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Safety of Pakistan’s nukes


May 3, 2011
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By: Ashraf Javed | Published: June 04, 2011

In the aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s death in Abbottabad, the US, some western countries, India and Israel have launched anti-Pakistan propaganda campaign suggesting that Pakistan is the “hub of terrorism” and Al-Qaeda leaders have taken shelter in Pakistan. Some days after the Osama episode, militants’ attack on Pakistan Navy’s PNS Mehran base in Karachi has been fully manipulated by these foreign elements.

The aim of such events is to show that if Pakistan cannot defend its bases and cannot locate Osama in a garrison like Abbottabad, how can it defend its nuclear assets and prevent them from falling in the hands of terrorists and extremists.

In this connection, on May 24, the head of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that he was confident that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons were safe but admitted that security had become a matter of concern.

The following day, Defence Minister AK Antony of India pointed out that India is deeply concerned about the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenals after a group of terrorists laid siege to a heavily guarded naval base.

Despite repeated assurances by Pakistan’s military and civil leadership that nuclear weapons are safe, and are under tight security arrangements, having well-coordinated command and control system, a deliberate campaign about the safety of these atomic weapons continue in one or the other form by the US and Indian media. The evidence of terrorist attack on Mehran base points towards the involvement of Indian intelligence agency RAW, which conducted this attack with the consent of CIA and tactical support of Israeli spy agency Mossad.

These agencies got the services of a group of Al-Qaeda, which is also collectively being used by the anti-Pakistan lobbies of America, India and Israel.

The fact of the matter is that through Abbottabad action and the naval base assault, CIA, RAW and Mossad have intensified their nefarious agenda against Pakistan.

In this context, firstly, with the help of American and Indo-Israeli lobbies, they are distorting the image of Pakistan in the comity of nations. Secondly, America wants to increase drone attacks on Pakistan - extending it to Balochistan and other major cities of the country.

Thirdly, without bothering for any backlash inside Pakistan, America wants to intensify its pressure on Islamabad by emphasising its old policy to ‘do more’ against the militants. After creating unrest and destabilising Pakistan through these acts, Washington wants to show to the world that Pak nuclear weapons are insecure, Al-Qaeda-related militants can lay a hand on the same and these non-state actors can also use these atomic weapons inside the American homeland and Europe.

Safety of Pakistan’s nukes | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

They think that ONLY they have the right to keep the nukes. :angry:
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In that scenario, the US is likely to ask Pakistan to rollback its nuclear program and to hand over its all nuclear weapons to the US. In case of refusal to act upon American demands, US can conduct full-fledged aerial strikes on Pakistan’s nuclear and military installations to further weaken the country.

In 2009, when the heavily-armed Taliban entered Dir, Buner and other adjoining areas, US high officials and their media had left no stone unturned in exaggerating the Talibinisation of whole Pakistan, while indicating concerns about Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. For example, on April 22, 2009, Hillary Clinton stated that Taliban advances pose “a serious threat” to Pakistan, while on April 23; she warned that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists. Admiral Mike Mullen and General David Petraeus, Commander of US Central Command had also expressed similar thoughts. Surprisingly, when Pakistan’s Armed Forces ejected the Taliban insurgents out of Swat, Dir and Buner by breaking their backbone including command and control system :tup:—capturing many militants, the same American high officials started admiring the Pak Army.

But in wake of the present strained relations between Islamabad and Washington, they have again revived their old blame game against Islamabad bringing the security of nuclear weapons under question.

Pakistan is the only Islamic country that possesses nuclear weapons, which are not being tolerated by the ‘nuclearised’ America, India and Israel who want to destabilise Pakistan. So, there is a co-relationship between Pak atomic weapons and destabilisation of Pakistan. The militants enter Pakistan from Afghanistan where India has established a number of secret training camps, and where its military personnel have been imparting training to the youngsters, having connections with the Pakistani Taliban.

In fact, under the pretext of Talibanisation of Pakistan and lawlessness in the country, which has been accelerated by CIA, RAW and Mossad, US is preparing ground to ‘denculearise’ Pakistan by propagating that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are not safe.

Unsafe nuclears falling in Pakistan is BS compared to US's history! :blah::blah:
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