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Saudis giant troll / propaganda army


Jun 24, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Saudi Trolls the biggest misinformation network in the Middle East

3 April، 2021


Saudi trolls emerged after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power, who rules the kingdom with repression, killing and arrests.

The young ruler established a vast online army consisting of trolls on Twitter.

Forty per cent of the tweets in the Arab world coming from Saudi Arabia.

This army came in a step that the criminal prince realizes to protect his rule from attacks by human rights organizations, Saudi dissidents and foreign critics.

Saud Al-Qahtani, an adviser to the royal court, led the online army project.

The Turkish prosecution accused Al-Qahtani of taking part in murdering and dismembering the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Al-Qahtani led a campaign to silence critics, recruiting accounts on Twitter to track down critics and deploying an army of trolls, sometimes referred to as “flies,” to harass them online.

Often the trolls use abusive language to discredit human rights defenders and distort the truth to promote the government’s agenda and prevent Saudis from thinking independently.

Since joining the royal court’s propaganda efforts, the Saudi “electronic army” has become one of the largest disinformation networks in the Middle East.

Twitter deleted thousands of fake accounts linked to Saudi Arabia but admitted that it could not eliminate the problem entirely.

It should be noted that cybersecurity efforts are commonly used to protect essential assets from espionage and piracy. But in Saudi Arabia, the priority appears to be watching the royal family’s image, which is wary of any hint of dissent and does not accept criticism, no matter how moderate it is.

The trolls recently targeted and demonized the Palestinians before reaching a possible normalization agreement with Israel.

The Palestinians were described as remnants of the Canaanite and Roman eras, who had become “a burden on the fraternal state of Israel.”

Meanwhile, trolls are bin Salman’s favourite weapon against his domestic rivals.

A coordinated online campaign by his supporters justified the removal of his predecessor, Muhammad bin Nayef, from the crown prince’s position, claiming that he was accused of mismanagement and drug abuse.

The targeting campaign included elites who did not show loyalty to bin Salman’s policies, including the Saudi war effort in Yemen and the controversial “Vision 2030” project.

All about MBS image

Saudi media and online platforms are constantly focusing on the crown prince’s name in the news.

Rarely does a day pass without Saudi newspapers having his picture posted on their websites and highlighting his achievements.

The Saudi media and the trolls are currently celebrating the latest story from bin Salman about reducing carbon emissions in the Middle East by planting 50 billion trees in a massive afforestation project.

The project is part of an effort to rehabilitate bin Salman’s reputation after several scandals and failures.

Bin Salman’s rise to power began with the war in Yemen, which caused a humanitarian catastrophe that attracted criticism from the international community.

In November 2017, bin Salman arrested dozens of Saudi princes, business leaders and government ministers allegedly fighting corruption. Still, in reality, the motive behind this process was an attempt to concentrate power in his hands.

A month later, bin Salman launched Saudi entertainment projects to divert attention from his political and economic changes.

The recent release of the CIA report on Bin Salman’s involvement in killing Khashoggi has tarnished his image in the West.

It is important to note that not all Saudi social media users who express their enthusiastic support for the royal establishment operate under the trolls’ umbrella.

The Saudis often issue deceptive support statements to dispel any belief that they may not be good citizens.








Are they for real?! I Just can't believe what I see....🤯🤯🤯


  • 1644679228308.png
    115.2 KB · Views: 43
Are they for real?! I Just can't believe what I see....🤯🤯🤯

This is a country using public sector jobs as a form of welfare.

Lots of unemployed youths just got jobs, you should be happy for them🤭

The specialists found the jobs through Twitter itself, responding to ads that said only that an employer sought young men willing to tweet for about 10,000 Saudi riyals a month, equivalent to about $3,000.

Trolling for $3000 per month, a dream job for some... Our internet soldiers are not compensated anywhere as much. Beast/Beijing Walker should migrate to Saudi.
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Seems like Saudis have learnt from their ally:

And now the student wants to surpass his teacher....I still can't get over these pictures :lol:
Why is this fool posting sometimes 10 years old articles the forum is not a dumping place we follow recent activities and military hardware related.. his been also posting Erdogan articles going back 15-20 years:lol:

clicking on an article that is one year old feels strange as if there is nothing new to talk about
Why is this fool posting sometimes 10 years old articles the forum is not a dumping place we follow recent activities and military hardware related.. his been also posting Erdogan articles going back 15-20 years:lol:

clicking on an article that is one year old feels strange as if there is nothing new to talk about

Which one of the guys in this photo are you?

Kings of copy-paste.

We had and still have plenty of them in this forum. They are present in Youtube/Tiwitter/etc too, sometimes i go to read the comment section of Youtube. Whenever someone posts something about Islamic alliance such as celebrating Prophet Muhammed's birthday, they immediately attack the channel and portray it as an act of Kufr. While their own government turns Jeddah into a brothel house, they call everyone else a Kafir. What an irony that burden of terrorism calls Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian groups and other memebers of resistance axis the terrorists.

I see sometimes they put their feet into Shia shoes insulting Sunni figures.

One thing for sure, they won't stop at spreading sectarian and racial hatred among Muslims. So our job is not to falling into their trap, its hard but a must.
It is astonishing to see the Farsi obsession in regards to Arabs and KSA in particular. It is no wonder given that Farsis have been heavily Arabized for the past 1400 years after the glorious Arab Islamic destruction of the oppressive fire worshipping Sassanid regime.

In many senses Iran has been an Arab colony for the past 1400 years.

Religiously completely altered (Islam). The alphabet in place for the past 1400 years is the Arabic alphabet with 4 additional letters. Farsi is almost an Arabic dialect given the massive Arabic vocabulary influence. Southing as personal as their names are Arabic by large. The names of some of their most famous/visited cities are Arabic (Mashhad, Qom etc.)

