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Saudi Ambassador To Egypt Threatens Iran With Military Action

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Nov 16, 2009
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Saudi Ambassador To Egypt Threatens Iran With Military Action « Eurasia Review

Following are excerpts from an interview with Saudi Ambassador to Egypt, Ahmad Al-Qattan, which was aired on Al-Hayat TV (Egypt), on April 10, 2011:

Ambassador Al-Qattan: Discussing Bahrain leads us to talk about Iran. We in Saudi Arabia, and particularly the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques (i.e. Saudi king), since the time he was Crown Prince, have made great efforts to extend our hand in brotherly love, in every possible way.

Saudi Arabia
Unfortunately, the Iranian schemes in the Gulf never end. To this very day, they live the illusion of a Persian empire. I find their recent statements peculiar. They accused Saudi Arabia of interfering in the affairs of Bahrain. This is not true, and I can prove it. These statements come at a time when Iran is meddling in Lebanon, in Iraq, in Egypt, and in the Gulf states.

The situation with Iran in the region is frightening. We have conveyed a powerful message to them: We will not allow any infringement on the security of the Gulf. The security of any of the Gulf states is a red line for us in Saudi Arabia. Surely you recall how Saudi Arabia responded to the invasion of Kuwait.


What were Iran’s goals in establishing a spy ring in Kuwait? This whole matter is alarming. Iran has been occupying the UAE islands for many years, yet it refuses to hold any discussion about them, or to accept international arbitration.

We in Saudi Arabia have suffered from Iran. Let me remind you that in 1986 or 1987, Iran invaded Saudi airspace twice. We warned them, and when it happened the third time, we downed both their planes.

I do not think that the Iranian policy corresponds to the Egyptian policy. Iran has its schemes. I wish from the bottom of my heart that Egypt will be able to convince Iran to maintain neighborly relations, to honor international conventions, and to refrain from interfering in the affairs of the Arab Gulf states.
Dear brother, you wouldn’t believe what they are doing in the Gulf region. The only thing that country cares about is meddling in every part of the Arab world. Egypt is now suffering from this,
like many other Arab countries. In any case, I can say now – and I believe in what I am saying:
I hope the Iranians do not test our power.

They must not test our power. Allah willing, we are capable of confronting Iran, if it tries to destabilize the Gulf region.

Interviewer: You mean “power” in the full sense of the word?

Ambassador Al-Qattan: Yes.

Interviewer: Including in the military sense?

Ambassador Al-Qattan: That is what I mean. The Gulf region and its security is where we draw the line. We will not allow any infringement on its security. I hope they do not test our power. I’d like to remind you of other things that you may have missed. We have suffered greatly from the Iranians in consecutive hajj seasons. They come to Saudi Arabia to cause chaos during the hajj season.


Interviewer: Is Iran also responsible for the unrest and demonstrations in Saudi Arabia…?

Ambassador Al-Qattan: What demonstrations? The ones to which 10-15 people showed up?!
Saudi Iran problem effects the whole region, hate it

unfortunately for the Sauds, the Americans will never allow them to attack any country on the planet that can retaliate and hurt the oil production. Even if one missile lands on an oil facility in KSA, you will see 200 dollar a barrel oil within half an hour. It's already going towards 150 dollars a barrel so...

Imagine having all these brand spanking new toys and not ever being able to use it lmao
In any conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the House of Saud may be surprised at which side is favored by the Arab street.

Let's not forget that the Saudis were SOLIDLY behind Mubarak during the recent uprising in Egypt. I am sure the people of Egypt didn't fail to notice.
In any conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the House of Saud may be surprised at which side is favored by the Arab street.

Let's not forget that the Saudis were SOLIDLY behind Mubarak during the recent uprising in Egypt. I am sure the people of Egypt didn't fail to notice.

lets do a recap of the last decade

Taliban falls in AFG
Saddam falls
Iran takes over Iraq
Hezbollah takes a dominant role in Lebanon and enters the Lebanese parliament
Mubarak falls in Egypt and Iran's biggest enemy is suddenly gone.
Iran send battleships through the Suez canal within a week of that event, for the first time in more than 3 decades.
the Al Khalifa ruling family begins to fall

As you can see Iran is winning and the Saudis are realizing that they need to act. Out of desperation they have invaded Bahrain, the last shia majority country being ruled by sunnis. They are cornered and they don't know what to do. They have the US behind them, supposedly, and that is prolly making them even more nervous because they are realizing that the US isn't interested in stopping Iran. They are interested in oil and as long as oil is running, they don't give a ratz azz about anything else.

KSA should first read the manuals for their weapons and see if they can actuyally start the engines on their own before running their mouths off.
Is this true What this Saudi thug is saying about the dream of Iranians of Persian Empire?
Imagine having all these brand spanking new toys and not ever being able to use it lmao
Saudis used army against Shiites in Yemen and in Bahrain and Iran did not dare to intervene because of these toys.

