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Saker Family of Saudi UAVs


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saker Family of Saudi UAVs​

Recently Saudi Arabia have making great strides in the Aeronautics Engineering front but right now we will focus on one of things unveiled in the past few months which is the Saker family of UAVs made entirely in Saudi Arabia from Engine to the last bolt:

1- The Original Saker: The Saker prototype is so far the only finished UAV in the family who has passed research and have entered service and production for the Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia, it is considered a light UAV, which is designed to take off in the battlefield.




Take off weight: 12Kg
Payload: 2Kg
Size: 2.75M
Max Speed: 125 Km/H
Maximum Altitude: 5000M
Endurance: 5 Hours


Saker 2, 3 and 4 are still under research and are not complete yet, however we can see the difference between them which is mainly in size,

You can see Saker in the front with Saker 2 furthest back and Saker 3 closest to the camera, Saker 4 being furthest away.
We only know for now that Saker 4 size is 7 Meters cross wings.





Saker-4 seems a MALE UAV. I know that KSA decided to develop an armed UAV on it's own after USA had refused to sell the predator. But, UNITED-40 designer said that KSA bought it, then why not to buy it's TOT like USA and Russia? then develop it locally. You know, to save time.
@Mosamania - I missed you....Doc ! :kiss3:

Where the heck were you all this time ? :what:
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Welcome back ya Doob :oops:

where and how you been?

The nature of my absence is not of anyone's concern.

Saker-4 seems a MALE UAV. I know that KSA decided to develop an armed UAV on it's own after USA had refused to sell the predator. But, UNITED-40 designer said that KSA bought it, then why not to buy it's TOT like USA and Russia? then develop it locally. You know, to save time.

I don't think anyone of them is supposed to be armed, not yet anyway, however Saker 4 being huge as it is might have some potential in that aspect despite it being a small one.
Welcome back Mosamania!

I wanted to ask...Saudi Arabia has so much wealth..yet it is not industrialized..Why is it? If you regard Saudi rulers in such high regards, how you explain that they almost wasted national wealth in luxury (personal luxury and also national)...They should've industrialized and spread industrialization in other parts of Arab World too...
Welcome back Mosamania!

I wanted to ask...Saudi Arabia has so much wealth..yet it is not industrialized..Why is it? If you regard Saudi rulers in such high regards, how you explain that they almost wasted national wealth in luxury (personal luxury and also national)...They should've industrialized and spread industrialization in other parts of Arab World too...

We are a country with borders, all that matter to us and should matter to us is what is within our borders, Arab world or not that is just hogwash that's first.

Second of all who the hell told you Saudi Arabia is not industrialized? We have a very strong industry that is only set to increase in due time, On Saudi rulers that is a different topic for which this is not the place for it.
We are a country with borders, all that matter to us and should matter to us is what is within our borders, Arab world or not that is just hogwash that's first.

Neither you nor I decide that. Common sense and states relations say that KSA is part and parcel of Arab world. KSA never hesitated to support them.
So this is the real deal from the model you,showed me a few months earlier?
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