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Saudi Arabia's hate preachers must be silenced

Bubblegum Crisis

Feb 4, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates


Quote :

Saudi Arabia's hate preachers must be silenced

Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Khaled Almaeena

A Gulf paper reported the suspension of the Twitter account of a Saudi preacher who urged followers on social media networking websites to celebrate the death by suicide bombing of dozens of protestors in Yemen thought to be Houthis. On Twitter, Khalid al-Ghamdi gloated over the corpses of people killed in bomb attacks in Sanaa on Oct. 9. He praised the al-Qaeda group who carried out the attack and in his twisted way asked followers to watch images of the burnt bodies. His show on Al-Wesal TV has been accused by patriotic Saudis of stoking sectarianism in the region. The sadistic comments caused outrage among peace-loving people who called for his prosecution.

“We must work harder to preserve our security and stability and strive to achieve greater prosperity”

Al-Ghamdi’s perverted, uncivilized and barbaric behavior is totally repugnant to the majority of Muslims all over the world. To ask people to gloat over the killing of innocent women and children reveals a demonic mind. The government is intent on fighting this evil ideology of hate, intolerance, incitement to murder and the vicious brutality of glorifying such heinous acts. However, we can’t do this by praying in mosques against “Daish,” the so-called Islamic State, or by reading circulars from the authorities asking us not to be swayed by deviants. This is a threatening evil ideology that has to be fought with serious determination and political will.

Ugly forms of extremism

Sadly, over the past 25 years extremism in all its ugly forms has spread in every strata of society. These self-appointed guardians of religion have become a “state within a state.” They have infiltrated all professions and many of us have tolerated them thinking it was a passing phase that posed no serious harm. Today, we are paying a serious price for having neglected to address what was clearly a recipe for disaster. We have allowed these agents of obscurantism and perverted ideology to spread like cancer. We cannot continue to be passive bystanders any longer. We should speak louder with our own narrative. They have hijacked our religion and preyed upon the minds of our innocent youth.

Let us encourage a united public outcry condemning their distorted interpretation of our Islamic ideology and let us project our true Muslim faith that shares universal values of tolerance, decency and righteousness. Let us also promote the proper Jihad of striving to do good deeds and serving the Merciful by spreading peace and love to all mankind. The public should understand that they have a religious responsibility to report to the authorities any talk that encourages extremism or sympathizes with any acts of terrorism.

The authorities on their part should weed out extremist elements and fifth columnists from public offices. Business people should contribute to building playing fields, libraries and theaters for the benefit of the young. Let them focus on love of life and hard work to counter the purveyors of death, the likes of al-Ghamdi who want to create a society of hatred, destruction and ruin. Let us glorify the message of God in the Holy Quran that celebrates life on earth and the Hereafter, a life of compassion and harmony.

A lot of progress has been accomplished in our country. However, we must work harder to preserve our security and stability and strive to achieve greater prosperity. This will require disciplined and sensible progressive minds, and we have plenty of them who need more recognition and support. Our message to these preachers of hate should be loud and clear: We will not allow you to hijack our country!

Al Arabiya



Quote :

Saudi Arabia's hate preachers must be silenced
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Khaled Almaeena

A Gulf paper reported the suspension of the Twitter account of a Saudi preacher who urged followers on social media networking websites to celebrate the death by suicide bombing of dozens of protestors in Yemen thought to be Houthis. On Twitter, Khalid al-Ghamdi gloated over the corpses of people killed in bomb attacks in Sanaa on Oct. 9. He praised the al-Qaeda group who carried out the attack and in his twisted way asked followers to watch images of the burnt bodies. His show on Al-Wesal TV has been accused by patriotic Saudis of stoking sectarianism in the region. The sadistic comments caused outrage among peace-loving people who called for his prosecution.

“We must work harder to preserve our security and stability and strive to achieve greater prosperity”

Al-Ghamdi’s perverted, uncivilized and barbaric behavior is totally repugnant to the majority of Muslims all over the world. To ask people to gloat over the killing of innocent women and children reveals a demonic mind. The government is intent on fighting this evil ideology of hate, intolerance, incitement to murder and the vicious brutality of glorifying such heinous acts. However, we can’t do this by praying in mosques against “Daish,” the so-called Islamic State, or by reading circulars from the authorities asking us not to be swayed by deviants. This is a threatening evil ideology that has to be fought with serious determination and political will.