Iran send battleships through the Suez canal within a week of that event, for the first time in more than 3 decades.
Funny thing that immideately after Iran ships visit in Syria people of Syria started protests. The only real ally of Iran in the world is terrorist regime that slaughters own people.
Muslims living in European countries or in South and South-East Asia and all over the world, they do not realize the danger posed by Iran on the Arab countries and the Arab peoples.

Muslims all over the world just see that Iran is fighting Israel and it support the Palestinians and it stands in the face of the United States.

That's all what the Muslims from outside the region see, and this is the image that Iran is trying to make Muslims look to it by.

Not just Saudis, but All the Arab people, from the Arabian Gulf in the East to the Atlantic Ocean at the west, see in Iran the biggest threat to stability and security in the region . . Why?

In the eighties when the Iranian regime tried to export its "revolution" to neighboring countries by using direct military force, caused the outbreak of a bloody war that lasted eight years with an Arab country.

That war ended in disastrous results for the Iranian regime, because He was defeated militarily and hundreds of thousands of Iranians died and the Iranian economy destroy and Iran has become a pariah state, isolated from all the countries of the world.

The regime in Iran is no longer dare to go to war directly to the deployment of its "revolution", so he resorted to another tactic that does not bleed a drop of Iranian blood, This tactic is a control of the Shiite minority in the Arab States.

Iranian regime adopted two ways to control the Shiite minority's in the Arab States:

1. In the last three decades oil prices rose much, that Provide the Iranian regime with financial abundance and that regime Used these extra Iranian "Petro-Rials" to support the Shiite minority in the Arab States,

2. The Password that used by the Iranian regime to control the Shiite minority in the Arab countries and in all the world is "Wilayat Al-Faqih" which means that the head of the state of Iran, which is the "Wali al-Faqih" Which is "Khamenei" has the Religious and Secularism authority at All the Shi'a in the world.

The people of the Arab countries see Iran as a threat greater than Israel itself because:

Iran occupies Arab land.

Iran Suppress Arab minority in Al-Ahwaz.

Iran has supported Shiite Houthis against the government of Yemen causing a civil war killed thousands of Yemenis.

Iran supports the Hezbollah terrorist organization against the Lebanese government.

Iran has facilitated the U.S. occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iran supported the Bahraini demonstrators "In this case the majority of Shiite" in Bahrain against their government, at the same time Iran supported the Syrian government in the killing of Syrian demonstrators "In this case the majority of Sunni". . . . What a contradiction.

Iran, In each pilgrimage season "Hajj", is trying to stir up strife in the holiest place of Islam "Mecca".

Iran is not only a threat to the region or the Arab States, but it’s a threat to the whole world, because each time Iranian regime having problems with the West he Threaten to close the Strait of Hormuz, which is the main power corridor to all countries of the world.

Iran poses a serious threat to the region and the world, because it seeks to acquire nuclear reactors without having any reliable scientific basis so as not to be repeated the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters.

There are too many reasons makes Iran the greatest threat in the eyes of the Arab peoples, and all these reasons are supported with evidences.

When Iranian regime cornered in the corner and can't defend himself, he starts repeating that ancient musical cylinder which says that:

He was exposed to American-Zionist plot, and the cause of this plot is that he stands by the Palestinian rights.

All of this is nonsense, and no longer fools the Arab peoples.
Saudis used army against Shiites in Yemen and in Bahrain and Iran did not dare to intervene because of these toys.

Funny thing that immideately after Iran ships visit in Syria people of Syria started protests. The only real ally of Iran in the world is terrorist regime that slaughters own people.

I agree . . :agree:
lets do a recap of the last decade

Taliban falls in AFG

This confirms the role of Iran in facilitating the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan

Saddam falls

This confirms the role of Iran in facilitating the U.S. occupation of Afgha

Iran takes over Iraq

This is the reward obtained by the Iranian regime for Supporting the occupation of a Muslim country

Hezbollah takes a dominant role in Lebanon and enters the Lebanese parliament

The mask of resisting Israel fell, and theresist aginst Israel was just a pretext to achieve the local political goals

Mubarak falls in Egypt and Iran's biggest enemy is suddenly gone.

We have heard and seen how Egyptians demonstrators replied to Khamenei . . No merit to Iran. . I assure you that the change in Egypt would not be in favor of Iran . . never

Iran send battleships through the Suez canal within a week of that event, for the first time in more than 3 decades.
the Al Khalifa ruling family begins to fall

The evidence is against this

As you can see Iran is winning and the Saudis are realizing that they need to act. Out of desperation they have invaded Bahrain, the last shia majority country being ruled by sunnis.

Do you know the number of countries where the Shiite are majority? Did you know that the Shiites in Bahrain, Britain bring them
in 1932 after the discovery of oil in Bahrain

They are cornered and they don't know what to do.

On the contrary . . Iran lost a lot of behind the events that took place in the Arab world . .Do you read what Ahmadinejad says ?

They have the US behind them, supposedly, and that is prolly making them even more nervous because they are realizing that the US isn't interested in stopping Iran.

