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Saudi Arabia defeated Argentina 2-1 ending Argentina's 35 undefeated games run - One of the biggest underdog stories in modern World Cup history

Ronaldo crying after Morocco's win 1-0 against Portugal..Morocco qualified for the World Cup semi-finals..The first African and Arab team to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup in history..




Congratulations to all the Arabs, achieving the Arab dream at the hands of the lions of Morocco.

Nablous Palestine..Terrible and unprecedented celebrations in all Palestinian villages and cities in the West Bank and the interior, with the victory of Morocco.. Everyone is happy.. People took to the streets.. Congratulations to our Moroccan brothers from Palestine, we love you..

Al-Nusairi's ascent reached 303 cm!!

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Ronaldo crying after Morocco's win 1-0 against Portugal..Morocco qualified for the World Cup semi-finals..The first African and Arab team to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup in history..

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Congratulations to all the Arabs, achieving the Arab dream at the hands of the lions of Morocco.

Nablous Palestine..Terrible and unprecedented celebrations in all Palestinian villages and cities in the West Bank and the interior, with the victory of Morocco.. Everyone is happy.. People took to the streets.. Congratulations to our Moroccan brothers from Palestine, we love you..

Al-Nusairi's ascent reached 303 cm!!
View attachment 904860

Instead of Ronaldo jumping high, it's the Morocco who do it.
A dangerous statement from Colina (The president of the referry board in the FIFA) surprises the Moroccan national team and shocks France 😲... Morocco has the right to reach the final, and the referee is bribed! and he will be suspended until the end of a comprehensive investigation..

A dangerous new statement from the Mexican referee in his first appearance after France's victory over Morocco shakes the world! See what he said..
I found out that 2 penalties were due to Morroco in the first half but the VAR ( the video assistant referee (VAR) and three video assistants ) told me not to do it!? So I consider myself innocent and the VAR team is the one responsible for this short coming and are the guilty ones..

The English arbitration expert Clattenburg calls on FIFA to replay the Morocco-France match after this dangerous report..

Messi, right after winning, shakes the world and wins for Morocco because of the arbitral injustice, and says that it is Morocco who deserved this world cup..

WOW..what a final cup match!
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Amazing performance by Morocco. They did all the Muslims and Arabs proud by becoming the fourth best team. I honestly thought that they were better than France during that semifinal and they were cheated numerous times, in particular having been denied 2 stonewall penalties.

KSA can also be proud of themselves. Only team to defeat the World Cup winners Argentina and the GOAT (Messi).
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