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Saudi Kid beats up defence-less South Asian garbage collector

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Honestly speaking most rich arabs are scums i care less for the... it is true they treat and talk to Pakistanis,Indians and Bangli's with rudness as they are some scum of the earth .. wealth and power is their only backing other then they are piece of sh_t's.
When you love someone, you turn them into God... when you hate someone, you know no modesty...

Add this one too to the problems facing Pakistan.
What is the difference between the British colonial masters and the fact that the Saudi kid can hit a non Saudi and a non Saudi cannot retaliate?
Assalam Alaikum

I m now in saudia can't see this video it is blocked site. Anyhow there r no pak garbage workers and yes some ppl get treated bad but is it not common to see ppl beating someone on street in saudia, overhere everybody respects ( fears ) the law. And mostly the treatment is not bcoz they they think they r better then us it happens in our societies too not everybody treat their servants like their brothers or sons.

Some ppl have hate towards arabs and they won't miss a chance to show it. if u add up all the ppl of gulf they will come about may be 10 percent or a little more or less of arab population and majority of this 10 percent is not as bad as ppl try to paint them.

As i said it many times and will repeat i was born and grew up with these saudies and worked with them never felt they think they r better then us ( it does not mean there not few bad apples ). My judgement is better then those ppl who just only have hate towards arabs or specially saudies lol.
My dear pakistani brothers pakistanies r still treated better then most of the south asian countries and i tell u these ppl also trust the pakistanies more then others and also love us too.

Bloody pr**k.. This kid should try us NEasterners for a start. We'd hang to a date palm from his ****icles till he dries like a fig in heat. I wonder why you Pakistanis worship Arabs so much left, right and center when they mistreat all of us South Asians so badly? Every single Pakistani member I engage in any forum always sings glories of these guys.

Is this the glory that you speak of? This man could be any South Asians (in that kind of heat, even the most fair workers get tanned or sunburnt).
^^ Bro- Haters gona hate- tell them some thing they want to hear and enjoy the show-
Not surprised.

Gulf arabs are probably one the rudest group of people that I have ever met. Its funny because Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, etc are really nice. If it wasn't for their oil they would probably be in the same situation as Sudan or Somalia.
I wonder why you Pakistanis worship Arabs so much left, right and center when they mistreat all of us South Asians so badly? Every single Pakistani member I engage in any forum always sings glories of these guys.

Not really.

I definitely do not worship arabs and neither do a lot of Pakistanis. People people either like them, dislike them, or do not care about them: most Pakistanis would probably fall into the latter categories
^^ Bro- Haters gona hate- tell them some thing they want to hear and enjoy the show-

What's there to love about this video? There are thousands of cases against even Indonesian and Malaysian maids every year in Saudi. Scores of mistreatment and brutality cases against workers of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc in Saudi. And that doesn't stop there. Videos showing many of them (recorded by the perpetrators themselves) are there all over the net. True that our own countries are not heavens but here at least one can retaliate for wrong (even if it means political consequences).

The poor garbage man has done nothing to deserve this treatment. Even if he was a Pakistanis or a Bangla, I feel sorry for him and say that runt of a kid should be spanked until he's unable to visit the loo for this. It is this sort of behavior not stopped that causes the kids to think that abusing others is fun.
Lol Arabs are probably the biggest pricks on the whole planet. These guys have nothing except oil money. No education, no motivation, no scientific advancements.....no nothing! Yet they somehow believe they are "superior".

Arabs are the embodiment of every thing twisted and perverted in this world. In a word...... "scum".

the garbage worker can't defend himself because he will get deported.
he is most likely a pakistani or bangli. its funny how we pakistani's treat the saudis with so much respect but they treat others like us like .


the guy seems to be African
What's there to love about this video? There are thousands of cases against even Indonesian and Malaysian maids every year in Saudi. Scores of mistreatment and brutality cases against workers of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc in Saudi. And that doesn't stop there. Videos showing many of them (recorded by the perpetrators themselves) are there all over the net. True that our own countries are not heavens but here at least one can retaliate for wrong (even if it means political consequences).

The poor garbage man has done nothing to deserve this treatment. Even if he was a Pakistanis or a Bangla, I feel sorry for him and say that runt of a kid should be spanked until he's unable to visit the loo for this. It is this sort of behavior not stopped that causes the kids to think that abusing others is fun.

The grunt becomes obvious if you target a specific country for some thing which happens all across the planet- If beating of the poor garbage man who is indian btw by a kid is an example specific to Saudi Arabia- i would understand such frustrations by so called civilized ones- But to create a thread over a garbage man beater just to exaggerate- blame all the Arabs- like i said in my first post is stupidity-

P.S dont get me wrong- i do not support such beatings- But overkill kills the intentions--
Lol Arabs are probably the biggest pricks on the whole planet. These guys have nothing except oil money. No education, no motivation, no scientific advancements.....no nothing! Yet they somehow believe they are "superior".

Arabs are the embodiment of every thing twisted and perverted in this world. In a word...... "scum".
and your hate towards the arabs is inherited because they invaded you long before? :D-
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