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Sajeeb Wajed Joy, what he is up to


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
I checked out his facebook page:

Found some interesting stuff:

Sajeeb Wazed
September 24
My mother and I met President Obama and Mrs. Obama last night at the President’s Reception. They were both so gracious and friendly. Kristine had volunteered on his election campaign and I told him that. He asked me to convey his thanks. Mrs. Obama and I talked about our daughters and how fast they grow up!

We also met Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz. They were both very friendly and warm, especially his wife. It was a fun evening.

Joy is the new brand image for Awami League:

Sajeeb Wazed
12 hours ago
My mother spoke on the phone with Khaleda Zia for almost 40 minutes yesterday. Yesterday was the deadline that Khaleda had given for our Government to initiate dialogue. Yet she rejected the invitation and they are going ahead with their strike.

More worrisome though is the spate of bomb attacks in the last 24 hours. Our Law Minister’s house was bombed, ICT Prosecutor Tureen Afroz’s house was bombed and there have been several other bomb and cocktail attacks throughout the country. We have also uncovered explosives and gunpowder and one of our Jubo League leaders has been hacked to death. These are not political protests and are not the actions of a legitimate political party. These are the actions of terrorists. BNP-Jamaat is becoming a terrorist coalition.

In case you have forgotten, BNP-Jamaat’s previous term was full of such terrorist attacks. You are seeing a taste of what is to come if you vote for them. Let us reject BNP-Jamaat’s terrorism and vote against them.

What is clear as day is that RAW has designed a message for Awami League, the message is simple, to label BNP-Jamat as terrorist so US/West will work with India to keep Awami League in power and to prevent BNP-Jamat to come to power by any means.
No good at all it seems.all I read is we,we,we.who is this we?is he now the spokes person for Bangladesh gov.?why a PMs son should be allowed to meet another country's president in an official dinner? Last time it was the daughter. The bottom line of his article is cast your vote for AL ,or we will make your life hell.
. . .
A relevant article. @Loki @kalu_miah @the just @idune @PlanetSoldier @asad71 @Skallagrim


আজ ক্ষমতার জন্য জয় তথাকথিত উত্তরাধিকারের নামে বাংলাদেশী সেজেছেন, যা বড়ই বেমামান। রাজনীতি জনপ্রিয়তা গ্রহণযোগ্যতা স্বদেশপ্রেম উত্তরাধিকারমূলক সম্পত্তি নয়। বংশপরম্পরায় কেউ এর মালিক হয় না। এটা স্বদেশের মাটি, মানুষ, ভাষা, সংস্কৃতি, আচার-অনুষ্ঠান, সর্বোপরি ত্যাগ-তিতিক্ষার মাধ্যমে অর্জন করতে হয়। এটা হস্তান্তরযোগ্য নয়। বিদেশি ডিগ্রি নিয়ে কোনো দেশে চাকরি করা যায়, কিন্তু সে দেশের শাসক হওয়া যায় না, হওয়া উচিতও নয়। জয় জন্মসূত্রে বাংলাদেশী হলেও মননে, চিন্তা-চেতনায়, সংস্কৃতি চর্চায় বাংলাদেশী হতে পারবেন না। তার ভাষায়-বচনে-উচ্চারণেই তা প্রমাণিত হয়। অনেক প্রশিক্ষণ ও পরিশ্রমের পরেও অনর্গল বাংলা বলতে, বাংলা উচ্চারণ করতে তার বেশ কষ্ট হলেও হিন্দি/ইংরেজি বলতে তার মুখ একটুও আটকাবে না। কারণ শিশুকাল থেকে তিনি সেগুলো শুনে শুনেই বড় হয়েছেন। সুতরাং তার চেতনায় বাংলাদেশ নেই। তার কর্মকাণ্ডে বাংলাদেশের সাংস্কৃতিক স্বাতন্ত্র্য, এদেশের মানুষের আবেগ-অনুভূতি-নাড়ির স্পন্দনের প্রতিফলন ঘটবে না।

তাছাড়া জয়ই একমাত্র ব্যক্তি যাকে ভারতীয় গোয়েন্দা সংস্থা ‘র’ একেবারে শিশুকাল থেকেই হাতের কাছে পেয়েছে। সুতরাং মুজিব পরিবারের এই সদস্যকে তাদের মতো করেই গড়ে তোলার সুযোগ যে ‘র’ গ্রহণ করেনি, তা কোনোভাবেই বিশ্বাসযোগ্য নয়। ‘র’ তাকে ভারতীয় স্বার্থের নিরিখেই বড় করেছে। তাকে বাংলাদেশে বসিয়ে দেয়ার জন্য ‘র’এর অবশ্যই নীল-নকশা বহু আগেই তৈরি হয়ে আছে। সে নীল-নকশা বাস্তবায়নের আলামত তো আমরা দেখতেই পাচ্ছি। জয় ইতোমধ্যেই আমাদের দেশের মৌলিক বিষয়গুলোর ব্যাপারে যে ধরনের আপত্তিকর মন্তব্য করেছেন, সেগুলো ভারতেরই চাওয়া-পাওয়ারই অংশ বিশেষ। এতেই বুঝা যায়, ভারত জয়কে কতখানি কবজা করেছে

