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Saudi Arabia wanted to buy Pakistani submarines

Saudi Arabia and Malaysia expressed interest in Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines

Saudi Arabia on other hand has almost finalized the deal . The main problem with the issue is that French and Pakistani engineers have changed Agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes. This irked American Defense Department which was quick to use its ties with Pakistan on this issue. However Pakistan has assured United States that it will sell perfectly safe submarines to Saudi Arabia

DAWN WIRE SERVICE : 18 November 2000 Issue : 06/44


Apparently we wanted to buy Pakistani submarines but Pakistan refused to sell due to American pressure :( really sad read for me.

what the US has to do with ?

Did you read the article ? :azn: The link doesn't even mention the sort of things the OP posted !

S. Arabia, Malaysia interested in Agosta
By Shamim-ur-Rahman

KARACHI, Nov 16: Saudi Arabia and Malaysia have expressed interest
in Pakistan's expertise for building the French-designed Agosta 90-
B submarines and explored the possibilities for striking a deal in
this regard.

This was stated by the naval chief, Admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza while
briefing newsmen on navy's efforts for self-reliance at the media
centre of Ideas 2000 defence exhibition on Thursday.

"We have been successful in the sale of midgets and we are also
exploring the possibility of selling Agosta 90-B submarines to a
regional country," he said.

Admiral Mirza added that Saudi Arabia and Malaysia were interested
in the product. Qatar was also a buyer of Pakistan-built midgets,
he said.

Delegation of these countries visited the surface ships and
submarine rebuild and manufacturing facilities at the naval

He said that any tri-lateral deal with regard to Agosta 90-B would
not only boost Pakistan's image and credibility in international
market, but also help in earning sizable foreign exchange, required
for future development programmes of the services.

A deal in this regard would also result in considerable savings for
the prospective buyers, he added.

Admiral Mirza said the navy was looking for regional and other
markets for its products.

He said that the second Agosta, now being built at the dockyard,
would be delivered in 2002 and the third would be commissioned in
2004. Over 750 people were working on the project. Of them 500 had
been trained in France, he added.

As the production gathers momentum, "we will certainly go for
deletions for producing spare parts, which will enable us to reduce
dependence on others", the admiral said.

He said Pakistan believed in transfer of technology and told a
questioner that we have paid for all the assistance on transfer of
technology to France, which figured out at $1 billion and with
mark-up came at $1.4 billion. It included expenses incurred on
setting up of workshops and upgradation of the shipyard.

Pakistan's public sector defence companies and overhaul rebuild
capabilities were engaged in a wide-range of activities that could
be utilized by friendly nations, he said.

The navy, he said, had gone in a big way for indigenization in
shipbuilding with Chinese assistance. He said those countries, who
were using similar type of vessels, could also benefit from
Pakistan's expertise for training of its personnel besides repair
and maintenance of the vessels.

The French authorities had come under pressure from the European
Union, after 1998, but that was a temporary phase which was over
and "we have the best of relationship", the admiral said

The only related things I find in the link are these ... Now go back and read the links ! :azn:
People are very quick and eager to jump on the bandwagon !


explain that line
explain that line

What line ? :hitwall: ... Dont you get what I mean even by looking at the picture ?

Seriously , there's not a single mention of US nor S.Arabia finalizing the deal ... It just says that your country showed interest in buying Agosta sub ! Nothing more ... Stop making up news !
The main problem with the issue is that French and Pakistani engineers have changed Agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes.
Err...I didn't know that the Agostas have been modified to carry nukes and that Pakistan has a nuclear TRIAD capability? I thought the Agostas are armed with:

• SM 39 Exocet ant ship missiles.
• 4 × 533 mm (21 in) bow torpedo tubes.
• ECAN L5 Mod 3 & ECAN F17 Mod 2 torpedoes.

