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Saudi Arabia ‘joining CPEC to make Gwadar an oil city’

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is set to get a major push as Saudi Arabia is expected to join the multi-billion-dollar project soon.

With the Islamic Kingdom joining the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the Chinese government, the major stakeholders – Islamabad and Beijing – will speed up the efforts to complete projects as soon as possible.

Reports in media suggest Saudia Arabia is going to turn Gawadar into an oil city.

Pakistan needs $9 billion to run state affairs and it will overcome its difficulties with the heavy investment coming from China and Saudi Arabia.

In September last year, Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf Saeed Ahmed Al-Malky said that Saudi Arabia would “soon” undertake investments at Gwadar Port and join the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The Arab kingdom is one of the many countries who have shown keen interest in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), primarily to relate its economy with China and take steps in achieving its 2030 Vision.

The vision of the KSA 2030 Plan is to diversify the economy with mega projects like powerhouses and energy to reduce the kingdom’s dependency on oil.

One of the pillars of their vision plans is to use its unique location and become a global hub for vast economic activities. The CPEC would provide the Saudis a network of great trade pattern to engage even better in the world trade traffic.

KSA will also be able to help China to have a better crude oil for its import purposes as billions of dollars of China’s economy is highly dependent on trade activities.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia both can benefit from the exclusive trade routes under the BRI project.
It will be massive if Saudis can be encouraged to invest in Gwadar :wub:
They won't.
What are your opinion .

Is there any possibility that china will purchase gas from Iran and supply through karakuram highway .?

Isn't better china should sign IPC ( Iran-Pakistan -China ) gas pipeline. ?

CPEC will connect both KSA and Iran in regional business.
Wow .

So oil cargos will dock in Gawader [emoji7] .

Also invite Central Asian states to use Gawader port for export and import .

Win win .

Oil Cargos for which country? China?
Isnt it tremendously more expensive to transport liquids (especially such high volumes) over land than sea? Perhaps this will cater the areas of china bordering central asia? But you would think those areas would have access to Russian and Central Asian oil already.
So seems more strategic than practical.

Anyways, Ill let the Chinese or Pakistani members explain the significance of this before I comment further.
Oil Cargos for which country? China?
Isnt it tremendously more expensive to transport liquids (especially such high volumes) over land than sea? Perhaps this will cater the areas of china bordering central asia? But you would think those areas would have access to Russian and Central Asian oil already.
So seems more strategic than practical.

Anyways, Ill let the Chinese or Pakistani members explain the significance of this before I comment further.
This can be a case study. I think you are considering road/rail transport of oil, which is really very costly. Pakistan already operates a white oil pipe line connecting Karachi to Multan(PARCO). Same idea can be extended till Chinese provinces attached to PK. I believe this idea works in other parts of the world also. The cost of construction of such a line is high (high initial investment) as compared to road/rail. But the volumes handled per day can be 10-15 times higher thus bringing ROI in acceptable ranges. Maintenance cost (including establishing all weather availability) is higher for roads/ rails as well as risk values .Sea transport for china from Indian ocean may face issues in war like scenarios and may prove like handing your life line to the enemy.
This can be a case study. I think you are considering road/rail transport of oil, which is really very costly. Pakistan already operates a white oil pipe line connecting Karachi to Multan(PARCO). Same idea can be extended till Chinese provinces attached to PK. I believe this idea works in other parts of the world also. The cost of construction of such a line is high (high initial investment) as compared to road/rail. But the volumes handled per day can be 10-15 times higher thus bringing ROI in acceptable ranges. Maintenance cost (including establishing all weather availability) is higher for roads/ rails as well as risk values .Sea transport for china from Indian ocean may face issues in war like scenarios and may prove like handing your life line to the enemy.

Right! That's where my head was going.

I do think that what SA is referring to here is making Gwadar an outpost for refining oil from a business standpoint.
And crude oil imports to china from a strategic standpoint.
What are your opinion .
A few thoughts - my opinions of course.

