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Saudi Arabia to buy Russian tanks and helicopters in $2 billion weapons deal

viper`in`style;489902]I dont know why you people are living in fools heaven.Iran is heavly involve in blochistan insurgency Iran working against our Gawarder port because they are building Char-bhag port to destroy our port and

Some one gets there news from Terrorist news today as most baloch leaders are based in UAE u no the country that actually stands to lose cause of our Port but we will keep that our little secret no one needs to no.

Indians are building Char-baag port ,Iran having a defense contract with india against Pakistan in case of war india can use iraninan soil against Pakistan

was this news published in osama times as Most of civilized people dont get that publication mind providing a proof of your acusations as this will make our scientist and government also part of that u no when we helped iran with her nuclear needs.

Iran on one side is against americans and on the other side made a contact to supply weapons and other goods to american forces in afghanistan through iran and ultimately they are using these weapons are using against Pakistan.

Americans need iranians help to bring weapons into Afghanistan :rofl::woot:

open your eyes and see the world with broader prospective this Islamic brother hood is nothing it is all about interest game

May i suggest u do follow your own advice and stop reading news published in osama times sooner or later he will take a hell fire up his wazoo.
Iranians are in bed with indians.This is more then enough reason for Pakistan to be careful about iran.Having said this, Iran is a neighbor we should improve our relations.We should listen to Iranian concerns.We should not act like Saudi Stooge.
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The same thing u do with al khalid ... :cheers:

Anybody who thought Hosue of saud will buy Pakistani or for that matter any weapons without there Fathers permissions is a fool but non the less at least we had a shot unlike Arjuns which even the Indian Army refused to purchase Whatever happened to those Arjuns :rofl::azn:
Iranians are in bed with indians.This is more then enough reason for Pakistan to be careful iran.Having said this, Iran is a neighbor we should improve our relations.We should listen to Iranian concerns.We should not act like Saudi Stooge.

All i am asking for is a proof of Iranians having this contract with India simple as that.
If u mean iranians have buisness or construction deals with india i am 100% sure they have but most Arab lovers forget so does Most of the Arab countries.middle eastren countries have more investment in india then iran (and there is absolutly nothing wrong with it)but paying attention to one and looking the other way for others is called Hypocracy.
All i am asking for is a proof of Iranians having this contract with India simple as that.
If u mean iranians have buisness or construction deals with india i am 100% sure they have but most Arab lovers forget so does Most of the Arab countries.middle eastren countries have more investment in india then iran (and there is absolutly nothing wrong with it)but paying attention to one and looking the other way for others is called Hypocracy.

This is a bit old but it is from a credible source.

Strategic shift in south Asia (Jane's)

In an effort to garner international support for their side of the endless Kashmir dispute, both India and Pakistan have been doing their best to attract the friendship of the United States since the beginning of the 'war on terrorism'. The US is seen as the only third party that could intervene to solve the Kashmir dispute. While Pakistan holds US President George W Bush's immediate attention, India seemed to be winning the long-term battle, at least until now. We reveal what is going on.

India surprised both Pakistan and the US in the signing of its recent accord with Iran. This strategic agreement, which will allow India the use of Iranian military bases in the event of any outbreak of tensions with Pakistan, affects the future of the sub-continent.

The revelation by India of the pact not only heightens tension in south Asia, but also leaves the US with a dilemma: how to react to India's alliance with Iran, which remains part of the US 'axis of evil'.

The pact was signed a week before the visit of Iran's President, Mahammad Khatami, to India to join the celebrations for India's national day on 26 January. Signed in Tehran by the Indian naval chief and the Iranian minister of defence, the pact marks a complete turnaround by Iran, which used to be a close ally of Pakistan. How the pact fits in with India's defence relationship with Israel is unclear, but the threat this can pose to Pakistan is all too real.

Iran benefits by gaining access to Indian military expertise, which will include upgrades of its fighters, as well as new tanks and artillery. India will also help train the Iranian army and navy. India will be allowed to deploy troops and equipment in Iran during a crisis with Pakistan and gain access to Iranian ports.

It looks very much like an encirclement of Pakistan by India. The pressure on Pakistan's defences would be almost overwhelming. We expect Pakistan to respond. Much will depend on the reaction of the Bush administration.

Mods: Sorry if this is off topic. But I am just responding to a query. May be this could be a separate thread if we don't already have one.
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I dont know why you people are living in fools heaven.Iran is heavly involve in blochistan insurgency,Iran working against our Gawarder port because they are building Char-bhag port to destroy our port and Indians are building Char-baag port ,Iran having a defense contract with india against Pakistan in case of war india can use iraninan soil against Pakistan,Iran on one side is against americans and on the other side made a contact to supply weapons and other goods to american forces in afghanistan through iran and ultimately they are using these weapons are using against Pakistan.open your eyes and see the world with broader prospective this Islamic brother hood is nothing it is all about interest game.

SAME THING i said couple of months back and i was slapped all over the forum:undecided: Why, just coz i had tricolor under my name?
Some one gets there news from Terrorist news today as most baloch leaders are based in UAE u no the country that actually stands to lose cause of our Port but we will keep that our little secret no one needs to no.

Kid update your self u will know the game

was this news published in osama times as Most of civilized people dont get that publication mind providing a proof of your acusations as this will make our scientist and government also part of that u no when we helped iran with her nuclear needs.

update ur self and take a look around and then come to me

Americans need iranians help to bring weapons into Afghanistan :rofl::woot:

[red]kidu u should read news daily it is in real

May i suggest u do follow your own advice and stop reading news published in osama times sooner or later he will take a hell fire up his wazoo.

lol i think kids shouldnt be alowed to post in this forum,specially who knows nothing else then how to play with toys ..grow up and get some knowledge and then come to us:devil:
lol i think kids shouldnt be alowed to post in this forum,specially who knows nothing else then how to play with toys ..grow up and get some knowledge and then come to us:devil:

LOL:rofl::rofl: I love these kind of intelligent Answers ''i have no idea what i am talking about''but i will put my 2 cents in it any way.
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