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Sanction Myanmar And Give The Rohingya A State Of Their Own

The persecution on Minority by Burmese government shall be addressed, the human rights of Muslim shall be protected. They are very narrow minded people. China shall stay away from Burma Militia before we regret ourself in the future.

China and Myanmar seem quite close in governmental level, but Chinese people don't like the way they deal with minority and attitude of refusing reconciliation. Now the militia still controls Myanmar, and Ang sang Suki is just a puppet.
The persecution on Minority by Burmese government shall be addressed, the human rights of Muslim shall be protected. They are very narrow minded people. China shall stay away from Burma Militia before we regret ourself in the future.

China and Myanmar seem quite close in governmental level, but Chinese people don't like the way they deal with minority and attitude of refusing reconciliation. Now the militia still controls Myanmar, and Ang sang Suki is just a puppet.

Chinese the minority lover should take full liability and resettle illegal Bangladeshis from India and Rohingyas from Myanmar inside China.

World will be more peaceful place.
Chinese the minority lover should take full liability and resettle illegal Bangladeshis from India and Rohingyas from Myanmar inside China.

World will be more peaceful place.
I woul rather suggest China to take over entire NE India and northern MM under Chinese protection
Chinese the minority lover should take full liability and resettle illegal Bangladeshis from India and Rohingyas from Myanmar inside China.

World will be more peaceful place.
Most of Bangladeshi live in Bengal , which used to belong to BD. India shall give Bengal province back to BD.
The Muslim world when combined is an economic superpower with a military force that could squash the Myanmar military like a bug.

When you have such an incredible advantage you can do what Sun Tzu said, win without fighting.

All that is needed is a unity of purpose. Which Myanmar believes that the Muslim world does not possess right now.
The Muslim world when combined is an economic superpower with a military force that could squash the Myanmar military like a bug.

When you have such an incredible advantage you can do what Sun Tzu said, win without fighting.

All that is needed is a unity of purpose. Which Myanmar believes that the Muslim world does not possess right now.

Why not china give the support to muslins including the Xin Xiang east Turkestan movement?

Or am I missing a point here, you are just making feel good post to please the people of regions whom you are going to exploit in the near future.

It is said that never believe what Chinese say observe their actions and then decide !
This means devision of country on religious line once again.

NE is ours, we will take it back Sonner or later.

You are unable to manage Taiwan, Xingxiang and Tibet and talking loud mouth here. We have deployed Brahoms in arunachal pradesh. Come and get it if you dare. You will loose tibet if you make any attempt to do any mischief in Himachal Pradesh.
This means devision of country on religious line once again.

You are unable to manage Taiwan, Xingxiang and Tibet and talking loud mouth here. We have deployed Brahoms in arunachal pradesh. Come and get it if you dare. You will loose tibet if you make any attempt to do any mischief in Himachal Pradesh.
LOL, Brahmos again! By the way, it's Xing Jiang not Xingxiang.
Religion has little to do with culture.

Religion helped establish the culture of modern Norway, specifically following the Conversion of Norway, so I have to disagree. We Norwegians are typically referred to more as Culturally Religious then Practicing Religious, despite some 80% of our country identifying as Lutheran. This is because of how prevalent Christian themes are in our nation's institutions.

Our customs, our laws, our culture today are taken from many Christian practices. Hell I'm not religious and I just celebrated Christmas with my family.

While I disagree with more than a few points @Chinese-Dragon is making, I disagree with you as well. Growing up in Norway and living here for all 26 years of my life, and looking at religion as an outsider and non-practitioner, it's fairly self-evident that Christianity has had a major impact on shaping our nation's modern culture - as have our pre-Christian religions, what would commonly be called paganism. That they've flourished alongside our Christian roots is rather ironic.

Of course we never let Christianity get in the way of some of our traditional religious practices. While strictly prohibited by Christian tenants at the time, alcohol and festivals in reverence of it had their names changed to disguise their pagan origins and their dates changed, but our traditional religious practices persisted and continued even following the Conversion of Norway, again shaping modern Norway. They're still around and as popular as ever.

