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Salafism: Why ultra-conservative Islam is finding support in post-revolutio

Sir ALLAH only sent one religion and yes their are many kind of people who live on the face of the earth but ALLAH will accept only Islam

I will take your post as a scarcastic statement.
If you are not scarcastic here, I am sorry friend you are lacking the Kindness, love & humanity that ISLAM has.

I give a dam about what they think I have Islam and my duty is to spread its massage and that is what I am trying to do

Its good to know you dont give a damn to people who dont agree with you. But can you specify which Islam you believe in :-

Abul Ala Maududi's islamic version
Non-Practicising muslim Jinnah's Secural Islam
Allama Iqbal Spiritual Liberal Islam
Ayatullah Imam Khomeini's version of islam???
I will take your post as a scarcastic statement.
If you are not scarcastic here, I am sorry friend you are lacking the Kindness, love & humanity that ISLAM has.

Its good to know you dont give a damn to people who dont agree with you. But can you specify which Islam you believe in :-

Abul Ala Maududi's islamic version
Non-Practicising muslim Jinnah's Secural Islam
Allama Iqbal Spiritual Liberal Islam
Ayatullah Imam Khomeini's version of islam???
Their is only one Islam you statement is enough to show how limited knowledge of Islam you have
Their is only one Islam you statement is enough to show how limited knowledge of Islam you have

If your answer is that the one islam is the one that you currently follow .. then dont you think i am justified to tell you that you are lying and misguided?
Their is only one Islam you statement is enough to show how limited knowledge of Islam you have

Yep such replies expected.
Expected ways of refraining from answering.

Islam is one but it is understood & implemented by the person according to his intellect & character. That makes follower of Islam kind or radical, peaceloving or hatemongering, secularist or religious bigot, liberal or conservative, etc.

If you see Jinnah Saab, Maududi, Khomeini, Iqbal Saab at same level of Islam, I seriously feel pity for You.
If your answer is that the one islam is the one that you currently follow .. then dont you think i am justified to tell you that you are lying and misguided?
No Sir their is only one percent the issue of so called different interpretation is not on more than 10 % things other 90 % things are the same and that difference is also not that big
You mean liberals have sects as well? Liberal ideas have more to do with common sense rather than dreams of ruling the world.

You do realize Japan used to give Aid. So does Germany. If you consider they were mauled by their west into absolute nothingness. So your estimate of exactly 65 years I have mentioned two countries.

Common sense? even thoughts and views cannot be just of one di-mensional , and by that way even Liberals don't have any common views, The way you define liberals are not actual liberal thoughts cuz you still don't understand the logics behind others thoughts.
Japan and germany were still independent nations before at then, watever happened with them that was their own experience their own history, soldiers from indian origin were also the part of war at then and we were the part of india at then, Do we or india can claim Great world war 1 or 2 as their war or as their victory or lost? please don't implement typical logics, just share your ideas and common sense.
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