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Schemer & traitor: Maryam demands high-powered JIT investigate Imran Khan


Sep 26, 2018
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Says he played with Pakistan’s economy, national security and sovereignty

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Vice President Maryam Nawaz on Thursday demanded that a high-powered investigation team should be formed against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan to investigate his treacherous schemes which have toyed with the country’s economy and national sovereignty.

Maryam Nawaz and her husband Captain (retired) Muhammad Safdar were acquitted by the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday in the Avenfield Reference case.

Speaking to the media outside the court, Maryam Nawaz first called her father, deposed prime minister and PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, and felicitated each other.

She said the day is not far away when he can return to Pakistan.

Talking to the media, Maryam Nawaz said she was blessed that she received justice in a fake case. She expressed gratitude for her counsels Salman Akram Raja and Amjad Pervaiz and their teams.

“No political leader in Pakistan’s history has been subjected to such severe accountability as Nawaz Sharif, but no one has been received the honor of being acquitted and proven true like Nawaz.”

Criticizing former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, she said, “Today, I want to see the face of the person who lied, slandered and made false references.”

Imran Khan toyed with Pakistan’s economy and national security, she alleged, adding that the PTI chairman has failed in his self-created conspiracy since it was proven to be false today.

“Dar returned to the country and he took the oath from the person who had accused him,” Maryam said, adding, Dar departed the country on a prime minister’s plane and returned with another.

Similarly, Nawaz Sharif will return to Pakistan “very soon” because they [PTI party] have failed.

She said Imran Khan had tried his hardest to create hindrances in reviving the deal, which he had agreed to with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). She added that had Pakistan failed to revive the loan, then the country would have been bankrupted.

Imran Khan has been doing everything under the guise of a fake conspiracy, everything that was happening and everyone, including the government was watching the show, a seething Maryam said, noting that since the case was over much of the shackles on her had been removed.

“Not only this he had tried to sow discord amongst the ranks of the Pakistan armed forces,” she stated.

She lambasted Imran for playing the religious card even whilst sitting before Ulemas, calling a vote for any one who opposes him religiously prohibited. However, she lamented no one had dared to stand up to Imran and call him out.

All the institutions, including the government [remained silent], she complained, posing why did Imran get such freedom even after committing major crimes?

On the question of the audio leak related to the US conspiracy, Maryam Nawaz said two evil minds had created a lie while sitting in the Prime Minister’s Office.

“They should be summoned and asked how they can play such a dirty game with the country,” she asked.

The PML-N leader subsequently demanded making a high-powered JIT against Imran Khan which includes ministers and senior officials from key institutions and investigating bodies.

She demanded that Imran Khan along with Asad Majeed and Shah Mehmood Qureshi should be summoned for a probe.

“If they can’t investigate [the cypher] then we should close our eyes and curl up in our warm blankets at home.”
All elite scott free ...... set free all poor in jail ... waste of time.... nation waiting for divine justice.. still unable to prove the ownership of Avenfield apartments.

I have been watching this jahil gutter family destroy Pakistan my entire life. They are the absolute toilet seat of Pakistani society and look what they have done to our civilization, destroyed everything Jinnah built. We are a laughing stock in front of the world because of them.

They both look like Shrek


And look at our Imran, the best of us. Philanthropist, womanizer, champion. Just 10 solid years under him could change our entire destiny.

you are preaching to a league!!!

Just 3 years of him I could already feel the effects.

Even my arab barber mentioned him in conversation and spoke well about him. India and Modi were on the back foot in his entire tenure and he humiliated them when they tried to challenge his authority at the request of the Sharfis no doubt. Change was beginning to happen but Pakistanis being Pakistanis, 1 step forward, 2 steps back always.

Poor guy had to leave his family and completely change himself because they were accusing him of being a "yahoodi agent". I remember in the 90s they were harassing him daily, these Sharifs are vulgar low life scum.

I wanted Khan of the 90s to rule Pakistan, keep your suit on, walk with your wife and family. Show the power of Pakistani masculinity at its zenith. imagine the impact after 20 years. Pakistan right now would not be begging for money or have cities which look like they belong in the 70s.
Just 3 years of him I could already feel the effects.

Even my arab barber mentioned him in conversation and spoke well about him. India and Modi were on the back foot in his entire tenure and he humiliated them when they tried to challenge his authority at the request of the Sharfis no doubt. Change was beginning to happen but Pakistanis being Pakistanis, 1 step forward, 2 steps back always.
you see, to a league NONE OF THIS matters. Earlier in the year I was in Pakistan and was engaged in a debate with a league who is my cousins brother in law.

the guy spoke so many lies to protect mian that I lost count, one was that inflation at that time in Pakistan was ~11% but in india it was only 1%! then lied on the power generation of ppp,noonies and Musharraf who made deals with IPP (mian mansha is whose friend?) then said that mian launched the campaign against terrorist in waziristan, which I corrected that raheel launched the operation where yadri de league were wasting time in pointless negotiations.

then another chawal and yahvian was about sugar shortage and I asked how many sugar mills the amritsari own?

that guy then started a monologue of league chawal yahvian and bongian. making sure that I cannot speak. then blared out soooooo many lies and then exited the premises. before leaving gave me an evil look as well.

this was in January but look where things are now. I wanted to make contact with that guy and Insult him BUT its just not wort it because its sold its soul to noonie league.

Kia karun?
Don’t worry fake cases thy..
deny us not the chawal yahvian and bongian.
Just 3 years of him I could already feel the effects.

Even my arab barber mentioned him in conversation and spoke well about him. India and Modi were on the back foot in his entire tenure and he humiliated them when they tried to challenge his authority at the request of the Sharfis no doubt. Change was beginning to happen but Pakistanis being Pakistanis, 1 step forward, 2 steps back always.

Poor guy had to leave his family and completely change himself because they were accusing him of being a "yahoodi agent". I remember in the 90s they were harassing him daily, these Sharifs are vulgar low life scum.

I wanted Khan of the 90s to rule Pakistan, keep your suit on, walk with your wife and family. Show the power of Pakistani masculinity at its zenith. imagine the impact after 20 years. Pakistan right now would not be begging for money or have cities which look like they belong in the 70s.

Brother, do not cry or feel pain for this country. You will just be wasting tears for no reason. Certain nations learn and progress, and certain nations are put through the grinder for a good reason. Most of all, certain races (and countries) are meant to rule others, while some are better off being servants or enslaved people. The problem happens when you free them, I'm more and more of the belief South Asians are better off being enslaved because they do not know better -- uncivilized jahils through and through. I will not be opposed to the US defanging Pakistan from its nukes; its instability is becoming more of a threat as the day passes.
The way the army has been treacherous with the country and the way they bend over for the US begs the question why does the country need nuclear weapons.
Even my arab barber mentioned him in conversation and spoke well about him.

I could attest to this as well from some personal instances.

Barbers in UAE, both Arab and Indian asked me about IK and were appreciative of him.

Indians in the US often asked me during the NCM movement keh kia haal hai IK ka, baray kaam kar raha hai suna hai.

After the NCM, a couple asked me keh wapis aye ga Khan? Fauj nhn anay day gi.

Even an Indian living on a different continent knows the shit that's going on.
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