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Saudi refused written Guarantee !

It is fair to say that due to Establishment own goal and mistakes, the defense budget should be cut by atleast 30% in $ terms.
The Saudis and gulf Arabs in general are very impressed and a big fan of IK. Just look at the Arab media interviews. The questions they pose are friendly and in favor of Khan. Compare that with Western interviews and propaganda against IK.

I am pretty sure Saudis and others will immediately make funds available once IK is in power.

Overseas Pakistanis will ramp up remittances and other forms of investment if IK gets a majority in next elections. The key is getting overseas Pakistanis involved. When IK was in power the economic figures were very promising despite COVID and inflation. Pakistan can overcome this crisis if expats play their part.

The answer is no. I'm part of a group of Overseas Pakistani investors where if we move the market moves. The general thinking now is that even if IK is back, even with a 2/3 majority, the establishment can change things in a blink of an eye. Secondly, rule of law was thrown under the bus, and jungle law was reined supreme; this is not acceptable to OPs who like order and rule of law.

PDM and powers-to-be have lost the OPs for good. The most or I should say bare minimum funds that will be sent is to support family back home and nothing more.

We are creating several funds to basically spear ahead investment in the Gulf.
This reminds me when the journalists such as Kamran Khan and Kamran Shahid, among a few others, were saying that the new Army Chief due to his past assignments in Saudia was close to the Saudi leadership and that would be helpful in getting economic help from the Arab world.

Guess that was a hogwash too.

The Gulf Arabs have their own issues at hand, and they can't spare any funds for dead horses.

They are diversifying their economies with little time they have left. They had given enough funds in the past that was mismanaged and stolen.

On top, Pakistan’s usefulness is over this country has nothing to offer to anyone.
No matter how much we hate them but there failure will be catastrophic for us
As long as their heads roll after all is said and done, I'd say it's worth it.

OR they could just have some ghairat and step aside. But, we all know the answer to that, don't we?

This reminds me when the journalists such as Kamran Khan and Kamran Shahid, among a few others, were saying that the new Army Chief due to his past assignments in Saudia was close to the Saudi leadership and that would be helpful in getting economic help from the Arab world.

Guess that was a hogwash too.
Makes you think about all such claims. e.g. Bajwa was supposed to be the "LOC expert", wasn't he?

On top, Pakistan’s usefulness is over this country has nothing to offer to anyone.
This is what everyone seems to be missing. It's not so much to do with IK being trustworthy and shit. We just aren't worth it anymore.
I reckon there are many African countries where any lender would get much better returns. We are not ever comparable to a lot of them, only small really shitty ones.
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The answer is no. I'm part of a group of Overseas Pakistani investors where if we move the market moves. The general thinking now is that even if IK is back, even with a 2/3 majority, the establishment can change things in a blink of an eye. Secondly, rule of law was thrown under the bus, and jungle law was reined supreme; this is not acceptable to OPs who like order and rule of law.

PDM and powers-to-be have lost the OPs for good. The most or I should say bare minimum funds that will be sent is to support family back home and nothing more.

We are creating several funds to basically spear ahead investment in the Gulf.
This makes sense. I see remittances increasing to previous levels due to change and crackdown on illegal channels. However, Imran's trust in OSP is misplaced. Overseas Indians did not immediately invest back into their country until the environment had changed significantly and there was already tremendous FDI.

Pakistan would literally need to be a different country before OSP decide to invest big. PTI should focus on:
1. widening tax net by digitizing undocumented economy
2. Restrict real estate and divert local investment into more productive sectors. This will help increase manufacturing, agriculture, exports.
3. Help startups by providing loans, management advice, etc.
4. Create new courts solely for business, enforcement of contracts, resolving business, patent, property disputes. Regular courts should be banned from hearing such cases.
5. Restart city development projects like RUDA, Bundal Island, etc. But only allow foreign companies to invest & build - to prevent the usual locals from wasting money on real estate like they always do and to ensure quality standards remain high. If modern looking cities are built in Pakistan with skylines, you will not only bring OSP investment, but their residence as well.

I think it's stupid how almost every other country in Asia has better city skylines than Pakistan. Karachi is just an endless zone of illegal housing as far as eye can see. Meanwhile, no one knows why Lahore even needs a metro. Housing societies should be restricted for the next decade, allowing only high-rises. Make sure all landowners are documented & brought into tax net. Limit their holdings.
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thank you saudi for standing with people of pakisttan at this hard time
How many of you guys think that another ex army chief might be pulling some strings here?
No matter how much we hate them but there failure will be catastrophic for us

Pakistan got feet, yet walk on crutches. Let the crutches break, fall, learn to walk!
It will be painful but a price worth paying at the end. It is these crutches that have been dictating what you've been fed and general disposition, however, onerous...
On it's feet no one will be able to dictate course of action or direction... most importantly, a demarcation of things worth keeping and STANDING UP FOR!
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The biggest problem the "change organisers" have created, is that they demonstrated to the entire world, that there is NO RULE OF LAW in Pakistan, and that it was/is/will be essentially a MAFIA STATE unless things change.

Why would anyone invest hundreds of millions, if not billions, in a country of no law and order and of no consequence to law breakers ? How can any physical, or intelletucal property or asset be protected if the establishment can take what they want, when they want it and do it without consequence.

It will take decades to overcome the lack of trust that this set of actions have generated and only then through a concerted public demonstration of accountability and consequence for what has happened to those who have caused this mess.
The biggest problem the "change organisers" have created, is that they demonstrated to the entire world, that there is NO RULE OF LAW in Pakistan, and that it was/is/will be essentially a MAFIA STATE unless things change.

Why would anyone invest hundreds of millions, if not billions, in a country of no law and order and of no consequence to law breakers ? How can any physical, or intelletucal property or asset be protected if the establishment can take what they want, when they want it and do it without consequence.

It will take decades to overcome the lack of trust that this set of actions have generated and only then through a concerted public demonstration of accountability and consequence for what has happened.

It had to happen one day. Better now than in the future. We Pakistanis got ourselves in to this mess, it is our responsibility and duty to get us out of it. We can't keep expecting non-Pakistanis to help us. We are not their problem. Why should they care?
How many of you guys think that another ex army chief might be pulling some strings here?
Quite possible.
But KSA has its own priorities. Every country looks at the public sentiment and reasonably predicts the election results. It also looks at the ability of the people at the helm of the affairs.

If KSA thinks that the current government will spend the new loan as it has spent the foreign reserves in one year, and that there is no plan to use the new loan wisely, it won't give guarantee for a single dime.

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