Ugly forms of extremism

Sadly, over the past 25 years extremism in all its ugly forms has spread in every strata of society. These self-appointed guardians of religion have become a “state within a state.” They have infiltrated all professions and many of us have tolerated them thinking it was a passing phase that posed no serious harm. Today, we are paying a serious price for having neglected to address what was clearly a recipe for disaster. We have allowed these agents of obscurantism and perverted ideology to spread like cancer. We cannot continue to be passive bystanders any longer. We should speak louder with our own narrative. They have hijacked our religion and preyed upon the minds of our innocent youth.

Let us encourage a united public outcry condemning their distorted interpretation of our Islamic ideology and let us project our true Muslim faith that shares universal values of tolerance, decency and righteousness. Let us also promote the proper Jihad of striving to do good deeds and serving the Merciful by spreading peace and love to all mankind. The public should understand that they have a religious responsibility to report to the authorities any talk that encourages extremism or sympathizes with any acts of terrorism.

The authorities on their part should weed out extremist elements and fifth columnists from public offices. Business people should contribute to building playing fields, libraries and theaters for the benefit of the young. Let them focus on love of life and hard work to counter the purveyors of death, the likes of al-Ghamdi who want to create a society of hatred, destruction and ruin. Let us glorify the message of God in the Holy Quran that celebrates life on earth and the Hereafter, a life of compassion and harmony.

A lot of progress has been accomplished in our country. However, we must work harder to preserve our security and stability and strive to achieve greater prosperity. This will require disciplined and sensible progressive minds, and we have plenty of them who need more recognition and support. Our message to these preachers of hate should be loud and clear: We will not allow you to hijack our country!

Al Arabiya

Too few, but a positive attitude is emerging. ( its fact, as far as Houtis, they are protesting against govt policies not about sectarianism and they can be controlled through dialogue. After all they belong to arab family)
Too few, but a positive attitude is emerging. ( its fact, as far as Houtis, they are protesting against govt policies not about sectarianism and they can be controlled through dialogue. After all they belong to arab family)

Houthis are sectarian as all hell, they never used to be though, in fact no one cared until they started swearing "Wahabi Nawasibi Kafirs" at Saudis and Saudi affiliated Yemeni Tribes, a word spoon fed by someone in the region.

Go and visit their Internet forums or their YouTube speeches and come back to tell me it is not sectarian.
Houthis are sectarian as all hell, they never used to be though, in fact no one cared until they started swearing "Wahabi Nawasibi Kafirs" at Saudis and Saudi affiliated Yemeni Tribes, a word spoon fed by someone in the region.

Go and visit their Internet forums or their YouTube speeches and come back to tell me it is not sectarian.

Its all lack of education and they been away from education for decades. Plus they been living on free oil for many years. Now when cut the supply of free food, people cry anyway. But its leadership who built the masses.
Its all lack of education and they been away from education for decades. Plus they been living on free oil for many years. Now when cut the supply of free food, people cry anyway. But its leadership who built the masses.

It sounds like that there are hate preachers only in SA when states like assrahell and mother india are full of it and what's more interesting is that those zionazi scums and their pets in india are flourishing!
Is that the reason why so many Yemeni Sunnis have allied with Houthis?

The reason is, Houthis have an "either you are with us, or if you disagree with us we will label you as Al-Qaeda and massacre your entire tribe" as they are currently doing. Allying out of fear of a massacre from a sectarian player is not truly allying is it?

So yeah, Houthis have become extremely sectarian as of late, indoctrinated by a sectarian state to be this way.
The reason is, Houthis have an "either you are with us, or if you disagree with us we will label you as Al-Qaeda and massacre your entire tribe" as they are currently doing. Allying out of fear of a massacre from a sectarian player is not truly allying is it?

Really??!! All articles I have read about Yemeni situation (wether western or eastern sources) point that many Sunnis have allied with Houthis because they were fed up with the current Yemeni situation (wether economically or politically after Salehs departure), and that was the reason why Houthis could take control of Yemen. And that makes sense, because Houthis are militarily to weak to conquer Yemen, they had to have the support of many Sunni tribes.
Really??!! All articles I have read about Yemeni situation (wether western or eastern sources) point that many Sunnis have allied with Houthis because they were fed up with the current Yemeni situation (wether economically or politically after Salehs departure), and that was the reason why Houthis could take control of Yemen. And that makes sense, because Houthis are militarily to weak to conquer Yemen, they had to have the support of many Sunni tribes.

