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Saudi flight delayed over stewardess' lack of guardian

You realize that there many conditions in which one would have to work in countries that you donot like?
My friend hates Saudi Arabia yet had to work there for over a year because TATA sent him there. You cant get assignments changed many times.

One ALWAYS has a choice.

Think of apartheid-era South Africa. If you were so morally outraged by that country, would you work for a company that was conducting business there?

I can think of at least one more here who would seem to fulfill most of this criteria. ;)

Only it is a dollar in his case, not riyal.

As usual, you showcase your ignorance on cue.

I do NOT denigrate Westerners as a race, their culture or their religion. My only reservations are about certain aspects of the foreign policy. Similar reservations are expressed by white Australians also and are the right of every citizen -- a concept you cannot possibly fathom given your ingrained prejudices against your own fellow Indians whom you refuse to accept as equals because of their religion.
I heard this case from a muslim friend of mine.

His friend went to some city in KSA and after 2 years he suddenly calls up home and says he wants to get married in the next 5 days. Guess what he accepted to marry a girl without seeing her photgraph or meeting her :woot:

Profound effect these places seems to have :cheesy:
So you hate the Arabs as a race, you hate their culture, you hate their religion, you hate their laws, but you sold your soul to work for them because someone threw some money at you?

Every minute that you work for them, you are working towards promulgating the very things you despise, all for the mighty riyal! Money has no nationality or loyalty! 8 Million foreigners will not work in KSA if they can grow some brain and abandon their obsolete mentality, embrace progress and tolerance.

Whether the Arabs are good or bad, they are true to their beliefs. You, on the other hand, will compromise your ideals at the drop of a coin and will dance for the highest bidder.

Guess which one is the more despicable!

Its about earning a rightful wage be it KSA or Israel. I can see where this puritan Pakistani mentality is taking the country to. 8 Millions foreigners will not work here if they can abandon their obsolete mentality and embrace progress, freedom and tolerance.

By the way, its not about hating someone. It is about discipline of law. Saudi Arabia is ruled by the Shariah and Quran is its constitution yet the country is violating its own law by having non-accompanies air hostesses on board. Rather stupidity or hypocrisy one should decide!

As soon as these keepers of Islam touch down in London's Piccadilly, all their laws and high morals go out of the window.

Yeah go ahead and tell me...My siblings and parents all live there!

One ALWAYS has a choice.

Think of apartheid-era South Africa. If you were so morally outraged by that country, would you work for a company that was conducting business there?

In business and employment its all about the money. And those with one Australian flag need not to act like Middle East moral guardians!
As usual, you showcase your ignorance on cue.

As usual you pass the fatawa. Acting as jury, judge and executioner!

I do NOT denigrate Westerners as a race, their culture or their religion. My only reservations are about certain aspects of the foreign policy. Similar reservations are expressed by white Australians also and are the right of every citizen

I know how it works. You are not fooling nobody here trying to hide behind others to justify your own ingrained prejudices.

-- a concept you cannot possibly fathom given your ingrained prejudices against your own fellow Indians whom you refuse to accept as equals because of their religion.

I can't help hallucinations. For me all Indians are equal. In fact every human being in the world is equal as far as I am concerned.

You need to come out of seeing everyone through the prism of your own prejudices. For me, religion is a minor part of my life and identity. I am not carrying any cudgels on behalf of any Ummah here unlike you.
As soon as these keepers of Islam touch down in London's Piccadilly, all their laws and high morals go out of the window.

In fairness, they sure know how to make an appearance wherever they go in those Lambos and Enzos

A little black gold income never hurt nobody
And those with one Australian flag need not to act like Middle East moral guardians!

A flag doesn't change the mindset. He is being true to himself here.

People may start living in secular democratic countries as they may provide physical protection and better material gains than possible home, it only increases the craving for what they miss there. In fact, from a distance, those things suddenly start looking better.

Also, it is a way to feel that one is doing something for the Ummah, at least on the net. ;)
Its about earning a rightful wage be it KSA or Israel.

I gave the example of apartheid-era South Africa. If you are so morally outraged by everything that Saudi Arabia represents, why are you working (directly or indirectly) to support that country?

If you put your money where your mouth is, you would refuse to associate in any way with KSA (the same way people did with apartheid regimes).

Anything less means you are a hypocrite and a sellout.

And those with one Australian flag need not to act like Middle East moral guardians!

My comments have nothing to do with my flags. You are a sellout hypocrite who blabs on the internet and then sells his soul for the money thrown at him.

As usual you pass the fatawa. Acting as jury, judge and executioner!

No fatwas needed. Your own accusations are in black-and-white above. The fact that they are your typical clueless ramblings divorced from objective reality is only a source of amusement to all.

I know how it works. You are not fooling nobody here trying to hide behind others to justify your own ingrained prejudices.

So, more vacuous blabbering devoid of any facts or evidence.

For me all Indians are equal.

Nonsense. In the last five years, you have repeatedly asserted that you will not accept Indian Muslims as equals until they "apologize" for Islamic invasions of India.
No fatwas needed. Your own accusations are in black-and-white above. The fact that they are your typical clueless ramblings divorced from objective reality is only a source of amusement to all.

I am happy that you were amused. For some reason, my mental image of you is that of a kid who can amuse himself by playing with his thumb for hours. ;)

So, more vacuous blabbering devoid of any facts or evidence.

:crazy: Can someone explain where does "facts" or "evidence" come here?

Nonsense. In the last five years, you have repeatedly asserted that you will not accept Indian Muslims as equals until they "apologize" for Islamic invasions of India.


They were victims of those barbaric invaders like everyone else.

Like the Yamani refugees who were persecuted in their home for the "wrong sect" (even by fellow Shia I hear!) and were given refuge by us in India. Not in refugee camps, mind you.

Anyway, we can discuss this particular aspect in the below thread.


If you have something to say about me, have the GUTS to say it to me directly.

OK. You were being true to yourself there. :crazy:
I gave the example of apartheid-era South Africa. If you are so morally outraged by everything that Saudi Arabia represents, why are you working (directly or indirectly) to support that country?

If you put your money where your mouth is, you would refuse to associate in any way with KSA (the same way people did with apartheid regimes).

Anything less means you are a hypocrite and a sellout.

No one can be a better hypocrite than this...

flying without male chaperon = OK
Having a coffee with another man =:astagh::astagh:

Saudi Arabia Stands By Its Arrest of An American Woman in Starbucks | Fox News

Late Monday night, The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice publicly denounced her with a statement posted on the Internet, saying her actions violated the country's Shariah law.

"It's not allowed for any woman to travel alone and sit with a strange man and talk and laugh and drink coffee together like they are married," it said.

"All of these are against the law and it's clear it's against the law. First, for a woman to work with men is against the law and against religion. Second, the family sections at coffee shops and restaurants are meant for families and close relatives," it continued.

My argument here is not against any specific group or country. Its a matter of principles...Saudi Arabia has proclaimed Quran as its constitution and Sharia as its law then why are they making exceptions out of it? Unless offcourse they are hypocrites and sellouts to their materialistic needs....what a sin! :astagh:
"It's not allowed for any woman to travel alone and sit with a strange man and talk and laugh and drink coffee together like they are married," it said.

What has marriage to do with laughing and coffee?
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