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Saudi Arabia executes prominent Shiite Ayatollah

Here we have another Deoobandi sectarian scum who fails to look behind the 'Iranian/Shia' narrative the Saudis have spread in the region.

KSA will get paid for this immoral action.

So why did you edited your this post,because your wishes and evil designs accidentially got on your lips..:lol:
They just chopped the head of the same ideology...A job well done..As they say root out the Fitnah before it gets out of control,so they just did what was in their best interest...An Iranian talking about giving rights to others,Funny isn't it..First give basic rights to Sunni's in Iran then lecture others..

I don't want to get involved in this thread too much but please don't go off topic and talk about something you know nothing about. Sunnis in Iran have rights.
What Iranian proxies have been doing in Iraq earlier and later Syria spelled the rise of Daesh and ISIS...its an action reaction thing where anecdote of a poison is more lethal than poison itself..

Iranians are the direct beneficiaries from the creation of ISIS,these terrorists only fight against FSA and gets aerial support from assad and russia...Ironically these ISIS terrorists attack KSA but no Iran,so it's clear whose side are they on

I don't want to get involved in this thread too much but please don't go off topic and talk about something you know nothing about. Sunnis in Iran have rights.

Yeah right !! They can't have their own mosques,Imams,cannot get high posts in the Govt,regularly gets state executions and you are telling me they have basic Rights ??

So you would have approved the Meccan leaders behead the prophet just because he and his followers started to speak out against religious oppression in the 7th century? You fail to see that Islam itself started as a revolutionary movement.

I don't know why would you compare a sectarian terrorists to a Prophet? Are you mad ?
.Ironically these ISIS terrorists attack KSA but no Iran,so it's clear whose side are they on

So who attacked Iran's embassy in Beirut and Libya? Also, you did not answer my question.

I don't know why would you compare a sectarian terrorists to a Prophet? Are you mad ?

Which terrorist act did Al-Nimr execute or called for? Please show any evidence of this. Also, for the early Meccans the prophet and his followers were anarchists as well.
Yeah right !! They can't have their own mosques,Imams,cannot get high posts in the Govt,regularly gets state executions and you are telling me they have basic Rights ??

Okay. Let's do this one by one,

We have our own mosques, even though saying this is stupid. A mosque is a mosque. How can there be shia or Sunni mosque? In Pakistan, do shias not go to Sunni mosques and Sunnis don't go to shia mosques? If I ever go to a mosque, I don't ask "is this a shia mosque or is this a sunni mosque?"

Of course, we have own own imams, specially in Sunni majority cities. Do you think in Friday prayers, if everyone in that community is Sunni, the immam is shia? If course not!

There is a some limitation in certain political circles because the government is officially a 12 imam shia version so that is expected but we have Sunni members of parliament and many mayors in Sunni cities are Sunnis. We also have Sunni ambassadors, but yes, it is unlikely a sunni will replace imam Khomeini as next Supreme leader.

State executions are for terrorists, Sunnis do not get executions EVER for just being Sunni.

So, again, please don't talk about something you don't know. Why aren't Sunnis in Iran blowing themselves up or shooting up shia mosques? Because in Iran Sunnis and Shias are much closer than people outside think.

I know you hate Iran, but please do not create secterians bullshit where there is none.
According to ISIS it's a crime to speak out against the group. What is the difference between ISIS and the House of Saud?
Time to go thermonuclear
@2800 please explain that to the wider audience :D
Pakistan Muslim Unity Council denounces Al-Nimr execution. Yet we here have brainwashed Deobandi's who morally approve the beheading and crucification of a political dissident who preached non-violence activism.
Thank you for your remarks. When it comes to freedom of speech or criticism on state ideology, either KSA or Iran are equally miserable. It is really hard to choose.

Iran is far more miserable...

Pakistan Muslim Unity Council denounces Al-Nimr execution. Yet we here have brainwashed Deobandi's who morally approve the beheading and crucification of a political dissident who preached non-violence activism.

