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Sam Rainsy hurts Cambodia with unthoughtful statements and actions



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Aug 23, 2013
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Sam Rainsy hurts Cambodia with unthoughtful statements and actions

The fifth Cambodian parliamentary election has been held successfully, in which the Cambodian People’s Party and the Cambodia National Rescue Party won 68 seats and 55 seats, respectively. Many governments, ruling parties over the world have sent their congratulations and expressed confidence on a stable Cambodia in the future.
However, after the announcement of the preliminary result, Mr. Sam Rainsy, President of the CNRP, has cried “fault” and rejected the result. The election and the post-election cabinet establishment are internal affairs of the sovereign Kingdom of Cambodia. In fact, no nations, organizations or international watch-dogs have by far given any official comment about what Sam Rainsy and his fellows call “election frauds”. But his unthoughtful statements and actions like a fire-playing naughty child have caused troubles that may push Cambodia, which has been recovering and developing in peace and stability after the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime, to the edge of a new civil war. That prompts the writer of this article to remind readers of some facts about Sam Rainsy.
By sight, Sam Rainsy has an intellectual face, high qualifications and a noble monarchical family. But, in reality those privileges have completely been deformed. Sam Rainsy aggressively encourages hostile moves, causing disturbances inside and outside the country.
Those who have known about his roots and systematically seen his activities will share the same concern that it seems Sam Rainsy is trying to revenge for his father who was convicted for being a traitor and sentenced to death under Norodom Sihanouk’s administration. So, when the Cambodia’s National Election Committee (NEC) requested that the CPP and CNRP sit together to settle alleged fraud accusations in accordance with the Constitution, Sam Rainsy refused and threatened to hold protests against the election result all over the country. Is that an essence of a troublemaker, who just wants to solve the national issues by groundless statements and aggressive actions regardless of the Constitution, laws and morality?
While the Cambodian constitution-based institutions have still been trying to answer his allegations, however groundless they are, Sam Rainsy insisted on having a UN mission to investigate. Why? Is that the nature of a thief who cries “catch thief!”, a habit of disregarding national sovereignty? It is still fresh in our mind that after destroying the demarcation posts on the border with Vietnam and being given a jail sentence, Sam Rainsy took to his heels in his flee abroad to avoid the punishment. And, receiving the royal pardon to go back to Cambodia, Sam Rainsy immediately caused troubles and turned a deaf ear to all the King’s calls for national reconciliation and fled to America. It’s clearly an essence of a traitor to his own country who always put his personal interests and fame above the national sovereignty.
For ASEAN, to which Cambodia is a full state member, Sam Rainsy shows no respect for the harmony of the traditionally united community. On July 29, international press broadcast an interview between Sam Rainsy and the Phoenix (a press in Hongkong – China). Any Cambodian with self-respect will get chilled upon hearing Sam Rainsy’s statement: “All islands China is protecting are Chinese territory…Those islands belong to China and China only. Our party supports China in its attempt to protect its whole territory in the East Sea.” Yes, these territorial disputes in the sea between China and some ASEAN countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, ect. are complex issues, which can’t be settled overnight, but all parties have reached fundamental agreements on solving those disputes to promote peace and cooperation in the region for the sake of all nations inside and outside the Asia – Pacific region. This article is not about that issue. But these statements by Sam Rainsy obviously show no respect to both China and ASEAN. It is unclear why Sam Rainsy, whether it is because of his lack of international politics or haste, has hurt all parties in the disputes. In this way, Sam Rainsy not only isolates himself but also causes conflicts and instability in the region. There is not any other politician who is so arrogant and childish in the international behaviors like Sam Rainsy?
Though always hailing “democracy and human rights”, yet it is Sam Rainsy who bears in mind the groundless revenge and selfish nationalism in treating Cambodia’s neighbors with contempts. That also demonstrates his ingratitude towards many Vietnamese who sacrificed their life to save Cambodian, including him and his family, from the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime.
Seeing all those arrogant and aggressive statements and actions by Sam Rainsy, Cambodian people have good reasons to worry about their nation’s future if Sam Rainsy take the helm. At that time, he will demolish everything for a new beginning like Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. A look at his activities from 1992 till now with two times of being deprived of the parliamentary immunity that forced him into exile in France and two times of being convicted and sentenced up to 12 years in jail; joining FUNCINPEC and, after being excluded, founding Khmer’s Party and then departing to establish Sam Rainsy Party (SRP), can clearly show that Sam Rainsy is impulsive and lack of political competence.
It is obvious that Sam Rainsy has been and will be causing numerous tragedies to a peaceful, stable and beautiful Cambodia that is developing relatively fast in the context of the internal and external difficulties.
Everyone hates war, violence and bloodshed, but Sam Rainsy means war, violence and bloodshed. We should keep that in mind to have a correct attitude towards an arrogant and dangerous Sam Rainsy.
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