জয়ের সেসব মন্তব্য বিশ্লেষণ করলে আরও স্পষ্ট হয় তিনি চিন্তা-চেতনায়-বিশ্বাসে কার প্রতিনিধিত্ব করছেন। মুসলিম মহিলাদের পর্দার অন্যতম গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান হলো বোরকা। আর এ প্রসঙ্গে জয়ের অভিযোগ: বাংলাদেশে বোরকার ব্যবহার ৫০০% বেড়ে গেছে এবং তা বন্ধ করতে হবে। ভারত কখনোই চায়নি, বাংলাদেশে একটা শক্তিশালী পেশাধার সশস্ত্রবাহিনী গড়ে উঠুক। কারণ সেনাবাহিনী হলো ভারতের আগ্রাসী উদ্দেশ্য বাস্তবায়নের পথে প্রধান প্রতিবন্ধকতা । তাই সেনাবাহিনীকে বিতর্কিত এমনকি ধবংস করতে ভারত একেবারে প্রথম থেকেই নানাবিধ চক্রান্ত চালিয়ে আসছে। সে চক্রান্তের অংশ হিসেবে সেনাবাহিনীকে বিতর্কিত করার উদ্দেশ্যেই জয়কে দিয়ে ভুয়া তথ্য সামনে আনা হচ্ছে। জয় না জেনেই বলেছেন সেনাবাহিনীতে নাকি কওমী মাদরাসার অধ্যয়নকারীদের সংখ্যা বেড়ে গেছে এবং তার তথাকথিত গবেষণা মতে সেনাবাহিনীর সদস্যদের ৩৫% নাকি মাদরাসার শিক্ষার্থী। তাই তার পরামর্শ : সেনাবাহিনী থেকে ইসলামপন্থীদের বিতাড়িত করতে হবে। এ ধরনের বক্তব্য থেকে জয় তার আসল পরিচয় তুলে ধরেই ক্ষান্ত হননি, তার পালক দেশের মূল এজেণ্ডাও প্রকাশ করেছেন। তিনি বলেছেন, আগামী ২৫ বছরের মধ্যে বাংলাদেশে হিন্দু প্রধানমন্ত্রী চাই। ‘র’এর এ এজেন্ডা বাস্তবায়ন কীভাবে সম্ভব? সরকারি আদমশুমারি মতে ভারতের মোট জনসংখ্যার ১৩.৫%, পশ্চিম বাংলার ২৫.৪% এবং আসামের ৩০.৫% মুসলিম । গত ৬৭ বছরে পুরো ভারতের মুসলিম প্রধানমন্ত্রী হওয়াতো দূরের কথা, পশ্চিম বাংলায় কিংবা আসামে মুসলিম মুখ্যমন্ত্রী হবার কথা কেউ কল্পনায়ও আনেননি এবং পরবর্তী শত বছরেও তেমনটি হবে না। কিন্তু জয় ৯২% মুসলিম অধ্যুষিত দেশে কোনো গণতন্ত্র কিংবা পরিসংখ্যানের ভিত্তিতে কেন হিন্দু প্রধানমন্ত্রী দেখতে চান?

This article is tad bit raw(not the Indian kind):D for me.But yes if joy didnt kill that boy back in 88. He would have been the successor and countepart of Tareqe.As Taposh is now becoming the next.Hitlarinas cousin turn out to be has a mind of his own.and his daughter's marriage to Partho was a blow to her ego.
And honestly? Who give a f..ck about what's that duffer wants? He will vanish the moment the mother is dead and buried.
I checked out his facebook page:
Sajeeb Wazed | Facebook

Found some interesting stuff:

Sajeeb Wazed
September 24
My mother and I met President Obama and Mrs. Obama last night at the President’s Reception. They were both so gracious and friendly. Kristine had volunteered on his election campaign and I told him that. He asked me to convey his thanks. Mrs. Obama and I talked about our daughters and how fast they grow up!

We also met Secretary of State John Kerry and his wife Teresa Heinz. They were both very friendly and warm, especially his wife. It was a fun evening.