Now if these subs have been re-configured I wonder what are these nuclear missiles that they carry?
i hope that PN is now in this position to build their own submarines
if there is such difficulty present than china and turkey can solve that problem
is Saudi purchase Pakistan sub i don't think so
because in Pakistan both Pakistan and Saudi agree to purchase saab-2000 but they left the deal
in past they examine the Al-Khalid tank but choose to Russian t-90 and German leopard
The deal is off- thats sad- and it was a very good opportunity lost by the bakistanis-
Iraq invaded Kuwait, not Saudi Arabia.
Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia funded around 60-80% of the bills of a massive coalition force to carpet bomb Iraq, not Kuwait, but bomb Iraq itself. Let's not forget here that Saud proclaims itself to be the holy land, yet engages and funds non-muslims in wars against muslims, then justifies en-masse purchases of weaponry.

But hey, that was way back, right? I didn't see Saudi Arabia doing anything when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip.

what saudi arabia did was exactly what pakistan did during afghan invasion- saving its own national interests-
The displaced Kuwaitis and saddams intentions were direct threat to the kingdom-
Iraq invaded Kuwait, not Saudi Arabia.
Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia funded around 60-80% of the bills of a massive coalition force to carpet bomb Iraq, not Kuwait, but bomb Iraq itself. Let's not forget here that Saud proclaims itself to be the holy land, yet engages and funds non-muslims in wars against muslims, then justifies en-masse purchases of weaponry.

But hey, that was way back, right? I didn't see Saudi Arabia doing anything when Israel invaded the Gaza Strip.

No actually Saudi Arabia didn't start the war officially until Iraq invaded Khafji a Saudi city. And are you seriously trying to teach us our own history??

Seriously your ignorance have just been exposed to all.
what saudi arabia did was exactly what pakistan did during afghan invasion- saving its own national interests-
The displaced Kuwaitis and saddams intentions were direct threat to the kingdom-

Will you say the same for fighting against Ottoman muslim Turks and making the dollar - a petrodollar ?

The deal is off- thats sad- and it was a very good opportunity lost by the bakistanis-

Even bothered to look at the news and the thread ? :azn: ... There's not even a slight mention of the message that OP is trying to convey here , apologetic !
Will you say the same for fighting against Ottoman muslim Turks and making the dollar - a petrodollar ?

we have our own 71 history of past to look upon and get ashamed- no point in pointin' fingers at others-

Even bothered to look at the news and the thread ? :azn: ... There's not even a slight mention of the message that OP is trying to convey here , apologetic !

didn't get ya-
Will you say the same for fighting against Ottoman muslim Turks and making the dollar - a petrodollar ?

Even bothered to look at the news and the thread ? :azn: ... There's not even a slight mention of the message that OP is trying to convey here , apologetic !

Saudi Arabia never ever fought against the ottomans in WW1. This is a fact that I have proven here time and time again. Shreef Hussien was the one resposible of that who he himself was an enemy of Saudi Arabia and got British support but was ultimately defeated by Saudi Arabia and him along with his britsh Hellers kicked out. I have proven this fact in this forum time and time again with evidence and without any doubt.
There's no mention of any US pressure nor Saudi Arabia finalizing the deal ... Cared to read the links before posting ? :azn:

Saudia arabia is all set to buy high tech submarines from Pakistan said a senior official of Pakistan government.

Saudi Arabia and Malaysia expressed interest in Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines. Pakistan's second Agosta will be delivered in 2002. Pakistan Navy Admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza stated that Pakistan had received assistance in the shipbuilding industry development from the PRC.

Sale of submarines will have some problems since australia using its ties with Pakistan successfully broke the deal with malaysia . Australia had deep reservations with the fact that malaysia should be getting such high tech systems . Australia which itself has friendly defense ties with Pakistan successfully stopped the deal . However Pakistan did manage to compensate with a favour of selling missile boats in coming deals.

[pic]Agosta on visit to sister port cherbourg after karachi and france`s cherbourg were declared sister ports.