Pakistani Muslim Unity council is actually a representative of single sect..so much unity!

Pakistan Muslim Unity Council denounces Al-Nimr execution. Anti-Saudi demonstrations will take place

Pakistan Muslim Unity Council denounces Al-Nimr execution. Yet we here have brainwashed Deobandi's who morally approve the beheading and crucification of a political dissident who preached non-violence activism.

His preaching let to gunning down spree of policemen in the East..so much for non-violence that he was arrested with arms after a gun fight with security forces...in injured condition...

I don't know why would you compare a sectarian terrorists to a Prophet? Are you mad ?

Typical argument taught by Iranian clergy..the next step is to authenticate the Iranian revolution and encourage its export with such statements...
Shias are attacked and slaughtered everywhere .

First Ayatollah Zakzaki in Nigeria and now Ayatollah Nimr in Saudi Arabia .

Worshiping stones and dogs is more honorable than Saudis' religion because a pagan at least doesn't harm others but Saudis and their terrorists kill people all over the world on a daily basis .
Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are responsible for boosting sectarianism in different Muslim countries. Now the time has come when they have to pay for their wrongdoings.
Shias are attacked and slaughtered everywhere .

First Ayatollah Zakzaki in Nigeria and now Ayatollah Nimr in Saudi Arabia .

Worshiping stones and dogs is more honorable than Saudis' religion because a pagan at least doesn't harm others but Saudis and their terrorists kill people all over the world on a daily basis .

Bashar Al Assad and his father Hafiz Al Assad were serving Umm Ali sweetdish to their fellow Sunni country men? Correct???

Beside terrorism Iran is a transit point of global narcotics trade..and a lot of narcotics money channels into Iran..its population itself is a major consumer of narcotics..

On the evening of September 30 2015, Bahraini security forces discovered a large bomb-making factory in Nuwaidrat and arrested a number of suspects linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guards. The next day, October 1, Bahrain recalls its ambassador to Iran and asked the Iranian acting charge d’affaires to leave the kingdom within 72 hours after he was declared persona non-grata. Bahrain's decision to recall its ambassador comes "in light of continued Iranian meddling in the affairs of the kingdom of Bahrain in order to create sectarian strife and to impose hegemony and control.[12][13]

In July 2012, The Times of India reported that New Delhi police have concluded that terrorists belonging to a branch of Iran’s military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were responsible for an attack on 13 February 2012, during which a bomb explosion targeted an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi, India, wounding one embassy staff member, a local employee, and two passers-by. According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may have planned other attacks on Israeli targets around the world as well.[14][15]

Aggrey Adoli, Kenya's police chief in Kenya's coastal region, said on 22 June 2012 that two Iranians, Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi, believed to members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force,[41] were arrested and suspected of being involved in terrorism. One of the Iranians led counter-terrorism officers to recover 15 kilograms of a powdery substance believed to be explosive.[42] The two Iranians allegedly admitted to plotting to attack United States, Israeli, Saudi, or British targets in Kenya.[41] In court, Police Sgt. Erick Opagal, an investigator with Kenya's Anti-Terrorism Police Unit, said that the two Iranians had shipped over 100 kilograms of powerful explosives into Kenya.[43]

It was later revealed that the targets included Gil Haskel, Israel's ambassador to Kenya. During a visit to Kenya in August, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon praised Kenya for its efforts in stopping Iranian terror threats against Israeli and Jewish targets. Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya all expressed concern with Ayalon regarding Iran's attempts to increase terror activity in Africa.
FYI 95% of them are Sunni.

May they rest in hell, they got what they deserve....

Let see some iranians pour tears hear and simultaneously they ignore what their retardate government do for Arab and Sunni in Iran.
for no reason they hang them up on crane .... no court no interrogation.

Terrorist is terrorist no matter what religion he embraces.
The scums in this showed that level of stupidly of humans is much more than imagination. I hope India execute Pakistani sunni clergies so we will not see anymore suicide attacks in pakistan.

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