The Houthis used the "High gas prices" CB for it. Many joined in but now many were disillusioned when Houthis started to target execute people of certain tribes. A notable one was a pharmacist who was shot down in front of a hospital and then was denied medical assistance, the photos of which spread throughout Yemen in social media creating distrust.

(Can't post or link, because of forum rules on graphic content)


Quote :

Saudi Arabia's hate preachers must be silenced

Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Khaled Almaeena

A Gulf paper reported the suspension of the Twitter account of a Saudi preacher who urged followers on social media networking websites to celebrate the death by suicide bombing of dozens of protestors in Yemen thought to be Houthis. On Twitter, Khalid al-Ghamdi gloated over the corpses of people killed in bomb attacks in Sanaa on Oct. 9. He praised the al-Qaeda group who carried out the attack and in his twisted way asked followers to watch images of the burnt bodies. His show on Al-Wesal TV has been accused by patriotic Saudis of stoking sectarianism in the region. The sadistic comments caused outrage among peace-loving people who called for his prosecution.

“We must work harder to preserve our security and stability and strive to achieve greater prosperity”

Al-Ghamdi’s perverted, uncivilized and barbaric behavior is totally repugnant to the majority of Muslims all over the world. To ask people to gloat over the killing of innocent women and children reveals a demonic mind. The government is intent on fighting this evil ideology of hate, intolerance, incitement to murder and the vicious brutality of glorifying such heinous acts. However, we can’t do this by praying in mosques against “Daish,” the so-called Islamic State, or by reading circulars from the authorities asking us not to be swayed by deviants. This is a threatening evil ideology that has to be fought with serious determination and political will.

Ugly forms of extremism

Sadly, over the past 25 years extremism in all its ugly forms has spread in every strata of society. These self-appointed guardians of religion have become a “state within a state.” They have infiltrated all professions and many of us have tolerated them thinking it was a passing phase that posed no serious harm. Today, we are paying a serious price for having neglected to address what was clearly a recipe for disaster. We have allowed these agents of obscurantism and perverted ideology to spread like cancer. We cannot continue to be passive bystanders any longer. We should speak louder with our own narrative. They have hijacked our religion and preyed upon the minds of our innocent youth.

Let us encourage a united public outcry condemning their distorted interpretation of our Islamic ideology and let us project our true Muslim faith that shares universal values of tolerance, decency and righteousness. Let us also promote the proper Jihad of striving to do good deeds and serving the Merciful by spreading peace and love to all mankind. The public should understand that they have a religious responsibility to report to the authorities any talk that encourages extremism or sympathizes with any acts of terrorism.

The authorities on their part should weed out extremist elements and fifth columnists from public offices. Business people should contribute to building playing fields, libraries and theaters for the benefit of the young. Let them focus on love of life and hard work to counter the purveyors of death, the likes of al-Ghamdi who want to create a society of hatred, destruction and ruin. Let us glorify the message of God in the Holy Quran that celebrates life on earth and the Hereafter, a life of compassion and harmony.

A lot of progress has been accomplished in our country. However, we must work harder to preserve our security and stability and strive to achieve greater prosperity. This will require disciplined and sensible progressive minds, and we have plenty of them who need more recognition and support. Our message to these preachers of hate should be loud and clear: We will not allow you to hijack our country!

Al Arabiya


Both Saudi/Whabi Mullahs and Iranian Ayatullahs are the right and left hands of Shaitan.

They cannot be silenced until the day of judgement.

Both Saudi/Whabi Mullahs and Iranian Ayatullahs are the right and left hands of Shaitan.

They cannot be silenced until the day of judgement.


I just would like to note that the press releasing this article is "Al-Arabiya" which is the Saudi version of "Al-Jazeera", I just want you to keep this little bit of info in mind.
Saudi/Whabi Mullahs ... are the right ... hand of Shaitan.

They cannot be silenced until the day of judgement.



I see !

Don't worry especially for us. Now that we have made 'our final decision' (Their complet extermination), we'll take extremely good care of them - and their supporters -.

Sit quietly and enjoy the wonderful show. :devil::devil::devil:

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