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Saving the Cows, Starving the Children

And frankly,at this age,when the science has made so much progress,why the **** people even need these fucking religions and gods (or is it dogs),which by the way are nothing other than cooked up stories by some primitive ancient illiterate cattle herders,to subjugate other cattle herders and all!!I can't seem to understand why,even in this age,after all these years..........centuries to be precise,so many men are still stuck with those mother fucking bat-shit crazy 'ideas'??!!Why can't these people just get themselves free from these superstitions,which in any case do not have any scientific evidence to back themselves up??!!People should ask these questions to themselves before blindly following these religious 'teachings' and practices,which in most cases are mutually contradictory with the scientific findings and even common sense and the others are outright inhuman!!Like this very one here we are speaking of.

Looking forward to your evidence! Since winning must be part of your life and since I am a undercover Vatican agent, it cannot take that long, right?
Why does the state should do such a thing when it's a fact,established beyond any doubt,that children need atleast 2 gms of animal protein per each kg of their respective body weight,in order to properly develop their muscular and skeletal systems??Don't you think that by banning eggs in the mid day meal system,the government is actually purposefully depriving the poor students off their necessary nutrition??If the CM doesn't like non veg,then he can practice his vegan-ism at his home,who the hell is he to stop others from eating what they want to??Who is he to dictate his terms and conditions upon others??

What? Do not come up with bogus studies claiming children need animal protein. Plant proteins do a much better job. Children need protein and that is provided by soy, milk, vegetables which is already provided by the state govt. Every society in the world seeks to emulate its richest people. The logic goes that the rich have the best of everything and what they eat is the best. In India, the richest are the vegetarian sects and so I do not buy the argument that they are depriving the children of anything which the rich in India use themselves. He is the CM and the elected representative of the state and he has been given the authority by the people of the state to decide for them.

You can always contest elections by promising to kill all the cows and provide their blood and flesh to remove malnutrition in India. No one has stopped you.
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I am torn on whether to ban cow slaughter or not. In one hand, I believe in freedom to eat whatever to you want, but on the other hand it is so wrong to kill a cows in Hinduism. I think a good law would be to ban cow slaughter in India, and if non-Hindus wanna eat beef, we can import it for them from foreign countries perhaps ...

Great!!And what do you propose the owners to do with the old oxen,bullocks and those cows that have gone past their milking days and have become financial burden for those poor owners??Where they gonna arrange the money to maintain them or to buy new cattle from??Think at least for once before you come up with such bat shit crazy ideas.
What about societies that are mainly atheist ?

Societies such as those are not what one would call humane. Pol Pot, Mao's China, Stalin all of them tried to build an atheist society by exterminating half their population. They failed.
Your frustration seems to know no limits. Funny how you havent answered a single point made by me..

But again, show us where I propagate my Christian campaign to turn you all into slaves of the Vatican!

Just give me ONE post and I happily accept each and every claim made by you

LOL. I have replied to EVERY one of your points. :lol: .............. do you have selective blindness or amnesia ?

Your Loud Rhetoric are duly noted and laughed at. It was entertaining for a few seconds.
You can talk as dumb as you want, thats your right... but throwing around with words you dont understand does not make you look smart

Ok Master Ji.

AAp muje Bachpan mai mil jate to main bhi AAp ke jaisa smart ho Jata. Now please bare with me.
Why does the state should do such a thing when it's a fact,established beyond any doubt,that children need atleast 2 gms of animal protein per each kg of their respective body weight,in order to properly develop their muscular and skeletal systems??Don't you think that by banning eggs in the mid day meal system,the government is actually purposefully depriving the poor students off their necessary nutrition??If the CM doesn't like non veg,then he can practice his vegan-ism at his home,who the hell is he to stop others from eating what they want to??Who is he to dictate his terms and conditions upon others??

LOL. There is no study that establishes children need 2 gms of ANIMAL Protein :lol: ........ what they need is amino acid. that comes from animal protein. Indians get amino acid form Vegetarian food.

The got. provides adequate nutrition during the mid day meal by providing alternative source of amino acid. So your entire outrage is bogus and prejudiced.
I am just here to say i am currently having a beef burger and later i will eat a cow biryani :lol: yummy yummy :)

Great!!And what do you propose the owners to do with the old oxen,bullocks and those cows that have gone past their milking days and have become financial burden for those poor owners??Where they gonna arrange the money to maintain them or to buy new cattle from??Think at least for once before you come up with such bat shit crazy ideas.

This discussion has been done to death on PDF. Cows which have gone past their milking days are let loose to feed on natural vegetation. Most Indian breed cows are drought resistant and anyway live on roadside grass and shrubs. So they practically cost the farmer nothing to keep them. Instead they fertilize the land with their dung and are useful until the day they die. Also most cows naturally give birth to calves which is how most farmers give new cattle from. If they want to buy more, that 3-4 thousand buck is not the only source of funding an Indian farmer has. Indians are not destitutes as the Bengalis always assume Indians to be.

Looking forward to your evidence! Since winning must be part of your life and since I am a undercover Vatican agent, it cannot take that long, right?

LOL. What a shame you do not show such eagerness to discover your bigotry and hypocrisy which I have exposed multiple times. Have you learnt how to google yet ?
Societies such as those are not what one would call humane. Pol Pot, Mao's China, Stalin all of them tried to build an atheist society by exterminating half their population. They failed.

Why only take communist dictators? I could also argue about monarchs and clerics who ruled with by the "rules of God"...

Take any secular democracy in which a huge chunk of the population considers itself as atheists or at least keep religion a strictly personal matter.... those are the type of countries into which people from highly religious countries want to migrate to.... guess why

Ok Master Ji.

AAp muje Bachpan mai mil jate to main bhi AAp ke jaisa smart ho Jata. Now please bare with me.

I dont understand... Let us all know what you say

LOL. I have replied to EVERY one of your points. :lol: .............. do you have selective blindness or amnesia ?

Your Loud Rhetoric are duly noted and laughed at. It was entertaining for a few seconds.

Still waiting for evidence...........

Prove what you claim and I will accept what you say about me.

LOL. What a shame you do not show such eagerness to discover your bigotry and hypocrisy which I have exposed multiple times. Have you learnt how to google yet ?
You have exposed **** Sherlock.

Now show us where I am playing my missionary games :lol:
I guess continue doing the same thing that we have been doing in these lands for thousands of years? Common sense not so common these days i guess...

Yeah??And what that would be??Whose gonna take care of those old cattle which can no longer produce milk or can work in the field - your dad??
11 Foods Banned Around the World | The Daily Meal

Read this..this is good article.specially about Foie Gras. How is it different than eggs which are produced artificially in the poultry?

Also dog , horse cat meats are not available in the US due to their social belief then why they raising fingers towards others for banning eggs?
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