Woah there, buddy. A bit quick on the draw, aren't we? Calm down.
I too was speaking only generally, not about you or anyone else in particular. That comment was specifically addressing the situations in which it is difficult for one to answer without remaining within the rules, as pointed out by yourself, and not one's inability to answer. Read my post again. Regardless, I don't believe there is anyone who can have all the answers all the time, including yourself. So, then still, I don't see your wisdom behind this throw-down.
As I said before, you don't really faze anyone with any of your threats or outbursts, not the Indians, not I, not anyone else. Your susceptibility to 'outbursts' is crystal enough, let the ridiculousness of this instance be a lesson for the better. Rethink your strategy and grow a thicker skin, my friend.
The forum has a zero tolerance policy on disrespect against any religion. Things do slip through the cracks every now and then and that is why we ask that you report these posts asap.