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Saudia Asked retrun of $3 Billion from Pakistan

Overseas Pakistanis can really put spanners in the works for this new regime by collectively sending remittances in Russian Rubles as a protest. The Government might be forced to buy cheap Russian oil using those. Just blabbering don't know how money works.
Don't send any money at all until the army and judiciary put right the mess they have made and the damage they have caused.
Also overseas Pakistanis need to impose economic sanctions on this government and choke them out of power and put Zardaris and Sharifs into the dustbin of history where they belong.
How can the overseas Pakistanis do that without starving their poor families back home? I mean most of the overseas Pakistanis have to support their families and THAT is WHY they send money to THEIR RELATIVES; it's not like any single one of you sends money to Pakistan out of love for Pakistan. If India started offering a better exchange rate (hypothetically), remit USD/UKP/SAR/Dirham etc., to India and the Indian exchange then transfers PKR to Pakistani Bank Accounts, many would avail the opportunity!!!

The facade and the mirage that has been spun that overseas Pakistanis send money to Pakistan for Pakistan needs to be debunked. Overseas Pakistanis, if they had love for Pakistan, would return to Pakistan and serve Pakistan instead of living overseas to serve the very same countries in which they earn their livelihood and still curse! And I have put money where by mouth is by returning to Pakistan 15 years ago to serve my country!

Wow, Pakistanis are fighting over wheather they got a loan from Saudia or not. Getting a loan and not getting a loan both are equally bad. 😑
Here in India, talk of the town is wheather TSMC/Tesla will open their factories by 2025 or not, wheather FTA with UK/EU will be signed by 2023 or not, wheather India will shift their oil purchases to Russia or go electric.
India has been very fortunate right from birth; the sanity of your forefathers and continuity of the initial system, the abolishment of wadera/jagirdaar system and Land Reforms, the fact that all institutes are subservient to the Government and that no institute ventures outside the gambit of its legal mandate, the massive population and hence financial muscle etc., are all factors because of which India today is able to achieve a lot more than Pakistan can diplomatically.

#stop remittances to imported hukumat
Yeah, go for it......and starve your own families because remittances are for your own families and not for Pakistan!
I might be wrong but this is my interpretation:-
1) Saudi has been moving out of the American camp
2) Saudi sees the current SS govt as very weak and unpopular- they calculate that IK will be back in power soon after which they will give him the facility.
3) same thing as point 2 but for China.
Saudis are NOT moving out of the US camp, they have over 800 Billion USD of investment in continental US alone and almost 90% of their weapons systems are of Western origin which mean either the US or their allies. It is the US which is showing a cold shoulder to the Saudis because of their refusal to increase Oil output and stabilize the international prices of Oil and what we are seeing is just a response from the Saudis which depict that of a lover/spouse playing games to gain attention of the beau.

As much as it pains me to see our economy in deep trouble I will jot lend even a dollar to these imported rulers . They will steal everything and run away next year.
Oh damn!!! Don't say that; the Government of Pakistan had so much reliance on your 'dollar'! The entire economy will come to a standstill!!!
1) I've always suspected that there is an unwritten cooperation agreement between Saudi and Pakistan in defense-economic affairs. Saudi will not abandon Pakistan's economy and in return Pakistan should help shore up Saudi's core security interest. Asking for the money back in this stage is equal to abandoning Pakistan at the time of need.
2) Some Global Times articles seem to indicate that Chinese prefer Shahbaz over Imran. Chinese have the nickname 'Shahbaz speed' ? CPEC thrived under Nawaz, but has allegedly slowed under Imran. The Chinese were reportedly not happy with the establishment's move to remove Sharif family even back in 2018. Many Pakistanis here seem to think that US is the only party that prefers Sharif over Imran, but they over look the possibility that Chinese may also prefer a Sharif for Pakistan.

EDIT: The Saudi Aramco company has made a LOT of profits this year. $3 billion is nothing for the Saudi. I think they have to really have a problem with Pakistan to ask for the money back this year. :unsure:
I would like to agree with your first point but there would be a time when the Saudis would say that Pakistan is constantly in trouble and always looking for assistance whereas the same Pakistan refused to come to Saudi Aid against Yemen (Imran Khan was the main architect of that when he opposed PML's proposal in Parliament to send Pakistani forces to Saudi Arabia, he was supported by PPP too). I, however, see another opportunity; the US is giving a cold shoulder to the defenses of Saudi Arabia and I believe it is a void that can be filled by Pakistan to a large extent. We must grab this opportunity and station 100k - 200k Soldiers to Saudi Arabia for defense of Saudi Arabia and to serve at the pleasure of the Monarchy under a Pakistani General.....kinda like the deal the US had when they stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia.

I also would like to agree with your next point, it is no secret that CPEC was almost at a standstill in the last 2 years of PTI Governance and was at its peak under PML. Chinese have had excellent relations with Shahbaz ever since they started investments in Punjab under CPEC.

