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Salala remains a fresh wound


Apr 24, 2007
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Salala remains a fresh wound

Muqaddam Khan

SINCE the events of 9/11, Pakistan’s relations with the US have experienced numerous ups and downs. Even during periods of honeymoon there has been no smooth sailing. Ties have often been marred by tensions due to differences of policy, perception and objectives.

From its ‘do more’ mantra, where terrorism is concerned, to the controversial Balochistan resolution in the US Congress — although the administration has distanced itself from it — the American strategy in dealing with Pakistan has been one where Washington’s own security and economic requirements could be met.

Terrorism, military aid, financial assistance, the Indian factor and Afghanistan have marked the on-off relations. However, since the unprovoked Nato strikes in Salala that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last November, ties have been particularly turbulent.

Even after three months no common ground has been found for cooperation, and the two sides are still striving to come to a mutually acceptable, workable formula.

In this regard, it is worth noting what US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had to say recently. “I’m sure we will continue to have our ups and downs but this relationship is simply too important to turn our back on — for both nations. And we both
remain committed to continue working to improve understanding and cooperation.”

A US investigation into the Salala incident — Pakistan refused to hold a joint probe — was rejected by the military here, which maintains that the strike occurred because of the failure of the US and Isaf forces to share information on their border operation with Islamabad and the violation of all mutually agreed upon procedures.

Pakistan has decided to review its relations with America and for this purpose the parliamentary committee on national security has submitted its recommendations. However, our parliament has yet to decide on the matter, and further delay is likely as internal issues of political rivalry take precedence. The Obama administration has urged Pakistan to expedite the parliamentary review of its ties with Washington.

With both sides trying to break the deadlock, it is clear that neither can afford to shun the other. Firstly, a cooperative relationship is critical to defeating the militants or to sitting across the table with the Taliban in a bid to restore peace in Afghanistan. Without active teamwork on the part of the two countries, this will be difficult to achieve. The Afghan tangle forces them to move forward and embrace each other.

Secondly, a peace deal with the Taliban is a prerequisite for the safe withdrawal of US-led Nato troops from Afghanistan.

President Barack Obama hopes to get US and Nato forces out of Afghanistan by 2014. The US priority is to manage an honourable withdrawal which is linked with fruitful parleys with the Taliban and Pakistan. If any party — the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan — is kept out of a peace agreement the outcome would mean a repeat of previous deals that fell apart.

Thirdly, Pakistan’s economic vulnerability is expected to make its stand flexible. On the other hand, if the US leaves Pakistan and Afghanistan alone it might cause terrorist networks and safe havens, on both sides of the porous Durand Line, to be rejuvenated. In such a scenario, peace in Afghanistan will remain a pipe dream.

It is in the interest of the two allies to move beyond the Salala incident and intensify efforts to find some common ground for putting their tense relationship on the track of active collaboration and to ensure that cooperation and interaction on the tactical level with Pakistan’s military across the Durand Line continues. The US had already showed flexibility while expressing readiness to discuss the Salala incident further. The two countries have entered a decisive phase for the redefinition of relations.
so is OBL operation, as Mansur Ejaz has alot to say about Pasha and Co.
so is OBL operation, as Mansur Ejaz has alot to say about Pasha and Co.

yup but they are only reference. the heros of his troy are Zardari and Haqqani. dont be selective in your narrative

---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

Salala remains a fresh wound

It is in the interest of the two allies to move beyond the Salala incident and intensify efforts to find some common ground for putting their tense relationship on the track of active collaboration and to ensure that cooperation and interaction on the tactical level with Pakistan’s military across the Durand Line continues. The US had already showed flexibility while expressing readiness to discuss the Salala incident further. The two countries have entered a decisive phase for the redefinition of relations.

the peace in the region and specifically the resolution of Afghan conflict is much more dear and important that the unfortunate incident of Slala.
So the lives of 24 soldiers will go unanswered just like that. I don't understand what kind of interest we are looking with coalition with USA . Today a huge cache of anti aircraft guns secure wireless equipment coming from Afghanistan were caught in a truck.
Question is, it has wounded whom? Army? It's leaders are had-harraam and won't do anything if 10, 100,1000 such incidents happened.

