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Sania Mirza to marry Shoaib Malik?

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Yeah! That's what happens when you have had to give Ms. Siddiqui Rs.15 crores. You have to cut down on everything else. :rofl:

looks like a baeutiful dress, whats bad in it, also, isnt it the subcontinental tradition, a girl weds in her mother wedding dress??
Shoaib is probably making Sexy Time right now.


Its nice.
Wait, that can't be a tradition. Won't Sania's mom have to wed in her grandmom's dress that way....and so on? How old do you think the wedding dress is? :P

Hahaha, you are sharp. But yes girls want to be wed in their mother's wedding dresses. That is a fact. Of course if the parents divorced or separated, it would not be auspicious or suitable ................ .
Kaya, kaisy, kaha n kyun ............... jo bhi hay Bhabi to who hamari bn gi na....GEO Shoaib
Hahaha, you are sharp. But yes girls want to be wed in their mother's wedding dresses. That is a fact. Of course if the parents divorced or separated, it would not be auspicious or suitable ................ .

Must be true in your part of the country.

My girlfriend never wears a dress more than once. Asking her to wear a dress which has already been worn by someone else? Aatank mach jayega :sniper::sniper::sniper:
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