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Saudi Arabia pushes for Storm Shadow integration with Typhoon


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia pushes for Storm Shadow integration with Typhoon

Eurofighter has accelerated plans to integrate the MBDA Storm Shadow cruise missile with the Typhoon in response to a pressing requirement from Saudi Arabia.

As part of a wider rescheduling of the plan - known as the Phase 2 Enhancement (P2E) programme - to introduce new combat capabilities on the Typhoon, Eurofighter will begin Storm Shadow test flights on a Typhoon later this year. Under the revised P2E plan, Storm Shadow integration has been accelerated with a target date of 2015 for weapon availability. However, the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) is pressing for the work to be completed earlier, and has requested a Storm Shadow capability by 2014.

Saudi Arabia pushes for Storm Shadow integration with Typhoon - IHS Jane's 360
Is Saudi Arabia looking forward to buy new Storm Shadow missiles, or just integrate those which are already in it's inventory?

They will come with the Tranche III. As earlier blocks have limited A2G capability,they will be upgraded later.
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Is Saudi Arabia looking forward to buy new Storm Shadow missiles, or just integrate those which are already in it's inventory?

I believe after the UK, KSA is the biggest operator of storm shadows. Why would we need more?


They will come with the Tranche III. As earlier blocks have limited A2G capability,they will be upgraded later.

Not the Saudi Block15A typhoons. It is a Tranche 2 typhoon but a tranche 2 on steroids
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why arab countries are not purchasing weapons from muslim countries like pakistan and turkey
I believe after the UK, KSA is the biggest operator of storm shadows. Why would we need more?

The UAE bought 400 of those, if you have more, then it's a serious long range A2G fire power.
The UAE bought 400 of those, if you have more, then it's a serious long range A2G fire power.

Yeah it is like 750 + 250 I think, More than enough to take out every radar installation in the entire MENA region.
why arab countries are not purchasing weapons from muslim countries like pakistan and turkey

Several Arab countries bought allot of stuff from Turkey, including UAVs, ammo, MRlS, IFVs, APCs, electronic and sight equipment, not to mention joint ventures.

Yeah it is like 750 + 250 I think, More than enough to take out every radar installation in the entire MENA region.

That's a huge number, do you have a source?
why arab countries are not purchasing weapons from muslim countries like pakistan and turkey

Why would a country buy crap just because it comes from a Muslim country?
If a muslim country wants to sell their products to a fellow Muslim country it should be based on the quality of that product not common religion.
Only thing that can influence the purchase other then quality is good relations with the seller and even then the quality has to be good.

And now you be honest. How much products you got in your house that does not come from a Muslim country? I assume many.
Why did you not buy only products of Muslim countries?
Because we are EVIIIIILLLL.

Got to send the Ghostbusters on you :)

Bacım istanbul'da ne işin var?
Saudis arming like crazy?Who is target?

Hi there :smart: what's going on?

If you live in a country whereby terrorists settle close to your Southern boarders - being backed by you know which that country is - trying to terrorize your own nation living in there, and were responsible for scattering 50k of our own people till we wiped them off, you need to push your military capability to the full extent of our defense scale to deter or destroyed them of they came around again.

And if you live in a country whereby the so-called Hezbollah of Iraq - being backed by you know which that country is - that fired a couple of Katyusha rockets on Kuwait's harbor, you will want to acquire upper lethal weapons to evaporate them in case of any act of terror against your country, especially when that group said " we will annihilate the infidel Saudi Arabian Regime"

Hizbullah of Iraq Sec.-Gen. Watheq Al-Battat: We Shall Annihilate the Infidel Atheist Saudi Regime - YouTube

And if you live in a country whereby the leader Hezbollah is threatening to destroy your gas installations and oil pipeline you have to demonstrate your capability to deter them or make a horrible example of them.

Hizbullah Secretary-General Nasrallah Threatens Oil, Gas Installations in the Region - YouTube

And if you live in a country whereby some terrorists - being backed by none other than the same country that support the aforementioned terror groups - sneak into Western boarders to spread chaos, you have to arm yourself to the teeth to defend your country.

Here is one location of their " training " camps located in Eritrea

Unlike many nations who claim to be peace-loving while they absolutely not, KSA has never, and will never be the aggressor toward any nation. We look for no confrontation with any country be it Thailand or Switzerland or whatever.

Finally, here what KSA said to its enemy

Saudi Ambassdor to Egypt Ahmad Al-Qattan Threatens: Iran Should Not Test Our Power - YouTube

:azn: our defense capability is 5 times lethal than our enemies.
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