This would be in favor of Saudi Arabia. . Because Saudi Arabia is now will not need to proxy to carry out tasks on behalf. . This will not be in favor of Iran. . Because the regime in Iran knows what Saudi Arabia can do . . and Because the Iranian regime When defeated Can not "this time" claims that America is behind Saudi Arabia As he did when he was defeated by Iraq
They are interested in oil and as long as oil is running, they don't give a ratz azz about anything else.

KSA should first read the manuals for their weapons and see if they can actuyally start the engines on their own before running their mouths off.

I think you ought to educate yourself before delving into these topics

unfortunately for the Sauds, the Americans will never allow them to attack any country on the planet that can retaliate and hurt the oil production. Even if one missile lands on an oil facility in KSA, you will see 200 dollar a barrel oil within half an hour. It's already going towards 150 dollars a barrel so...

Imagine having all these brand spanking new toys and not ever being able to use it lmao

Iran relies on oil revenues more than Saudi Arabia:

Iran's oil sector accounts for 85% of its government revenues
Source: The High Cost of Oil Dependence | Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

while saudi arabia Oil oil revenues accounts nearly 75% of government revenues
Source: Economy of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This fact perceived by the regime in Iran, so they are not stupid "So far" :cheesy: to venture in a war against Saudi Arabia, a war that will return Iran several light years back :flame:
Muslims living in European countries or in South and South-East Asia and all over the world, they do not realize the danger posed by Iran on the Arab countries and the Arab peoples.

Muslims all over the world just see that Iran is fighting Israel and it support the Palestinians and it stands in the face of the United States.

That's all what the Muslims from outside the region see, and this is the image that Iran is trying to make Muslims look to it by.

Not just Saudis, but All the Arab people, from the Arabian Gulf in the East to the Atlantic Ocean at the west, see in Iran the biggest threat to stability and security in the region . . Why?

In the eighties when the Iranian regime tried to export its "revolution" to neighboring countries by using direct military force, caused the outbreak of a bloody war that lasted eight years with an Arab country.

That war ended in disastrous results for the Iranian regime, because He was defeated militarily and hundreds of thousands of Iranians died and the Iranian economy destroy and Iran has become a pariah state, isolated from all the countries of the world.

The regime in Iran is no longer dare to go to war directly to the deployment of its "revolution", so he resorted to another tactic that does not bleed a drop of Iranian blood, This tactic is a control of the Shiite minority in the Arab States.

Iranian regime adopted two ways to control the Shiite minority's in the Arab States:

1. In the last three decades oil prices rose much, that Provide the Iranian regime with financial abundance and that regime Used these extra Iranian "Petro-Rials" to support the Shiite minority in the Arab States,

2. The Password that used by the Iranian regime to control the Shiite minority in the Arab countries and in all the world is "Wilayat Al-Faqih" which means that the head of the state of Iran, which is the "Wali al-Faqih" Which is "Khamenei" has the Religious and Secularism authority at All the Shi'a in the world.

The people of the Arab countries see Iran as a threat greater than Israel itself because:

Iran occupies Arab land.

Iran Suppress Arab minority in Al-Ahwaz.

Iran has supported Shiite Houthis against the government of Yemen causing a civil war killed thousands of Yemenis.

Iran supports the Hezbollah terrorist organization against the Lebanese government.

Iran has facilitated the U.S. occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iran supported the Bahraini demonstrators "In this case the majority of Shiite" in Bahrain against their government, at the same time Iran supported the Syrian government in the killing of Syrian demonstrators "In this case the majority of Sunni". . . . What a contradiction.

Iran, In each pilgrimage season "Hajj", is trying to stir up strife in the holiest place of Islam "Mecca".

Iran is not only a threat to the region or the Arab States, but it’s a threat to the whole world, because each time Iranian regime having problems with the West he Threaten to close the Strait of Hormuz, which is the main power corridor to all countries of the world.

Iran poses a serious threat to the region and the world, because it seeks to acquire nuclear reactors without having any reliable scientific basis so as not to be repeated the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters.

There are too many reasons makes Iran the greatest threat in the eyes of the Arab peoples, and all these reasons are supported with evidences.

When Iranian regime cornered in the corner and can't defend himself, he starts repeating that ancient musical cylinder which says that:

He was exposed to American-Zionist plot, and the cause of this plot is that he stands by the Palestinian rights.

All of this is nonsense, and no longer fools the Arab peoples.

Are you a 50 PetroCent Worker?

The Biggest Threat to the World is Arab Dictators and their Extremist Wahabi Ideology.

My Nation has the Second Largest Shia Population on the Planet and can Vouch for their peacefulness.

The Sunnis are not that bad but your extremist Wahabism is considered as a threat not only by Pakistanis, Indians and Chinese but also by the West.

Ask your South Asian Muslim Friends What they think about Iran and Arabs!
I think that the regime in Iran, too cowardly to risk in a conflict with Saudi Arabia

you're a big fan of this drawing lol

yeah it is nothing showing reality. already answered many times to you.
Iranians never think of getting back old persian lands.
if some Arabs think like this, it is their own obsessions not ours.
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