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Saudis say No to the Prophet Muhammad, Yes to Paris Hilton.................

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Feb 19, 2013
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Brunei Darussalam
Saudis Arabia Say No To The Prophet Muhammad, Yes to Paris Hilton

More and more people are speaking out against the Saudi regime, and the way in which its Wahhabi ideology has linked together an utter disregard for the historical heritage of Muslims with an unabashed embrace of vapid capitalism. In both Mecca and Medina, the Saudi state has already bulldozed over 90% of the Islamic monuments going back some 1400 years. In their place, they are putting up five star hotels, parking lots, and shopping malls.

Adding injury to insult: In the same cities of Mecca and Medina, where the Wahhabi-backed Saudi state has bulldozed the historical shrines and cemeteries of the family of the Prophet, now we have the establishment of shopping malls featuring…. Paris Hilton.

Here was Paris Hilton’s excited tweet:

Loving my beautiful new store that just opened at Mecca Mall in Saudi Arabia!
Paris Hilton

So this is what it has come to. The so-called “Guardians of the two sanctuaries” bulldoze Islamic history, tear down the houses associated with the Prophet and his family, and in its place put up shopping malls by vapid symbols of the most crass capitalistic materialism the world has to offer. No wonder many are talking about the transformation of Mecca into another Las Vegas.

Yes, the Saudis have bulldozed:

*An Ottoman Fortress overlooking and protecting Mecca, plus a whole mountain, was removed to put down the monstrosity known as the Mecca Royal Clock-Tower, aka “Big Ben on crack.”

*The house the Prophet was born in, currently a library, is under consideration for destruction.

*The house of the Prophet’s wife, Khadija, who is referred to by Muslims as the “Mother of the Faithful” was recently torn down, and in its place a row of toilets were established.

*Old Ottoman and Abbasid columns will likely be torn down to make room for a 680 million dollar expansion of the Great Mosque.

*The old historic cemeteries of Jannat al-Baqi, containing the remains of the descendants of the Prophet, have been bulldozed, and nothing but a dirt mound remains of the former shrines there.

Sami Angawi, the director of the Hajj Research Center which is trying to preserve what’s left of the Islamic heritage of Saudi Arabia says of the Saudi state:

“They are turning the holy sanctuary into a machine, a city which has no identity, no heritage, no culture and no natural environment. They've even taken away the mountains.”




Often the excuse is used that with the global increase in the number of Muslims coming to Mecca, these expansions are necessary to accommodate these pilgrims. However, there is no reason why the hotels for the pilgrims couldn’t be put outside the historical center of Mecca, thus preserving the monuments.

Furthermore, in place of these historical monuments, many of which hold a sacred significance to all Muslims outside of the Wahhabi sect, the Saudi state is building five star hotels that cost as much as $7,000 a night. In other words, these policies are not only bulldozing the history of Islam, they are also subverting the radical egalitarian teachings of Islam most beautifully symbolized in the rich and poor standing shoulder to shoulder wearing simple unadorned clothing in the House of the One God. Now the poor teeming masses are below, and the ultra-rich can reside in their 5-star suites looking down at the Ka’ba. Lastly, these absurd towers even displace the very symbolism and centrality of the Ka’ba.

La hawla wa la quwwata illa bi Allah.

"They paved Paradise,
Put up a parking lot."

The Saudis make a great deal of their honorific as the “Caretaker of the two Noble Sanctuaries” in Mecca and Medina. One has to wonder about a kind of Care that says no to the legacy of Muhammad, bulldozes it, and invites Paris Hilton in its place. These shrines, these historical sites, indeed Mecca and Medina, do not belong to the Saudi state. They are treasures belonging to the worldwide Muslim population, indeed the whole of humanity (as the Prophet was sent as a Mercy to all the Universes). If the Saudis insist on calling themselves the caretakers of the two sanctuaries, their first task should be in fact to take care of them--and not bulldoze them. If they can not or will do not so, then someone else has to step up to provide care for these historical and sacred heritages of humanity.