Joy is the new brand image for Awami League:

Sajeeb Wazed
12 hours ago
My mother spoke on the phone with Khaleda Zia for almost 40 minutes yesterday. Yesterday was the deadline that Khaleda had given for our Government to initiate dialogue. Yet she rejected the invitation and they are going ahead with their strike.

More worrisome though is the spate of bomb attacks in the last 24 hours. Our Law Minister’s house was bombed, ICT Prosecutor Tureen Afroz’s house was bombed and there have been several other bomb and cocktail attacks throughout the country. We have also uncovered explosives and gunpowder and one of our Jubo League leaders has been hacked to death. These are not political protests and are not the actions of a legitimate political party. These are the actions of terrorists. BNP-Jamaat is becoming a terrorist coalition.

In case you have forgotten, BNP-Jamaat’s previous term was full of such terrorist attacks. You are seeing a taste of what is to come if you vote for them. Let us reject BNP-Jamaat’s terrorism and vote against them.

What is clear as day is that RAW has designed a message for Awami League, the message is simple, to label BNP-Jamat as terrorist so US/West will work with India to keep Awami League in power and to prevent BNP-Jamat to come to power by any means.

He is making the most out of it. It wouldn't hurt to keep options open if mommy gets kicked out of power,
In case you have forgotten, BNP-Jamaat’s previous term was full of such terrorist attacks. You are seeing a taste of what is to come if you vote for them. Let us reject BNP-Jamaat’s terrorism and vote against them.
went on his mommy, it seems :lol:
The boy means nothing in the long run.

He's like the youngest lamb of a goats off-spring who continuously hops up and down for milk. That is Joy. He doesn't even know how to talk properly either. A terrible orator unlike his granddad.

The primary reason why Hasina and her party got support during the early phases of democracy is Bangladesh is due to sympathy. Sympathy that her father and most of her family were slain.

Sheikh Mujib did not come from a rich family. He himself worked up to ranks to what he became. Hasina on the other hand, managed to rise to fame through Mujib's image.

Can Joy rise to fame through Hasina's image at present? The answer is no.
As a proud Bangali, it is good to see strong, healthy debate amongst my fellow countrymen.

But whatever our views on Mujib / Zia and their descendants we as a nation must always maintain a red-line when it comes to extreme religiosity. Pakistan is our perfect example, our twin country where good intentions of a religious, moral code have been abused and abused until religion has become but a mutilated tool that is exploited by some of the vilest creatures on earth.

We can now see that Pak leaders (Zia ul Haq) who started of with a well-intentioned agenda to make their country more religious were incredibly naïve - and in the long run have caused more damage to their country than India, Israel and the rest of the world put together. By prioritising religion over education, we have seen a slow degradation of the Pak populous, to the stage where today everyone is taking pot-shots at their country. People have been made so naïve that a large majority will even support a savage, illiterate group against the very state and it's constitution.

Today a short read of PDF's Pak war threads can give us an idea of the turmoil and confusion Pak people are going through because of the seeds laid down at that time. Just when other, far older muslim regions in the world are awakening to the danger of allowing mullahs free reign and of mixing religion and politics, Bangladesh is heading in the opposite direction.

Thankfully, it is not too late for BD. We have a society where education is valued, we have a strong literacy rate and our poverty rate is decreasing. We are also by nature not a bloodthirsty race (a murder rate of 2.6% one of the lowest in any third world country). The brutal nature of Islamic extremists is alien to us. So we have a chance to stop ourselves from falling into the abyss. If we don't stop the rise of the mullah now, our future generations will curse us for eternity.

So please love who you want, hate who you want but do not allow anyone to elevate their politics using a monopoly on divinity.
. . .
As a proud Bangali, it is good to see strong, healthy debate amongst my fellow countrymen.

But whatever our views on Mujib / Zia and their descendants we as a nation must always maintain a red-line when it comes to extreme religiosity. Pakistan is our perfect example, our twin country where good intentions of a religious, moral code have been abused and abused until religion has become but a mutilated tool that is exploited by some of the vilest creatures on earth.

We can now see that Pak leaders (Zia ul Haq) who started of with a well-intentioned agenda to make their country more religious were incredibly naïve - and in the long run have caused more damage to their country than India, Israel and the rest of the world put together. By prioritising religion over education, we have seen a slow degradation of the Pak populous, to the stage where today everyone is taking pot-shots at their country. People have been made so naïve that a large majority will even support a savage, illiterate group against the very state and it's constitution.

Today a short read of PDF's Pak war threads can give us an idea of the turmoil and confusion Pak people are going through because of the seeds laid down at that time. Just when other, far older muslim regions in the world are awakening to the danger of allowing mullahs free reign and of mixing religion and politics, Bangladesh is heading in the opposite direction.

