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Saudi Arabia & UAE snub phone calls with Biden


Jan 5, 2015
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9 Mar, 2022 07:43
Saudi Arabia & UAE snub phone calls with Biden – media
The US wanted to persuade the Gulf states to increase oil production, a report says

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the UAE declined US requests to speak to President Joe Biden in recent weeks, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing US officials.


World is tired of American hipocrisy, double-standards and backstabbings.

All Khasoggi Western massmedia circus was a absolute nonsense, massmedia everyday publishing news about a journalist that nobody in the West give a FCK about him.
It's very tiring see hypocrites Americans giving moral lessons to the world when they are the less moral state over the face of Earth.
It's tiring all that social engineering and endless lies.

And even American partners like Saudi Arabia and UAE are tired of American sh!t.
Is UAE confused, in security council they absatain, in general assembly they went with west now they refuse biden's call. Whats going on?
USA strategist 2021:Mr. President the Quad+Israel+UK are the only allies we need. No need to call MBS.

USA strategist 2022:Mr. President, we will need additional oil supply, only GCC has excess capacity, you will need to call MBS.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
UAE is buying China fighter training jet, the relationship of Gulf and US is deteriorating fast.
MENA is neutral in cold war 2. Support of GCC and China was critical to USA victory in cold war 1, why USA strategists don't understand I cant understand.
USA strategist 2021:Mr. President the Quad+Israel+UK are the only allies we need. No need to call MBS.

USA strategist 2022:Mr. President, we will need additional oil supply, only GCC has excess capacity, you will need to call MBS.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Forgive Biden....his cognition abilities are deteriorating / have already deteriorated.
Blame the Americans who voted for him. I know many Indian Americans who voted for him, including my communist friend who (while still being a communist) migrated to USA, and blames capitalism for everything (while enjoying all comforts that capitalism offers).

If this news is true, then it is greatest humiliation of US president. Biden should not have gone after MBS for kashoggi.
Forgive Biden....his cognition abilities are deteriorating / have already deteriorated.
Blame the Americans who voted for him. I know many Indian Americans who voted for him, including my communist friend who (while still being a communist) migrated to USA, and blames capitalism for everything (while enjoying all comforts that capitalism offers).

If this news is true, then it is greatest humiliation of US president. Biden should not have gone after MBS for kashoggi.

USA democracy is just another TV show.

It's tiring for foreign states support that stupid show.

USA is a Wall St bankers dictatorship, playing to fool the whole world over and over, well, it's enough, USA can't be trusted since 2008.
Forgive Biden....his cognition abilities are deteriorating / have already deteriorated.
Blame the Americans who voted for him. I know many Indian Americans who voted for him, including my communist friend who (while still being a communist) migrated to USA, and blames capitalism for everything (while enjoying all comforts that capitalism offers).

If this news is true, then it is greatest humiliation of US president. Biden should not have gone after MBS for kashoggi.
These strategic blunders go beyond Biden. It extends all over USA strategic thinking (both military and civilian).....which was narrowly focused on the "Indo-Pacific" over the last few years. It values Israel above the rest of the MENA and has ignored or been hostile to much of Europe as well. This has laid the groundwork for what we are seeing today, the USA has been largely caught off-guard by the Russians and does not have as many friends to help it like it did in CW1. Quad+Isreal are not relevant against Russia. India supports Russia and most Israeli are of Russian origin, Australia is too weak and far away, Japan won't do anything to Russia....traumatized by the defeats it sufferered in Manchuria before WW2.
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USA democracy is just another TV show.

It's tiring for foreign states support that stupid show.

USA is a Wall St bankers dictatorship, playing to fool the whole world over and over, well, it's enough, USA can't be trusted since 2008.

I do not agree....your understanding is incorrect.
MENA is neutral in cold war 2. Support of GCC and China was critical to USA victory in cold war 1, why USA strategists don't understand I cant understand.
China is ok with neutrality of MENA, because China is manufacture hub and factory, China doesn't rely on financial hegemony. China relies on real GDP.

US is not ok with neutrality of MENA, because US relies on dollar dominance. US empire will collapse once financial hegemony ends.

Big difference.

US like to put this one on small countries neck.
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