The Prophet Muhammad once said that Islam began in this world as a stranger, and it will someday return as a stranger.

In looking at the uber-Capitalist, history-bulldozing practice of the Saudi/Wahhabi state, one cannot help but cry at the strange kind of Islam that now rules over the House of God and the home of the Prophet.


Religion News Service | Blogs | Omid Safi - What Would Muhammad Do? | Saudis say No to the Prophet Muhammad, Yes to Paris Hilton

Grave worship is sin & must erased........
But Today for dunya/money/gold/richness......saudi destroyed islamic heritage is super wrong & is

In indonesia,malaysia & brunei we protect & respect to islamic heritage....
Saudi arabia the wahabbi/khawarij destroy all islamic heritage......................

May Allah destroy,erased & send every wahabbi/khawarij into hellfire.........

According to two narrations in Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad asks Allah to bless the areas of Sham[disambiguation needed] and Yemen. When his companions said "Our Najd as well," he replied: "There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head (e.g. horns) of Satan."[1][2] In a similar narration, Muhammad again asked Allah to bless the areas Medina, Mecca, Sham, and Yemen and, when asked specifically to bless Najd, repeated similar comments about there being earthquakes, trials, tribulations, and the horns of Satan.[3][4]

"O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from their appears the Horn of Satan."

"A people that recite Qur'an will come out of the East (East of Arabia, Riyad), but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through the religion (of Islam) like the arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its course. Their sign is that they shave (their heads)."

"At the end of times a man will come out of Musaylima's country and he will change the religion of Islam."

Note: Most of the Khawarij were from the Najd area, from the tribes of Banu Hanifa, Banu Tamim, and Wa'il. Musaylima was from the Banu Hanifa, and Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab is from Tamim.

It is reported in Mishkat from Hazrat Abu Said Khudri (RU) who narrates that, ‘Once we were in the presence and company of Prophet (SAWS). He was distributing booties (Spoils of War) when a person named Zul-Khawaisara, who was from the tribe of Banu Tamim addressed the Prophet (SAWS) ‘Oh Muhammad Be Just!’. The Prophet (SAWS) replied: ‘A Great pity that you have doubts; if I am unjust then who will be just; you are a loser and a failure’. Zul-Khawaisara's attitude infuriated Hazrat Umar (RU) and he pleaded with the Prophet (SAWS) to permit him to slay Zul-Khawaisara. The Prophet (SAWS) remarked: ‘Leave him, as his slaying will serve no good purpose, as he is not the only individual but there are a host of others like him and if you compare their prayers and fasting to that of yours, you yourself will feel ashamed. These are the people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats, with all these apparent virtues they will leave the fold of Deen just like the arrow leaves the bow." (Miskhat, P. 535)

‘A person with eyes protruding, with a long beard and head clean-shaven came to the Prophet (SAWS) and declared: 'O Muhammad! (SAWS) fear Allah. ' The Prophet (SAWS) replied: ‘If I disobey Allah (WST), then who else will obey Him? I am obedient to Allah (SWT) at all times and never disobedient. Allah (SWT) has sent me as Amin (Honest for the entire world, but you don't accept me as an honest man? A Sahabi (Companion) became infuriated and sought permission to remove him from the presence of the Prophet (SAWS). The Prophet (SAWS) prevented the Sahabi from doing so. After the person had left, the Prophet (SAWS) said: ‘From his progeny (descendants) will rise a Group who will recite the Holy Quran but it will not go below their throats. They will leave the Deen (Islam) just as an arrow leaves the bowstring. They will kill Muslims but spare the idolaters. If I ever confronted these people I would slaughter them just as the people of Aad had been destroyed'. (Mishkat, pp/535)

Hadith of Najd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First of all stupid logic.

Second of all I've heard that a lot of these so called "destroyed" places are not really destroyed.
They should not open all the western stuff in holy cities anyway, keep that in Riyadh.
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