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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

FC-31 project is currently in jeopardy, Chinese military is not financing, it currently private (company) project @Fawadqasim1
We can spare a few hundred million dollars
for it it's Paramount for us to have a stealth
fighter in next few years. remember s400
and Rafale are soon entering indian air force service.
We can spare a few hundred million dollars
for it it's Paramount for us to have a stealth
fighter in next few years. remember s400
and Rafale are soon entering indian air force service.
to disable S-400 and RAFALE threats there are lots way to defeat those system Stealth is not necessary, We could stop RAFALE to Purchase long range SAMs like HQ-9 as for S-400 we can counter it with Cruise Missiles, Short range Ballistic missile, Harpy like suicide drone etc etc @Fawadqasim1
Any real possibility that PAF will get 50 j-20s after 2020?

Also, PAF should seek some Russian fighters along with Eu fighters.
Any real possibility that PAF will get 50 j-20s after 2020?

Also, PAF should seek some Russian fighters along with Eu fighters.
Forget EU or Russian fighters, and J-20 is also banned for export just like US F-22, Only options we have Either we can go J-10C or for Stealth FC-31 If project completed and PLAAN agrees to purchase FC-31 @IM Ozair
FC-31 project is currently in jeopardy, Chinese military is not financing, it currently private (company) project @Fawadqasim1
As per sinodefence forum J-31 V3 or re designated J-35 is in the pipeline. Project was being stalled because of improved engine availability. WS-13E was insufficient thrust for carrier operations and future size increase of the jet so it's being redesigned for use with WS-19 engine and increased size for more internal fuel.

The coincidence of timeline overlap with what is being expected for Azm is uncanny so I'm still predicting this could still be customized/rebranded and enter PAF as Project Azm.

New rumor from 草根设计师-CAD: https://www.weibo.com/3762825331/HnJRp9L10

那啥35,一切按步就班的推进,上船增重未超过10%, 燃油超过了8,估计两年内吧。关键是又有耍流氓的,又要玩截胡,还说我急我先来。
I provided a summary, but a detailed translation would be much appreciated:
  • Work is being done on the J-35 (believed to be a carrier-borne fighter based on the FC-31)
  • There will be no more than a 10% increase in its mass
  • Its internal fuel exceeds 8 (tons?)
  • Estimated to be 2 years (away from reveal/debut?)
  • The PLAAF might also purchase the plane, and the air force variant might come out sooner than the naval variant (translation of the last part is needed)
As per sinodefence forum J-31 V3 or re designated J-35 is in the pipeline. Project was being stalled because of improved engine availability. WS-13E was insufficient thrust for carrier operations and future size increase of the jet so it's being redesigned for use with WS-19 engine and increased size for more internal fuel.

The coincidence of timeline overlap with what is being expected for Azm is uncanny so I'm still predicting this could still be customized/rebranded and enter PAF as Project Azm.

New rumor from 草根设计师-CAD: https://www.weibo.com/3762825331/HnJRp9L10

那啥35,一切按步就班的推进,上船增重未超过10%, 燃油超过了8,估计两年内吧。关键是又有耍流氓的,又要玩截胡,还说我急我先来。
I provided a summary, but a detailed translation would be much appreciated:
  • Work is being done on the J-35 (believed to be a carrier-borne fighter based on the FC-31)
  • There will be no more than a 10% increase in its mass
  • Its internal fuel exceeds 8 (tons?)
  • Estimated to be 2 years (away from reveal/debut?)
  • The PLAAF might also purchase the plane, and the air force variant might come out sooner than the naval variant (translation of the last part is needed)
I know that bro but as you refer waiting for engine, and probable delays because redesign is not that easy as you think, i thinks 5 year will be more exact position for roll out J-31 V3 @Shabi1
I know that bro but as you refer waiting for engine, and probable delays because redesign is not that easy as you think, i thinks 5 year will be more exact position for roll out J-31 V3 @Shabi1
True, airframe redesign is major work, but we don't know how long back this has been initiated maybe naval variant started 2 year back (speculation). So as per the Chinese source 2 more years would total 4yrs is plausible.
Nothing confirm but we do know alot of waiting involved.
Pakistan should opt for it 100% TOT , and share of knowledge with Chinese Private Company
This would be a great strategic asset to have to make visits to New Delhi for special ocassions
Is even China willing to give this to Pakistan?

Nothing is banned for Pakistan, when it comes to China.
That is optimistic, very optimistic.
Pakistan should opt for it 100% TOT , and share of knowledge with Chinese Private Company
This would be a great strategic asset to have to make visits to New Delhi for special ocassions
Nothing is banned for Pakistan, when it comes to China.

I'm really amazed on these posts at first sight but annoyed the more often I read such a BS:

Why do you guys always think Pakistan is in the position to decide in regard to Chinese developed systems on what they get, and how? If they can go to ToT or simply purchase and even more this strange belief that everything is available and at best for free? :crazy::hitwall:

I reminds me on the early days of the Sin-Soviet relationship, where the strange consequence was the misbelief of the PRC’s leadership not only that China has a right to receive this all for nearly nothing, but also, that it was so much easy to develop modern combat aircraft and exactly the same is here: "just take the JF-17 and enlarge it; let us add a much larger, wider and more powerful engine - or at best even two of them -, let us add several more pylons, weapons and so on ... it's all that easy, just like updating a new App at the mobile. :crazy:

You guys are really funny, but you should grew up, do your homework and learn to become realistic.
I'm really amazed on these posts at first sight but annoyed the more often I read such a BS:

Why do you guys always think Pakistan is in the position to decide in regard to Chinese developed systems on what they get, and how? If they can go to ToT or simply purchase and even more this strange belief that everything is available and at best for free? :crazy::hitwall:

I reminds me on the early days of the Sin-Soviet relationship, where the strange consequence was the misbelief of the PRC’s leadership not only that China has a right to receive this all for nearly nothing, but also, that it was so much easy to develop modern combat aircraft and exactly the same is here: "just take the JF-17 and enlarge it; let us add a much larger, wider and more powerful engine - or at best even two of them -, let us add several more pylons, weapons and so on ... it's all that easy, just like updating a new App at the mobile. :crazy:

You guys are really funny, but you should grew up, do your homework and learn to become realistic.

Kindly ignore fan boy posts. Senior members here knows that nothing is for free. Even aid and donations has conditions attached to it and have hidden costs
I'm really amazed on these posts at first sight but annoyed the more often I read such a BS:

Why do you guys always think Pakistan is in the position to decide in regard to Chinese developed systems on what they get, and how? If they can go to ToT or simply purchase and even more this strange belief that everything is available and at best for free? :crazy::hitwall:

I reminds me on the early days of the Sin-Soviet relationship, where the strange consequence was the misbelief of the PRC’s leadership not only that China has a right to receive this all for nearly nothing, but also, that it was so much easy to develop modern combat aircraft and exactly the same is here: "just take the JF-17 and enlarge it; let us add a much larger, wider and more powerful engine - or at best even two of them -, let us add several more pylons, weapons and so on ... it's all that easy, just like updating a new App at the mobile. :crazy:

You guys are really funny, but you should grew up, do your homework and learn to become realistic.
Dont waste your breath and raise your BP. Believe me we have tried and given up. It is simply no use. It is the same naivity of"if you can't afford it take a loan and get it". Or ee can get XYand Z when the fountry is morally economically and socially bankrupt. I dont even know what to say to these naive posters.
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