I totally reject any notions of moving past such incidents for the sake of greater goods. 'Greater goods' cannot include the mindless slaughter of innocent people. Our soldiers are on the border, laying down their lives so that we may live on. Fighting scum like the TTP and now the American aggression as well.

You must first get justice for these soldiers killed (actual jail time) - not apologies - then we can move on.
two things worth recalling:

Qatar meeting of Pasha with Cetcom and continuation of Drone attacks and NATO supply resume through Air, *(though it has started from Cheman as well in the name of Afghan Transit Trade)

Pasha extension: Cameron Munter comment pak-us relation to spoil, if Pasha not getting 2nd extension.

now Pasha is willing to get extension and Govt is willing to give him extension...

who is Pasha?
Question is, it has wounded whom? Army? It's leaders are had-harraam and won't do anything if 10, 100,1000 such incidents happened.

I totally reject any notions of moving past such incidents for the sake of greater goods. 'Greater goods' cannot include the mindless slaughter of innocent people. Our soldiers are on the border, laying down their lives so that we may live on. Fighting scum like the TTP and now the American aggression as well.

You must first get justice for these soldiers killed (actual jail time) - not apologies - then we can move on.

Absolutely we must demand Justice for our martyrs. Means to an ends must not be accepted. Imagine if these had been American soldiers?? Is our soldiers blood any less precious?
We should give priority for our own interest. U.S,A and their civilians are safe, Doesn't matter as U.S.A want peace talk with Taliban or bomb them. U.S.A is also not happy from salala incident and they already said that US will avoid Salala-like attack.
have had time to think on this one. America has proved time after time that it can not be trusted. Pakistan America have never been allies in the true sense of the word. In fact American democracy has been subverted by Israel through AIPAC. They are enemies of all Muslim countries. Even those that are only Muslim by name.

I can not think of one Muslim country that America is sincere to and that includes Turkey. The sooner we realise this the better. We cannot and must not expect anything from them that is condusive to Pakistan's betterment.

I respect the opinions above but help me to understand how you propose to get justice or apology.
any clue about the number of US personal involved in this attack and up to what level? (meaning it wasnt a misadventure of a local commander)

Although very noble but its a wishful thinking to get any apology or justice (revenge is out of question) when there is a possibility that even the president might have signed off the attack, which in my understanding was well rehearsed and pre-planned.

looking at the past statements from our leadership it seems that we are almost pleading the Americans for an apology. it is becoming a joke now as our statements about the sovereignty.

demanding justice or apology directly from Americans is out of question because their finding has put the fault on us too
the only other option left is the international court of justice what chance is do you think we have there? try it for the sake of trying anyway

by the way while we are at it, why dont we take up the drone issue in UN or the international court? (sovereignty and all that?)

securing peace in Afghanistan is in our own interest otherwise we will continue to loose our men to "friendly" and unfriendly fire.
think about it, the current chaos in Afghanistan and the tension with US and Afghanistan suits the TTP and BLA just fine.

ہے جرمِ ضعیفی کی سزا مرگِ مفاجات

we can only express anger as much as a مراسی can (in the absence of the چودھری)
in my humble opinion we should have our grave in sight rather than dollars....once we know we will end up 6-feet under the ground with no dollars and just are deeds then our priorities will automatically reshape......a book on azab e kabar should be read on oath taking ceremony.

I respect the opinions above but help me to understand how you propose to get justice or apology.
any clue about the number of personal involved in this attack and up to what level?