Central Asians
The most wannabe fcukin Ruskies you can find. More Russkie wannebes then even the real Ruskies even if they get raped by far right Russkie skinheads in Moscow. Russians are notoriously racist compare to Americans. The British by comparison are angels. So let me make this clear. I don't like Banglas followed by Russkies. The Indians come third in my list of 'hates'. So no Afghanistan or Afganistan they don't want anything to do with people south of the Amu Darya.

Saudia Arabia
KSA is in bed with USA. It won't do anything to upset Uncle Sam. So I can't see how KSA will help take Gwadar forward in any substantive way. Would be surprised if it did.

Isn't better china should sign IPC ( Iran-Pakistan -China ) gas pipeline. ?
There is a problem with this. China being neighbour to Pakistan is only applicable on paper. The reality is China is further from Pakistan then Italy. What we have next to us is few Uighurs, few Han Chinese and 2000 miles of Gobi desert. So if you wanted to shift oil to China proper [where they need it] from Gwadar the pipe would traverse all of Pakistan, Karakorums, Chinese Turkestan, Gobi Desert and then China proper. The pipe would cost half of Pakistan's GDP and the cost would be twice compared to shipping tankers. Thus a no no unles it's in la la land.

Iranian gas? That is possible but certainly not anytime soon. China has lots of access to Russkie and Central Asian gas. Anyway a more direct route for Iranian gas to China is from Mashad-Turken-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-China.

Just my few 'paise' on the subject.
A few thoughts - my opinions of course.

The most wannabe fcukin Ruskies you can find. More Russkie wannebes then even the real Ruskies even if they get raped by far right Russkie skinheads in Moscow. Russians are notoriously racist compare to Americans. The British by comparison are angels.

Touching on them I have met several of those folks in NY man they are dumb as brick even the Russians who are J..ws mostly here in NY call them Churka(чурка) which basically means block of wood or n..ger.Kazakhstan is probably the only decent Central Asian state out there
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China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is set to get a major push as Saudi Arabia is expected to join the multi-billion-dollar project soon.

With the Islamic Kingdom joining the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the Chinese government, the major stakeholders – Islamabad and Beijing – will speed up the efforts to complete projects as soon as possible.

Reports in media suggest Saudia Arabia is going to turn Gawadar into an oil city.

Pakistan needs $9 billion to run state affairs and it will overcome its difficulties with the heavy investment coming from China and Saudi Arabia.

In September last year, Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf Saeed Ahmed Al-Malky said that Saudi Arabia would “soon” undertake investments at Gwadar Port and join the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The Arab kingdom is one of the many countries who have shown keen interest in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), primarily to relate its economy with China and take steps in achieving its 2030 Vision.

The vision of the KSA 2030 Plan is to diversify the economy with mega projects like powerhouses and energy to reduce the kingdom’s dependency on oil.

One of the pillars of their vision plans is to use its unique location and become a global hub for vast economic activities. The CPEC would provide the Saudis a network of great trade pattern to engage even better in the world trade traffic.

KSA will also be able to help China to have a better crude oil for its import purposes as billions of dollars of China’s economy is highly dependent on trade activities.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia both can benefit from the exclusive trade routes under the BRI project.
American daddies won't allow them
There is a problem with this. China being neighbour to Pakistan is only applicable on paper. The reality is China is further from Pakistan then Italy. What we have next to us is few Uighurs, few Han Chinese and 2000 miles of Gobi desert. So if you wanted to shift oil to China proper [where they need it] from Gwadar the pipe would traverse all of Pakistan, Karakorums, Chinese Turkestan, Gobi Desert and then China proper. The pipe would cost half of Pakistan's GDP and the cost would be twice compared to shipping tankers. Thus a no no unles it's in la la land.

Well I know a Uighur from Xinjiang who studies in Iowa and he works at a Chinese food place nearby where I work when school is on holidays. Those sepratists call it East Turkestan anyways the region in the last 15 years is becoming more integrated with China proper, a high speed rail link was built there to Urumqi,plus the Motorway network is mostly complete the the Southern part of the province where the dude I mention is still kinda poor but since Kashgar is nearby its part of OBOR and many improvements in infrastructure has been done there
Saudia Arabia is like IMF they dont do anything without US approval, yeah they can approval for a few billon
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