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Saudi Arabia says it welcomes LGBTQ visitors

This Mega Bull Shiit MBS is a joker.
He should understand that his country hosts the most holy sites for 2 billion Muslims around the world and should not insult islam.
Islam totally rejects LGBT and that should be Saudi stance.
If they can't do that and want to bend over and present their rear end to please the west,they should give up Makkah and Madina to some other arrangement so that we Muslims don't get ashamed due to saudi BS or MBS.

MBS is trying to appease the West. We know what he is doing. The bad news for MBS is that he won't succeed.

1. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country with a certain history. You cannot erase nor ignore this history. The West won't easily buy the charade.
2. MBS is a chainsaw killer. He has developed a terrible reputation in the West. If anything, this appeasment attempt will backfire badly.
MBS is trying to appease the West. We know what he is doing. The bad news for MBS is that he won't succeed.

1. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country with a certain history. You cannot erase nor ignore this history. The West won't easily buy the charade.
2. MBS is a chainsaw killer. He has developed a terrible reputation in the West. If anything, this appeasment attempt will backfire badly.

1) Saudis are happy. They want to get rid of Islamization. They want to enjoy concert, cinema and even bars. Same with Iran, Afghanistan.

2) I think he is trying to happy west as they were unhappy because MBS gave order for assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, who was cut into peaces in Saudi consulate in Turkey.

Plz look at this video. Check crowd of people. Its in Saudi. :rofl:

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You call an apple an apple for a reason. You don't call an apple an orange. Besides, not so long ago LGTBQ/trans was treated as a mental disease in Western countries. That is right. Many Western countries considered gays as mentally retarted. So much for modernity.

Now coming to your definition of modernity. Treating people equally and with respect has nothing to do with modernity. This is simply common courtesy. However, you cannot expect to be treated equally in instances when you violate norms and values that have existed for centuries. Gays exist in every society, but don't expect all people to accept and normalize this abnormal behaviour.

There are many people in Western societies including natives that oppose LGBTQ agenda. For you to think that everyone in the West accepts homosexuality as normal would be a wrong assumption.

You're right they did treat it as a disease and that was 70 years ago. Coming up to a century ago so its a long time ago now and they don't anymore.

Its okay to not agree with it, I don't either tbh but a society where there is a mature acceptance of differences is better than a witch hunt mentality.

I'm guessing Saudis want tourism and immigration so are preparing to open their doors for the influx. Hajj is a good money maker for them and they want more tourism revenue and professional workers, not just cheap labor.
You're right they did treat it as a disease and that was 70 years ago. Coming up to a century ago so its a long time ago now and they don't anymore.

Its okay to not agree with it, I don't either tbh but a society where there is a mature acceptance of differences is better than a witch hunt mentality.

I'm guessing Saudis want tourism and immigration so are preparing to open their doors for the influx. Hajj is a good money maker for them and they want more tourism revenue and professional workers, not just cheap labor.

Petrol will be end in future in Saudi.
No demand of petrol will be in future,

CNG is big example, world is trying hard to get rid of Petrol, Diesel.
May be there will be Electric or Hydrogen vehicles.

These are also reasons, but this may be done by past saudi rulers, but MBS is doing, so this may be reason to please west, as on orders of MBS Jamal Kashoggi was butchered.
The only thing more powerful then the all mighty.... the all mighty dollar.
Either way, the only people affected by this are the LGBT. If you are not that, then you have nothing to worry about as it doesn't affect you.
You're right they did treat it as a disease and that was 70 years ago. Coming up to a century ago so its a long time ago now and they don't anymore.

Its okay to not agree with it, I don't either tbh but a society where there is a mature acceptance of differences is better than a witch hunt mentality.

I'm guessing Saudis want tourism and immigration so are preparing to open their doors for the influx. Hajj is a good money maker for them and they want more tourism revenue and professional workers, not just cheap labor.

This is not true. Homosexuality was a criminal offence in most weatern countries weel into the late 80’s and early 90,s. Gay marriages were not allowed before early 2000s.
LGBT is a far more potent weapon of mass destruction, that any nuclear bomb could be. Mark my words.

By LGBT i mean promotion of LGBTism
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An STA spokesperson said in a statement:
Everyone is welcome to visit Saudi, provided that they follow and respect our culture, traditions and laws, as you would when you visit any other country in the world. “
"Like other governments, we do not ask visitors personal questions and we respect the right to privacy.”

When wife, husband goes on honeymoon, every body knows fk will happen somewhere in hotel or anywhere.

When gay couple goes there, will they follow Islamic rules or MBS rules?
Will there be cameras on hotel?

It means they are allowing foreign homosexuals now (for homosexuality), and will allow homosexuality in locals in future.

They are allowing concert, cinema, bars, casinos which are not their culture, but will be.
When wife, husband goes on honeymoon, every body knows fk will happen somewhere in hotel or anywhere.

When gay couple goes there, will they follow Islamic rules or MBS rules?
Will there be cameras on hotel?

It means they are allowing foreign homosexuals now (for homosexuality), and will allow homosexuality in locals in future.

They are allowing concert, cinema, bars, casinos which are not their culture, but will be.
Homosexuals don't need to reserve the same room in a hotel.. how can you control them from visiting each other or even knowing they are homosexuals in the first place? It is private anyways and you can not control it..

But will be! according to you!???
Homosexuals don't need to reserve the same room in a hotel.. how can you control them from visiting each other or even knowing they are homosexuals in the first place? It is private anyways and you can not control it..

But will be! according to you!???

I am just saying Saudi is allowing homosexuality in the country slowly slowly..
1st foreigners,
Next will be locals in future.
I am just saying Saudi is allowing homosexuality in the country slowly slowly..
1st foreigners,
Next will be locals in future.
What makes you say that?
Locals can be controlled more than let's say individual tourists..
You're right they did treat it as a disease and that was 70 years ago. Coming up to a century ago so its a long time ago now and they don't anymore.

Its okay to not agree with it, I don't either tbh but a society where there is a mature acceptance of differences is better than a witch hunt mentality.

I'm guessing Saudis want tourism and immigration so are preparing to open their doors for the influx. Hajj is a good money maker for them and they want more tourism revenue and professional workers, not just cheap labor.
They are aggressively pushing LGBTQ agenda on children, normalizing and promoting unnatural sexual deviancies and perversions, while you want mature acceptance. There is a huge difference between wanting to murder suspected gays minding their own business and promoting abnormal sexual deviancies which have very bad consequence for family, social and human values and existence. So, ironically, there is a big spike in westerners looking to Islam to escape this evil degeneracy.
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