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SAS unit repeatedly killed Afghan detainees, investigation finds.

So when is the war crimes tribunal for this atrocity? Asking for a friend!!!

Or is it that because the victims of these extrajudicial killings and in many cases murders brown people from brown lands, so "who cares"?

Am I right or am I right? An investigation by the British into the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1972- which resulted in the deaths of 10 people in the Ballymurphy estate in Belfast, Northern Ireland by the hands of British Soldiers - only concluded on 14 May 2021 and absolved the soldiers of any wrong doing.

So if it took the British near enough 50 years to come to a conclusion on an investigation where 10 white people were killed only to say the soldiers did nothing wrong, what chance pray tell do some Afghan goat herders and their loved ones' have?

Where is the United Nations now? Where is the IHC now? Where is the Hauge Now? Where is the outcry and flags and ribbons and t-shirts and bullshit tweets and Facebook DPs? Lets face it lads, to these bastards, some blood is definitely cheap.
Westerners are the most bloodthirsty nations in history.
Other civilizations indulged in violence as a means towards an end( power or riches). These people indulge in carnages for the fun in it.
Notice how they embark on expeditions to kill the black, brown or yellow people from time to time, whereas nobody is threatening their cushy life?
So when is the war crimes tribunal for this atrocity? Asking for a friend!!!

Or is it that because the victims of these extrajudicial killings and in many cases murders brown people from brown lands, so "who cares"?

Am I right or am I right? An investigation by the British into the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1972- which resulted in the deaths of 10 people in the Ballymurphy estate in Belfast, Northern Ireland by the hands of British Soldiers - only concluded on 14 May 2021 and absolved the soldiers of any wrong doing.

So if it took the British near enough 50 years to come to a conclusion on an investigation where 10 white people were killed only to say the soldiers did nothing wrong, what chance pray tell do some Afghan goat herders and their loved ones' have?

Where is the United Nations now? Where is the IHC now? Where is the Hauge Now? Where is the outcry and flags and ribbons and t-shirts and bullshit tweets and Facebook DPs? Lets face it lads, to these bastards, some blood is definitely cheap.
No nation will prosecute it soldiers for their actions on the battle field. It will erode the confidence and moral in the troops. Army isn’t police. There is no moto like protect and serve. Army job is to close in to enemy, kill and destroy.

I know some of these area in southern Afghanistan, where gloves were off. Orders were open. If it moves, you shoot.
No nation will prosecute it soldiers for their actions on the battle field. It will erode the confidence and moral in the troops. Army isn’t police. There is no moto like protect and serve. Army job is to close in to enemy, kill and destroy.

I know some of these area in southern Afghanistan, where gloves were off. Orders were open. If it moves, you shoot.
That is why you have the IHC and the Hauge and the United Nations my friend.

No nation will prosecute it soldiers for their actions on the battle field. It will erode the confidence and moral in the troops. Army isn’t police.

IHR and Geneva Convention say hello to your logic.

Army job is to close in to enemy, kill and destroy.
Killing of unarmed civilians and non combatants is a war crime. I can quote the particular section of international law to you.

Your post is moot and devoid of any factual rebuttal.
The Aussies were drinking beer in Afghan trophy limbs.
Many of these folks wants to relive the fictional stuff glorified in Hollywood movies and TV about Vikings and savage warriors.

That is why you have the IHC and the Hauge and the United Nations my friend.

IHR and Geneva Convention say hello to your logic.

Killing of unarmed civilians and non combatants is a war crime. I can quote the particular section of international law to you.

Your post is moot and devoid of any factual rebuttal.
These organizations are for the weak and the losing side.
You are a stupid and naive person. Distance from reality..
If I need validation from some random person on the internet, I'll let you know. you have not countered my original rebuke with anything of substance except one liners, try harder.
.. and butthurt one too. You shouldn’t have these negative rating. You are emotionally unstable.
Another personal attack followed by a one liner. You have yet to form a single articulate argument to support your nonsense.

Please take a moment, take a deep breath, reflect on your own stupidity.

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