Millions of Iranians have Arab ancestry (genetically confirmed) with an entire Iranian Arab community inhabiting numerous areas of it.

Old "Persia", a newcomer in the Middle East given that it only emerged 2500 years ago, lightyears younger than the more ancient native Semitic/native civilizations in the Middle East native to the Arab world that also happen to be cradles of civilization, became civilized by Semites and their entire civilization was a cheap copy of existing much older Semitic civilizations.

Be it their national symbols ( rip-offs of ancient Semitic symbols), language (the Semitic Aramaic language closely related to Arabic was the lingua franca), the capital was Babylon (another ancient Semitic city), the title (Kings of Kings is an ancient Semitic title used by Semitic rulers from Arabia, Egypt, Levant to Mesopotamia). The list goes on.

Not only was "Persia" completely conquered, dominated/ruled for centuries and forever changed (completely) by Arabs but even today the Mullah's in power in Iran PROUDLY claim paternal Arab ancestry (hence their black turbans). Even the Arabized Safavids, that revived Iran after 1000 years of continues foreign rule (Arabs, Turks, Mongols etc.) proudly claimed Arab ancestry.

Even the Shia Twelver Islam that they follow was largely imported by Arabs from modern-day Iraq, Eastern Arabia (KSA, Bahrain) and Southern Lebanon.

Let me quote:

Arab Shia Ulama​

After the conquest, Ismail began transforming the religious landscape of Iran by imposing Twelver Shiism on the populace. Since most of the population embraced Sunni Islam and since an educated version of Shiism was scarce in Iran at the time, Ismail imported a new Shia Ulama corps from traditional Shiite centers of the Arabic speaking lands, largely from Jabal Amil (of Southern Lebanon), Mount Lebanon, Syria, Eastern Arabia and Southern Iraq in order to create a state clergy.[42][43][44][45]Ismail offered them land and money in return for loyalty. These scholars taught the doctrine of Twelver Shiism and made it accessible to the population and energetically encouraged conversion to Shiism.[39][46][47][48] To emphasize how scarce Twelver Shiism was then to be found in Iran, a chronicler tells us that only one Shia text could be found in Ismail's capital Tabriz.[49] Thus it is questionable whether Ismail and his followers could have succeeded in forcing a whole people to adopt a new faith without the support of the Arab Shiite scholars.[41] The rulers of Safavid Persia also invited these foreign Shiite religious scholars to their court in order to provide legitimacy for their own rule over Persia.[50]

Abbas I of Persia, during his reign, also imported more Arab Shia Ulama to Iran, built religious institutions for them, including many Madrasahs (religious schools) and successfully persuaded them to participate in the government, which they had shunned in the past (following the Hidden imam doctrine).[51]

It is self-explanatory to explain that 99.99% of all the most revered Shia Islamic figures are Arabs with ancestral ties to modern-day KSA.

I could go on and you could not really make this up even if you wanted to. None of it would be as surreal as the historical reality and ground realities to this very day.

Imagine having been/to this day so profoundly influenced by Arabs/Semitic peoples and having adopted almost all of their practices, yet at the same time harboring such a deep hatred for anything Arab.

As for this troll thread

Those photos are from a computer programming conference.

"Saudi leaks".:lol: Notorious anti-KSA propaganda platform whose nonsense has been refuted repeatedly. Might as well use PressTVV (PissTV as I like to call that Iranian Mullah propaganda channel) next time around.

Lastly, KSA does not need any "online propaganda army" to gather support. It has the support from the entire Arab world (500 million people) by large and most of the world's 2 billion Muslims by virtue of its religious, historical, cultural, ancestral etc. weight and importance to mention just a few things.

That is not to say that KSA has cordial ties with all the relevant powers of the world from the USA in the West to China in the East. From Latin America (home to the largest Arab diaspora in the world btw) to Africa (another continent heavily influenced by Arabs - I am here talking about the Horn of Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa) to Indonesia/South East Asia (another region with deep ties to the Arab world and with a large Arab diaspora).

@Saddam Hussein @The SC @Titanium100 @Abu Dhabi etc.
Just amazing to see the real saudi army in action..:p::p:

PS: I think some of these guys are also in here!! :undecided::undecided:
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double lol...

double lol...

if you looked at photos you had seen what a laughing stock that thread was so it seems they removed it
posting photos of MKO and claim its Iranian Propaganda troll army , or taking picture of a Cofee-Net and put there while there is a big Cofee-Net sign on the window. or taking photos of Snapp employees (The main Uber substitute in Iran) while everywhere there is Snapp logo and even you can see their development site on PC's or stealing a picture of a cleric behind his computer From Alamy and forget to look at its caption

Ghom, Iran. 17th Jan, 2019. An Iranian cleric works on a computer in a Koranic school. Modern technology is also indispensable in the arch-conservative Koran schools in Iran. Where paper and pencil were used a few years ago, clerics and students now work with computers. (to dpa "Much shadow, little light - Iran's Islamic revolution turns 40" from 08.02.2019) Credit: Farshid Motahari/dpa/Alamy Live News

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@Hamartia Antidote ....watching yesterday Donnie Brasco 1997 ‧ Crime/Drama, treating Jamal Khashoggi after his death ... Seems Saudi very impressed from one of the characters.
The Saudis are heavily supporting an Iranian group located in Albania, and this group is nothing but a propaganda army. Al Jazeera made a story about them:





And this group is also heavily supported by Israel. Maybe the Saudis have worked closely with their Israeli allies to teach these Iranians some lessons :enjoy:

Even so, the Saudi propaganda army is by far the most glomorous 😍
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