behaviour amongst humans in one of our closest relatives.

The study has been published in the journal Primates.

BBC - Earth News - Bonobo chimps filmed shaking their head to 'say no'
The W and Z bosons were discovered at Cern in the 1980s at the 100 GeV (gigaelectronvolt) mass scale. Particle physicists need to push particle accelerators to ever higher energies in order to detect higher-mass particles, so the LHC was built to be more powerful than any previous "atom-smasher".

The W and Z exchange bosons were first theorised by Sheldon Lee, Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam

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Man-made Genetic Instructions Yield Living Cells for the First Time

The first microbe to live entirely by genetic code synthesized by humans is now proliferating in a lab at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI). Venter and his colleagues have used a synthetic genome—the genetic instruction set for life—to build and operate a new Mycoplasma mycoides bacteria, according to an online report published May 20 by Science.
Man-made Genetic Instructions Yield Living Cells for the First Time: Scientific American
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life


In a feat that is the culmination of two and a half years of tests and adjustments, researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute inserted artificial genetic material — chemically printed, synthesized and assembled — into cells that were then able to grow naturally.

“We all had a very good feeling that it was going to work this time,” said Venter Institute synthetic biologist Daniel Gibson, co-author of the study published May 20 in Science. “But we were cautiously optimistic because we had so many letdowns following the previous experiments.”

On a Friday in March, scientists inserted over 1 million base pairs of synthetic DNA into Mycoplasma capricolum cells before leaving for the weekend. When they returned on Monday, their cells had bloomed into colonies.

“When we look at life forms, we see fixed entities,” said J. Craig Venter, president of the Institute, in a recent podcast. “But this shows in fact how dynamic they are. They change from second to second. And that life is basically the result of an information process. Our genetic code is our software.”

Coaxing the software to power a cell proved harder than expected.

After the Venter Institute announced in early 2008 that it had assembled a synthetic Mycoplasma genitalium genome, the assumption was that it would be running cells in no time. But this particular cell type, despite its minimal size, was not an ideal research partner. One problem was speed.

“We had to deal with the fact that M. genitalium had an extremely slow growth rate,” Gibson said. “For every experiment that was done, it took more than a month to get results.”

Moreover, transplanting the code into recipient cells was failing. So researchers cut their losses and called in a substitute, opting for the larger, speedier and less finicky Mycoplasma mycoides. The choice was a good one.

“Over the last five years the field has seen a 100-fold increase in the length of genetic material wholly constructed from raw chemicals,” said synthetic biologist Drew Endy of Stanford University. “This is over six doublings in the max length of a genome that can be constructed.”

Plunging costs of synthesis allowed a leap past the 1 million base-pair mark, from code to assembly. “Imagine doubling the diameter of a silicon wafer that can be manufactured that much, going from 1 cm to 1 meter [fabrications] in just five years,” Endy said. “That would have been an incredible achievement.”

“They rebuilt a natural sequence and they put in some poetry,” said University of California at San Francisco synthetic biologist Chris Voigt. “They recreated some quotes in the genome sequence as watermarks.”

It’s an impressive trick, no doubt, but replicating a natural genome with a little panache is also the limit of our present design capabilities.

Researchers, for instance, figure yeast can handle the assembly of 2 million base pairs, but they’re not sure about more. And an energy-producing cyanobacteria that sequesters carbon, Gibson says, is still several years off.

The ultimate goal, of course, is a brand-new genome from the ground up. Now, Voigt said, “what do you do with all that design capacity?”

Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science | Wired.com
Beetroot boosts stamina, scientists find

Beetroot juice boosts stamina by making muscles more fuel-efficient, scientists have found.

