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Sawal hai Pakistan ka !!

i thought it was a funny video from zardari who has grown from swal hai 10% ka to swal hai pakistan ka :rofl::rofl:
Sawaal Hai Pakistan ka !

Why must we live in constant fear? As third class citizens in our own motherland? Why must we pay through our noses for basic amenities that we don’t even fully get? Pakistan, a land of bountiful resources, with agriculture as our mainstay and industry our growing limbs. A beautiful country rich in minerals, brains and diversity. Why then must we, the people of Pakistan, always settle for less? Why be bullied? Why compromise?

Constant bombardment of perpetual, seemingly endless crises, blood-splatter and terrorism all over the news, TV, radio, print even general conversation, has made us hopeless and resigned. Our senses have been muted to positivity. We live in denial and escapism. We are now numb and meekly accept this toll. But this is it.

For the first time in the history of Pakistani media, we bring you a revolutionary campaign that will shake the very roots of our country’s political and social norms. A campaign that will empower every common Pakistani to take a stand and raise questions, on any and every thing that he/she finds wrong, unaddressed, neglected or corrupted in our country. A campaign that will begin a mass movement of political and social change in the hearts of 18 crore Pakistanis across the nation!

A campaign that will awaken the youth in every corner of Pakistan, to question themselves and the government about our responsibilities toward our motherland. A campaign that will empower us to understand that it’s not just politicians from whom we want change. It is each of us. In a democracy all citizens become equal, active participants, not passive recipients of what politicians dish out. They are elected to serve, not to rule. Each of us is equally responsible to serve our motherland. It’s time to wake up, to enforce checks and balances, to question, to get answers.


To arouse patriotism and responsibility in the educated and uneducated people/citizens of Pakistan. To make them think, always, toward a positive solution. To give them the feeling of ownership and make them believe that their opinion, voice and civic contribution matters, no matter how small. To empower the citizens of this nation with the confidence, that they have a right to question all the people and methods of governance that they have voted for.

Source: http://sawaal.aaj.tv/

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