Saudia arabia on other hand has almost finalized the deal . The main problem with the issue is that french and Pakistani engineers have changed agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes . This irked american defense department which was quick to use its ties with Pakistan on this issue . However Pakistan has assured united states that it will sell perfectly safe submarines to saudia arabia and will not carry any dangerous systems on board . If this goes into effect saudia arabian navy will be operating the most formidable naval strike system . Saudia arabia has also got assurances from Pakistan that there will be no political pressure when Pakistan supplies mesma aip fitted submarines to saudia arabia which will make these submarines only submarines in the mideast region to have mesma aip systems installed on them.

Agosta-90B code named "ultimate hunter" by the french has new materials on board of HLES80 steel that give it capability to dive deeper than most of other submarines.

It is quieter than its adversaries and it also boasts capability of prolonged deep sea diving capability giving it much more cover from threat of being detected. The combat system onboard has been engineered to give the commanding officer enough time to get all the info and relate to a proper response in the form of torpedoes and missile systems.The fully integrated control systems of the submarine give it the capability of tracking a threat automatically giving time to the officer to launch F17MOD torpedoes as well as submarine launched Sm-39 missiles .The submarine can also be changed into a nuclear strike platform but those systems will not be offered for export.

The SM-39P has been engineered for special needs .
1-Stand-off capacity
2-Very high lethality
3-Stealthelayed emission of the homing head, ultra-skimming flight at very low altitude
Target selection discrimination capacity of the homing head .
4-Penetration of defences
Firing in divergent or convergent bursts designed to arrive from all directions at the same time in order to saturate defences; terminal manoeuvres to escape short range missiles and fast firing guns; sophisticated electronic counter countermeasures,
5-Flexible tactical use
Lower workload of operators particularly due to automatic computing of the skimming flight altitude depending on the condition of the sea when approaching the target, management of the firing procedure, optimisation of trajectories - initial flight level possible for obstacle clearance, etc
6-SM-39 is a long range anti-ship missile with "fire and Forget".
SM-39 provides, a highly effective destruction capability ...

The missile has two modes ; It can be fired with Tl-36 warhead for deep strike or a normal exocet warhead for disabling the warship or submarines. Under normal configuration it will disable all systems of the warships including jamming all the electronics during its flight path .
^ He posted a link and i checked it and there was nothing like that ... So is it being replaced with a new one ? :azn:

Atleast , post the link yourself ...

Just to enlighten you , the Agosta cant carry nuclear missiles nor the US had any reason to stop the sale ...

So the news even if it exists , is false ...

Saudia arabia has also got assurances from Pakistan that there will be no political pressure when Pakistan supplies mesma aip fitted submarines to saudia arabia which will make these submarines only submarines in the mideast region to have mesma aip systems installed on them.

So , how did we cancel the deal due to US pressure ? :azn Your own sources are refuting you ...

Here's the answer to your previous asked question !

Saudia arabia has also got assurances from Pakistan that there will be no political pressure when Pakistan supplies mesma aip fitted submarines to saudia arabia which will make these submarines only submarines in the mideast region to have mesma aip systems installed on them.

So , how did we cancel the deal due to US pressure ? :azn Your own sources are refuting you ...

Here's the answer to your previous asked question !
The Legend, what's done is done. musharraf who called himself saudi buddy was american buddy as well he is gone why would someone blame Pakistan for what musharraf's incompetency did. Did Saudi Navy tried to approach PN again post musharraf? No, why not if the reason was the first rejection than why would US not sell you better SSN.

AFAIK...one of the Articles say, saudi navy next likely customers for Type209/1500 submarines, but the Article wrong informed regarding Type 209 being US submarine, I believe a mistake on their part but an old Article highly unlikely for a platform first built in 1969 and kept on upgrading. But why would saudi navy go for Type 209 when Agosta A90B or German Type 212 is much more capable platform unless it is the other way around US pressuring saudis not to buy A90B and isrealis pressuring Germans not to sell German Type 212 submarines.

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