Let's see what happens with concrete news is available. I am hopeful that Saudi Arabia will not only extend current facilities but also increase the magnitude, China will roll-over the credit which they pulled in the last week of PTI Government and IMF will extend the loan facility under better terms. All in all, Pakistan will Inshallah be better off.

good. The Saudis should withdraw all their cash. the chinese should not invest a dime in the country.
I urge all overseas pakistanis to stop sending any remitances until this lootocracy is removed.
And put all their families on Benazir Income Support Program???
I would like to agree with your first point but there would be a time when the Saudis would say that Pakistan is constantly in trouble and always looking for assistance whereas the same Pakistan refused to come to Saudi Aid against Yemen (Imran Khan was the main architect of that when he opposed PML's proposal in Parliament to send Pakistani forces to Saudi Arabia, he was supported by PPP too). I, however, see another opportunity; the US is giving a cold shoulder to the defenses of Saudi Arabia and I believe it is a void that can be filled by Pakistan to a large extent. We must grab this opportunity and station 100k - 200k Soldiers to Saudi Arabia for defense of Saudi Arabia and to serve at the pleasure of the Monarchy under a Pakistani General.....kinda like the deal the US had when they stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia.

I also would like to agree with your next point, it is no secret that CPEC was almost at a standstill in the last 2 years of PTI Governance and was at its peak under PML. Chinese have had excellent relations with Shahbaz ever since they started investments in Punjab under CPEC.

Let's see what happens with concrete news is available. I am hopeful that Saudi Arabia will not only extend current facilities but also increase the magnitude, China will roll-over the credit which they pulled in the last week of PTI Government and IMF will extend the loan facility under better terms. All in all, Pakistan will Inshallah be better off.

And put all their families on Benazir Income Support Program???

Why would Pakistan need to send troops to defend Saudi Arabia when the Houthis are not threatening or attacking Saudi territory?
We must grab this opportunity and station 100k - 200k Soldiers to Saudi Arabia for defense of Saudi Arabia and to serve at the pleasure of the Monarchy under a Pakistani General.....kinda like the deal the US had when they stationed thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia.

Wow. Just wow!

FYI, US troops are NEVER EVER placed at the "pleasure of the Monarchy".
This slave mentality of yours, sending Pakistani kids as cannon fodder for rich dictators, is exactly the reason Pakistan commands no respect around the world.

The irony is that in the previous post you praised India, for reasons I agree, and then you propose sending Pakistani kids to die for money.

Pakistan has suffered far too long with your mentality. We really need Imran Khan now more than ever.
How can the overseas Pakistanis do that without starving their poor families back home? I mean most of the overseas Pakistanis have to support their families and THAT is WHY they send money to THEIR RELATIVES; it's not like any single one of you sends money to Pakistan out of love for Pakistan. If India started offering a better exchange rate (hypothetically), remit USD/UKP/SAR/Dirham etc., to India and the Indian exchange then transfers PKR to Pakistani Bank Accounts, many would avail the opportunity!!!

The facade and the mirage that has been spun that overseas Pakistanis send money to Pakistan for Pakistan needs to be debunked. Overseas Pakistanis, if they had love for Pakistan, would return to Pakistan and serve Pakistan instead of living overseas to serve the very same countries in which they earn their livelihood and still curse! And I have put money where by mouth is by returning to Pakistan 15 years ago to serve my country!

India has been very fortunate right from birth; the sanity of your forefathers and continuity of the initial system, the abolishment of wadera/jagirdaar system and Land Reforms, the fact that all institutes are subservient to the Government and that no institute ventures outside the gambit of its legal mandate, the massive population and hence financial muscle etc., are all factors because of which India today is able to achieve a lot more than Pakistan can diplomatically.

Yeah, go for it......and starve your own families because remittances are for your own families and not for Pakistan!
People do send a lot of money to invest in real estate and business.
There is reason remittances went up during the PTI tenure.
That at least should be stopped.
Wow. Just wow!

FYI, US troops are NEVER EVER placed at the "pleasure of the Monarchy".
This slave mentality of yours, sending Pakistani kids as cannon fodder for rich dictators, is exactly the reason Pakistan commands no respect around the world.

The irony is that in the previous post you praised India, for reasons I agree, and then you propose sending Pakistani kids to die for money.

Pakistan has suffered far too long with your mentality. We really need Imran Khan now more than ever.
Call for volunteers to serve and protect the Holy cities and Saudi Arabia, you will have your answer of whether people would consider it slavery or a great and noble religious service.

US troops had their own TORs and would have died to defend Saudi Arabia.......our forces would have their own TORs, something more suited to our friends. Trade of service for money/goods in NOT slavery; it is just like your father or yourself offering your service to your employers. I say your father because you sound like a teen and hence the example, it is not meant to be derogatory.
Other nations respect integrity, countries that have a back bone. Countries that protect their interests.

Does anyone ever respect a prostitute?
Everyone uses a prostitute like tissue paper.

Look how we Pakistanis looked down upon Ashraf Ghani like an American dog and rightly so. Now they have punished Pakistan by installing their own dogs in our country.

Now we have become their slaves and as they promised ' all will be forgiven'.
Call for volunteers to serve and protect the Holy cities and Saudi Arabia, you will have your answer of whether people would consider it slavery or a great and noble religious service.

US troops had their own TORs and would have died to defend Saudi Arabia.......our forces would have their own TORs, something more suited to our friends. Trade of service for money/goods in NOT slavery; it is just like your father or yourself offering your service to your employers. I say your father because you sound like a teen and hence the example, it is not meant to be derogatory.

Don't try to backtrack now. You didn't write anything about Mecca and Medina. Those cities are already under our nuclear umbrella. You wrote 'pleasure of the Monarchy'.

Pakistani kids' blood is not for sale, and certainly not by people whose own kids are living it up in London and New York.
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