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Sailors Give Send Off To Navy Captain Who Raised Coronavirus Alarm | MSNBC

Sailors Give Send Off To Navy Captain Who Raised Coronavirus Alarm | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Looking at the cheering crowd and no social distancing at all, i am afraid, it will be quite some time and at the price of quite some more lives before the US would be coming out of this Pandemic!
Sailors Give Send Off To Navy Captain Who Raised Coronavirus Alarm | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

I would compare this to the silencing of the Chinese doctors : the whistle blowers of the virus. Even the west can show signs that they are ignorant and insensitive to the common problem we face. The Captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt stood up for his sailors for speaking out.


These people, who speak up, in addition to all the doctors, are heroes in my opinion.
Why the McDonald clowns are not saying anything about the reward the captain received? He was right to be in a state of panic and raising the alarm. The Chinese Navy is the real dominant power in the Pacific while the US sailors are now fearing for their lives.
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