Thankfully, it is not too late for BD. We have a society where education is valued, we have a strong literacy rate and our poverty rate is decreasing. We are also by nature not a bloodthirsty race (a murder rate of 2.6% one of the lowest in any third world country). The brutal nature of Islamic extremists is alien to us. So we have a chance to stop ourselves from falling into the abyss. If we don't stop the rise of the mullah now, our future generations will curse us for eternity.

So please love who you want, hate who you want but do not allow anyone to elevate their politics using a monopoly on divinity.

So you are essentially justifying and peddling the canard that Joy is peddling?

The only people who are trying to show Bangladesh in danger of falling into terrorism are Awami League and their Indian puppet master, so they can continue to stay in power and keep it under Indian proxy rule. Attacking Hindu's using Awami terrorists, creating fake Al Qaeda training ground near Burma border, helping and instigating Burmese anti Muslim violence, all of these have India's behind the scenes hand. So you should go talk to South Block, the real source of terrorism in the region to stop their false flag terror activities and give the neighbor countries a rest.

Lastly, there is no Afghanistan next to Bangladesh, that a God-less Soviet Union invaded and where the oil-rich Arabs came to fight them, together with CIA of USA. So no such threats exist in Bangladesh, except for inside sick minds of Awami Leaguers and their Indian sponsors.

No wonder, USA is not buying this utter rubbish and nonsense and Dan Mozena made it clear during his visit to Delhi.

What there is a risk of is the following scenario. Due to Awami League reluctance to hold a free a fair election under a CTG, and if AL goes ahead with a one sided election to create a neo-BAKSAL rule, then there is a risk of armed uprising against the illegitimate govt. with people's support and army intervening on the side of the people to remove that govt. That is the real risk Bangladesh is facing due to Indian and Awami League terrorism in Bangladesh landmass.
Oh dear ... I am not peddling anyone's anything - i'm not interested in party politics, i realised a long time ago that if you want to prosper in BD you need good relations with everyone. You however clearly are pushing someone's agenda - whether it's BNP or Jamaat - so please don't pretend that you are fair, honest or objective about BD.

You have said so much rubbish in the above post that you have contradicted yourself. RAW and AL have been instigating anti-muslim violence in Burma AND created a fake AQ training camp on the border? So are they creating the extremists and then getting them beaten too? AL is secretly attacking hindu's but then you say AL are hindu worshippers! Make your mind up. How complex do you want to make it?

Were JMB a creation of outsiders too? Was the bombing of the UK ambassador, the bombing of shahjalal's darga all Indian conspiracies too?JMB took credit for the latter so there is something obviously wrong in your outlook. Ps those happened under BNP rule.

And for your information, extremism does not require an Afghanistan to be next to you - it just needs space and conditioning which people like you are providing plenty of in BD. Afghanistan itself was not extreme 25 years ago, neither was Pak 15 years ago - so who's next? Please open your eyes while there's time.

You also keep going on about India and that we're under Indian proxy rule. For what? Our economy, literacy, poverty rates are all improving so what are we a proxy for? to do what to us?

If AL AND BNP's intransigence leads to a military takeover so be it - its all these 2 bickering groups deserve - as long as Jamaat don't get in i couldn't care less.
Oh dear ... I am not peddling anyone's anything - i'm not interested in party politics, i realised a long time ago that if you want to prosper in BD you need good relations with everyone. You however clearly are pushing someone's agenda - whether it's BNP or Jamaat - so please don't pretend that you are fair, honest or objective about BD.

You have said so much rubbish in the above post that you have contradicted yourself. RAW and AL have been instigating anti-muslim violence in Burma AND created a fake AQ training camp on the border? So are they creating the extremists and then getting them beaten too? AL is secretly attacking hindu's but then you say AL are hindu worshippers! Make your mind up. How complex do you want to make it?

Were JMB a creation of outsiders too? Was the bombing of the UK ambassador, the bombing of shahjalal's darga all Indian conspiracies too?JMB took credit for the latter so there is something obviously wrong in your outlook. Ps those happened under BNP rule.

And for your information, extremism does not require an Afghanistan to be next to you - it just needs space and conditioning which people like you are providing plenty of in BD. Afghanistan itself was not extreme 25 years ago, neither was Pak 15 years ago - so who's next? Please open your eyes while there's time.

You also keep going on about India and that we're under Indian proxy rule. For what? Our economy, literacy, poverty rates are all improving so what are we a proxy for? to do what to us?

If AL AND BNP's intransigence leads to a military takeover so be it - its all these 2 bickering groups deserve - as long as Jamaat don't get in i couldn't care less.

According to the poster above Bangladesh is at the risk of becoming the next Afghanistan? What do you guys say: @idune, @PlanetSoldier @the just @Loki @Luffy 500 @animelive

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