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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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.. The Emirate of terrorism under the siege of the pens of the Arabs .. Saudi newspapers: scandals of Doha will continue and the punishment of "Tamim" discussed in Washington .. UAE Union: the ruling family looking for solutions .. Kuwaiti mediation confirmed failure.


Prince of Qatar

The Arab and Gulf press continued to expose the country's suspicious role in the region and its forbidden relations with the Israeli occupation state. On Saturday, it revealed calls within the ruling family in Doha to apologize to the Gulf. The Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad, Saudi Arabia, and its attachment to the arms of Israel and Iran. These calls coincide with Tamim's acquiescence to Kuwaiti mediation to heal the rift between Doha and the Gulf states, despite the intransigence of the Qatari leadership and its attempts to thwart it.

In the Saudi daily Al-Jazeerah, the Saudi writer and editor of the newspaper, Jasser Abdul-Aziz Al-Jasser, hinted in his article that a new coup might occur in Qatar unless the Qatari leadership abandons its approach in dealing with terrorists and anti-Gulf and Arab. Doha, to the Gulf Squadron is meaningless, unless the Qatari leadership abandons its approach to dealing with terrorists and anti-Gulfists and Arabs. This can only be achieved by changing leaders and people, not in the strangest and most difficult country in Qatar.

The Saudi writer, even if Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah succeeded the Emir of Kuwait and could narrow the differences with Qatar, but the coming days will reveal more "scandals" of Qatar, both in providing support and funds to the terrorists in the organization of the preacher or Nasra, And to contribute to sabotage the stability of Arab countries, especially Egypt, by supporting and providing its beneficiaries, especially the Muslim Brotherhood with funds and information to manage criminal and terrorist operations.

According to the Saudi writer, the Americans affirm that they have sufficient documents and evidence that Qatar has supported the support and support front with funds and weapons .. The financing and deals with the most criminal terrorist organizations, and the most engaged in terrorism, which is the whole world to fight, makes the State of Qatar one of the evil states Which no one can accept to deal with, rather than remaining within a regional system such as the Gulf Cooperation Council.

The newspaper says that "following the failure of Doha's recent moves after Prince Tamim's statements began with an attempt to deny them the pretext of" infiltration "through" acquiescing "Iran and taking over the solvency of its" owners, "and then The attempt to introduce Kuwait as a "mediator", as well as the failure of attempts to entice "miserable" to create chaos in some of the GCC countries, Doha went to search for another "lifeline" by using investigators from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to identify the source of alleged piracy Which was exposed to the Qatar News Agency.

Saudi Arabia's Al-Jazirah newspaper said that while the scenarios of revealing the dirty face of Qatar's leadership policy were running out, the confusion and tension over the leadership of Doha and its inner sanctuaries of terrorists from groups, organizations and individuals.

On the issue of the Saudi newspaper Al Riyadh, we read "Punishing Qatar in circulation in Washington," where Michael Rubin, a former official in the US Department of Defense, said that the punishment of Qatar has become within the prevailing political range in the US capital, pointing out that there are calls from some Republicans to classify Qatar on Terrorist regulations are not going to pay off quickly.

According to the newspaper "Riyadh", the establishment of a US base (base of many) in Qatar was a mistake by America, because it convinced the Qatari authorities that it can do what it likes to convince the Qatari leaders that the Americans will not leave the base, The fate of many is similar to that of Incirlik Air Force Base in Turkey, where the Pentagon has now left seriously the Incirlik base and started relying on local bases within the American influence areas of Syria or other bases in the region.

"Qatar did what it did to oppose the Arab line in order to feel its importance. Without the bureaucracy and diplomacy of Qatar in Washington as a supporter of terrorism, and the calls by some Republicans to classify Qatar on the terrorist lists will not come quickly, The American capital. "

The US official said that Qatar has not respected Iraq and bribed a sectarian gang in it, and it has caused the killing of thousands of innocent people in Syria by supporting the most extremist factions.

"The Libyan National Human Rights Commission called on the International Criminal Court and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to open an international investigation into the interference and financial and military support of the State of Qatar to the groups and organizations, Terrorist organization in Libya.

The expert in the Foundation for the Defense of American Democracy, David Weinberg: Qatar has not moved against the people who financed terrorist organizations worldwide, pointing out that the current crisis has made Doha feel scared, expecting US action.


Saudi Daily Newspaper

On Qatar-Israel relations, the Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh reported that Qatar had initiated bridges of friendship and peace with Israel immediately after the Madrid peace conference between the Palestinians and Israel in 1991. Before the ink dries, it did not bother to wait until the outcome of this conference To real peace or not, especially since the occupied party is known for its evasion and evasion of any obligations, and it seems that all that was needed Doha just a pretext to escape towards the occupying state.


Under the title "Concern in Qatar .. The ruling family is looking for solutions to the crisis," the newspaper "Union" UAE, the return of Prince Tamim to Qatar from Kuwait without any results of the Kuwaiti mediation on the crisis with the cooperation countries, has made him a state of serious concern, Especially after the reports of the leadership of the Qatari opposition criticized strongly the foreign policy of Doha, which led most Arab countries to boycott the Gulf emirate, until it became a break with the majority of the Gulf Cooperation Council because of its supportive of terrorism and blatant policy of interference in the internal affairs of those countries .