Although very noble but its a wishful thinking to get any apology or justice (revenge is out of question) when there is a possibility that even the president might have signed off the attack, which in my understanding was well rehearsed and pre-planned.

when we have a spineless leadership on top then all this rhetoric of not letting this incident go is nothing more than a fart (I am very sorry that I am having to say that).

looking at the past statements from our leadership it seems that we are almost pleading the Americans for an apology. it is becoming a joke now as our statements about the sovereignty.

ok demanding justice or apology directly from Americans is not out of question because their finding has put the fault on us too
the only other option left is the international court of justice what chance is do you think we have there? try it for the sake of trying anyway
by the way while we are at it, why dont we take up the drone issue in UN or the international court? (sovereignty and all that?)

securing peace in Afghanistan is in our own interest otherwise we will continue to loose our men to "friendly" and unfriendly fire.
think about it, the current chaos in Afghanistan and the tension with US and Afghanistan suits the TTP and BLA just fine.

ہے جرمِ ضعیفی کی سزا مرگِ مفاجات

we can only express anger as much as a مراسی can (in the absence of the چودھری)

Irfanbhai I respect and understand from where you are coming from. But the point I was making was that we can not do any type of deal with Americans because their and our interests diverge and we must accept that.
when whole nation is turn against USA who the hell are these top brass and politicians to make good relations with USA? AND WHY ??????? 99% of pakistanis hate USA and don't want any relation with USA but military generals and gov do its against pakistani nation. and they said we represent pakistan and pakistani nation ?

for test remove security if American embassy and consulates you will see next day they will be wiped out form earth clean play grounds and kids play cricket there.:angry: nation of pakistan don't want any relation with USA :angry:
Irfanbhai I respect and understand from where you are coming from. But the point I was making was that we can not do any type of deal with Americans because their and our interests diverge and we must accept that.

totally agree on that

never suggested any deal with Americans at the expense of the people who have lost lives and at the expense of our national interests. their behavior against us is confirmed so anything like that will bite us back (since the Momin clause doesnt apply to us so we are bitten again and again at the same spot)

my suggestion of a deal is only at the extent of a Sulah Hadabiah. which raised eyebrows among those who lacked the understanding of why such peace deal was made.

---------- Post added at 03:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 AM ----------

when whole nation is turn against USA who the hell are these top brass and politicians to make good relations with USA? AND WHY ??????? 99% of pakistanis hate USA and don't want any relation with USA but military generals and gov do its against pakistani nation. and they said we represent pakistan and pakistani nation ?

for test remove security if American embassy and consulates you will see next day they will be wiped out form earth clean play grounds and kids play cricket there.:angry: nation of pakistan don't want any relation with USA :angry:

the top brass will have its days numbered if it makes a deal with the Yanks the way you are suggesting.
the anger on Americans will switch to the Pakistani leadership.

well the elections are coming and people can make their feelings known by not repeating the last mistake (no no I am not talking about last general elections but the by-polls where the same goons are voted in) if they still vote the same lot then all I can say is .. suffer the consequences.
If the government and the army were patriotic in the first place, the first thing that should have been done was to expel the Ambassador and close the embassy and give all the US nationals (read CIA agents) ultimatum to leave within a certain period of time otherwise the government won't be responsible for their safety.

But the government and the army wants to look like a joker just for the sake of the Dollars.

And we should not forget that they will ditch Pakistan as soon as they are done with Pakistan just like they did with Afghanistan after the Russians left and just like what they did with Mubarak.

This time Army has proven to be as bad as the current civilian government.

Just take the case of the OBL raid, if you see what Mansour Ijaz is saying regarding it, then the complete incamera session was a theater show orchestrated by Kiyani and company along with Zardari and company (one being the director and the other being the producer of the show).

If there were talks against US in that in camera session and there were news reports that the incamera session was somehow leaked to US then why do you think Kayani and company and Zardari and company are still hanging on to power? If they talked against US and seriously meant it they would have been history by now.

And seeing how Kayani reacted to the memogate and how Zardari reacted to the Memogate, the US is sure enjoying a well orchestrated comedy show.
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