Gulaþing Law actually mandated the production and consumption of alcohol during Christian times, a holdover pagan tradition:

The drinking of ale was particularly important to several seasonal religious festivals, of which the Viking Scandinavians celebrated three: the first occurring after harvest, the second near midwinter, and the last at midsummer. These festivals continued to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity, although under new names. Historical records show that ale consumption at these festivals, even in Christian times, was quite important: the Gulaþing Law required farmers in groups of at least three to brew ale to be consumed at obligatory ale-feasts on All Saints (November 1 - Winternights), Christmas (December 25 - Yule), and upon the feast of St. John the Baptist (June 24 - Midsummer). More ordinary festivities, celebrated even today, are so closely associated with beer that they are known as öl ("ale") and include Gravöl (a wake, or "funeral ale"), Barnöl (a christening, or "child-ale") and taklagsöl (a barn-raising, or "roofing-ale")

This thread is hardly the location for a more indepth dissertation on how religion shaped modern Norwegian culture, so let's just say I neither agree with @Chinese-Dragon or you:D.

Instead of furthering this discussion, come to Norway or any Nordic nation and you'll see how religion has shaped our cultures, customs and modern life. Religion has had a lot to do with culture in the Nordic world.

@Armstrong do you think religion has influenced Pakistani or British culture?

Myanmar was and still is under strict sanctions against its military, financial and political institutions. Like with North Korea they weakened the country, but haven't broken it. And they never will. Sanctions aren't always the solution to conflict. They rarely are. If reapplied enforce, and this would require cooperation from Russia and China who've been reluctant in the past, would they be strong enough to bring Myanmar's conflict to a resolution?

History says no.

But then again partitioning a country and giving a certain group its own nation isn't the answer either. That too causes problems. Anyone remember the last nation to be partitioned with an ongoing conflict and multifaceted strife?


Like South Sudan, without solving the underlying tensions in Myranmar partitioning the nation wont yield anything other then a perpetuation of conflict.
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Bangladeshis should convert Chinese to Islam and Bangladeshis can resettle in China.

Already there are plenty of Chinese Muslim!!! Anybody who wish to convert can do so according to their will. Islam is not anybody's property
Let us educate Chinese kuffars (kuffars means Non Muslims). It is duty of every Muslim to make effort to convert all Kuffar to Islam. That is the purpose of every Muslim in life.

Bangaldeshis will hoepfully spread Islam in China. May Allah give all blessings and efforts to Bangadeshis in their endeavour.

Yes there are effort by religious leaders to bring everybody including you to the path of God. You can search thousands of youtube sermon which can help.
Yes there are effort by religious leaders to bring everybody including you to the path of God. You can search thousands of youtube sermon which can help.

We have God. We don't need Allah. Chinese need it.
how about the minorities in BD? the hacking of bloggers and systemic culling of people not adhering to the strict form of islam?

How about the attacks on Muslims in the US? The shooting of people 'looking like Muslims'? I think 'culling' is a strong word for both the US and Bangladesh. Those are isolated murders by a section of homegrown militants. And certainly don't come under 'culling'. But yes, it was a problem and we solved it with whatever capacity we had. But challenges remain nonetheless.

I'm sorry, but your statement was very stupid thanked by none other than the usual unemployed armchair warriors. I expected more from a more advanced national like the US. Or are you?
Hell I'm not religious and I just celebrated Christmas with my family.

Say what! :o:

Someone told me that you're a Scientologist. :undecided:

But you better not raise my niece or Freyja up to be Scientologists. :angry:

Let the three of us be druids like our night elvish ancestors before us. :tongue:


@Armstrong do you think religion has influenced Pakistani or British culture?

Religion by far religion. Which makes sense because when you think about religion its essentially a set of values that you ascribe to. Sure you've got rituals and traditions but its the values, the principles, the standards of propriety etc. that are integral to any religion. They in turn shape your world view and how you live your life; which is in turn what culture is.

Therefore when you think about it culture is essentially you trying to conform your world view to the ground realities of the world you live in. So its not surprising at all that one's culture is heavily embellished by religion - Abrahamic or Pagan or even something purely secular like humanism.
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