Last year the same researchers reported that the red vegetable juice can increase physical endurance.
The study focused on men aged 19 to 38 cycling on exercise bikes. Drinking half a litre of beetroot juice a day for a week enabled them to cycle 16 per cent longer before getting tired out.
Now the scientists believe they understand how the beetroot boost works.
The new research showed that drinking beetroot juice doubled the amount of nitrate in the blood of volunteers, and reduced the rate at which muscles used their main source of energy.
Beetroot juice helped muscles work more efficiently and lowered their oxygen uptake. The same effect was seen during both low-intensity and high-intensity exercise.
Study leader Professor Andy Jones, from the University of Exeter's School of Sport and Health Sciences, said: ''While our previous research demonstrated the benefits of nitrate-rich beetroot juice on stamina, our latest work indicates that this is consequent to a reduced energy cost of muscle force production.
''Since our first study came out we have seen growing interest in the benefits of drinking beetroot juice in the world of professional sport and I expect this study to attract even more attention from athletes.''
The scientists believe nitrate from beetroot juice leads to increased levels of nitric oxide in the body, which affects a range of biological functions including blood flow, hormone levels and cell signalling.
The new findings are published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.
Prof Jones' team studied seven healthy men who were asked to complete a series of knee extension exercises while measuring their exertion levels.
At the same time, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner monitored what was going on in the volunteers' muscles.
The test was repeated several times, both after participants had drunk beetroot juice and after they had drunk blackcurrant cordial.
Drinking beetroot, but not blackcurrant, was found to increase blood nitrate levels and reduce muscle usage of adenosine triphosphate, the body's chief energy source. Oxygen uptake by muscles was also lowered.
Beetroot boosts stamina, scientists find - Telegraph
American scientists create life in a lab​
3 Indian-Origin Members In Team Which Made Cells That Can Multiply​
Chidanand Rajghatta | TNN

Washington: A team of scientists in the US, including three researchers of Indian origin, has created life in the laboratory. In a profound—and some would say provocative—work, the 24-member team at the privately-held J Craig Venter Institute has created bacterial cells that are completely controlled by genes manufactured in the lab. The cells can multiply.

The successful construction of the first self-replicating bacterial cells opens the way for making and manipulating life on a previously unattainable scale, calling into question the basic assumptions of creation.

Previously, scientists have altered and manipulated DNA piecemeal to produce a variety of genetically-engineered plants and animals. But the ability to artificially design an entire genome—the ‘book of life’ that controls an organism’s functions—puts a different spin on the meaning of terms such as creation, evolution and life.

The J Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), which is a not-for-profit genomic research organization based in Rockville and in San Diego did not say when exactly its team synthesized the 1.08 million base pair chromosomes of a modified Mycoplasma mycoides, a parasite bacteria that lives in cattle and goats. But it said the synthetic cell, called Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0, “is the proof of principle that genomes can be designed in the computer, chemically made in the laboratory and transplanted into a recipient cell to produce a new selfreplicating cell controlled only by the synthetic genome’’.

The most remarkable thing about the synthetic cell, a JCVI scientist explained, is that its “genome was brought to life through chemical synthesis, without using any pieces of natural DNA’’.

The implications of the breakthrough was not lost on the founder of the institute, J Craig Venter, the maverick American biologist and entrepreneur who is most famous for his role in sequencing one of the first human genomes. “We have been consumed by this research, but we have also been equally focused on addressing the societal implications of what we believe will be one of the most powerful technologies and industrial drivers for societal good. We look forward to continued review and dialogue about the important applications of this work to ensure that it is used for the benefit of all,’’ he said in a statement.

The 24-member team includes three scientists of Indian origin—Sanjay Vashee, Radha Krishnakumar and Prashanth P Parmar. The first synthetic cell did not come cheap or easy. The process of constructing and booting up the cell took nearly 15 years and cost upwards of $30 million, the institute said.


US geneticist Craig Venter and team create life form powered by manmade genes—a bacteria whose entire genome was made in the lab from 4 bottles of chemicals. It’s being dubbed one of the most important scientific achievements in history

What It Promises

‘Designed’ algae that can eat up CO2 , bacteria to make bio-fuels and clean up toxic waste, new vaccines & foods

The Fears

Could create bio-weapons, escaped artificial bugs could wreak havoc, man could ‘play God’

Venter is not merely copying life artificially... he is going towards the role of a god: creating artificial life that could never have existed naturally Julian Savulescu | PROF OF PRACTICAL ETHICS, OXFORD UNIVERSITY Three Indians in the team: Sanjay Vashee, Radha Krishnakumar & Prashanth P Parmar

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