According to the newspaper, there are reports of the movements of the Qatari opposition to get rid of Tamim bin Hamad and his advisors, who pushed Doha into a quagmire of collapse and isolation. The little prince directed his advisors and government officials to move quickly to discourage the Qatari opposition, which threatens his regime.

Qatar sent letters to Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz apologizing for the abuses of the current government in Qatar, the Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh reported.


Since the government just tried to assassinate their own defense minister it seems like the royals want to go along with the flow now that there is pressure from their neighbors (blocking Al-Jazeera, increasing anti-Qatar rehtopric).

Looks like the "Islamic" Military Alliance is being setup to fail.

Thanks UAE / KSA, you've turned your backs on so many Arab neighbors, how long before its their turn where they "fall" to some sort of "Arab Spring". Make sure to lick the boots of the US real clean.
Saudi Arabia broke diplomatic relations and all land sea and air contacts with fellow Gulf Arab state Qatar on Monday, saying the move was necessary to protect the kingdom from what it described as terrorism and extremism.

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt also cut ties with Qatar on Monday.

Saudi Arabia's official state news agency, citing an official source, said the kingdom had decided to sever diplomatic and consular relations with Qatar "proceeding from the exercise of its sovereign right guaranteed by international law and the protection of national security from the dangers of terrorism and extremism".

Saudi Arabia cut all land air and sea contacts with Qatar "and urges all brotherly countries and companies to do the same."

Charles Lister, a senior fellow at the Middle Eats Institute, responded on Twitter to the news by pointing out that Qatar "is very heavily reliant on food supplies accessed" through Saudi Arabia, so a closing of the borders poses a "very" serious challenge to Doha.

Qatar is the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and has extensive air and banking links throughout the countries that snapped diplomatic ties. State-owned flag carrier Qatar Airways uses air terminals in all of the countries and has extensive links to Europe, Asia and the United States.

Bahrain, a close Saudi ally, also said on Monday it has cut diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing its fellow Gulf Arab state of backing terrorism and interfering in Bahrain's internal affairs.

Bahrain is also cutting air and sea contacts with Qatar and was giving its citizens in Qatar 14 days to leave.

The United Arab Emirates' decision to cut ties with Qatar was reported by state news agency WAM, accusing its Gulf Arab neighbor of supporting extremism and undermining regional stability.

The Emirates gave diplomats 48 hours to leave the country, citing their "support, funding and embrace of terrorist, extremist and sectarian organisations," WAM said.


Well, welcome to the Middle East.

What do you believe is the overall motive here? It's big move, Qatar has been removed from the Arab coalition as well, among many other measures. Is this going to go farther?
Qatari intelligence had infiltrated the Yemeni government and the offices of Hadi and was leaking information about the Arab coalition to Iran, now that is perceived as abuse of friendship and even an act of conspiring with a perceived enemy state, namely Iran, that is how serious it is..
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If this goes any further either the House of Saud or the Qatari ruler will eventually fall. The proximity of these two neighbours makes it impossible to ignore the effects. Turkey is going to stand by Qatar and of course Iran will indirectly assist Qatar. So, it's not going to be a stroll through the park for the House of Saud. The US will try to calm things down as her largest military base in the region is in Qatar. It's an opportunity for Erdogan to settle a score with those who orchestrated the coup.

What do you believe is the overall motive here? It's big move, Qatar has been removed from the Arab coalition as well, among many other measures. Is this going to go farther?

I think Jordan will follow this decision and will cut diplomatic ties with Qatar in the upcoming hours, the only Arab country that encountered similar situation was Egypt when it agreed on Camp David Accord with Israel, several arab countries cut their ties with Egypt and they even tried to move Arab League center from Cairo to another city outside. I think that means Qatar has committed something serious to make all these countries agree on such a decision. As you see, they just severed political, militarily ties by the moment, but the real strong hit will be the economic one. When Qatar finds itself isolated, then it will approve of whatever they want.
Arabs being Arabs. Pathetically allowing short sighted rivalries and manipulation by outside forces drive conflict among each other. Its so ironic, its Ramadan and yet these governments go exactly against what they should be doing according to the religion.
If this goes any further either the House of Saud or the Qatari ruler will eventually fall. The proximity of these two neighbours makes it impossible to ignore the effects. Turkey is going to stand by Qatar and of course Iran will indirectly assist Qatar. So, it's not going to be a stroll through the park for the House of Saud. The US will try to calm things down as her largest military base in the region is in Qatar. It's an opportunity for Erdogan to settle a score with those who orchestrated the coup.
Turkey would likely openly back Qatar, but it's unlikely that this will lead to open hostility. The US is likely to put a stop to this, before it gets out of hand.
I think Jordan will follow this decision and will cut diplomatic ties with Qatar in the upcoming hours, the only Arab country that encountered similar situation was Egypt when it agreed on Camp David Accord with Israel, several arab countries cut their ties with Egypt and they even tried to move Arab League center from Cairo to another city outside. I think that means Qatar has committed something serious to make all these countries agree on such a decision. As you see, they just severed political, militarily ties by the moment, but the real strong hit will be the economic one. When Qatar finds itself isolated, then it will approve of whatever they want.

Qatar would have bowed if she was alone but she is not. So, I think it's a day dream for the UAE and Saudi despots. The possibility is always there but I don't think this is how things will turn out.
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