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S-500 – a miracle of a weapon


Apr 4, 2012
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In 2013, the Russian army is likely to receive the S-500, a new set of missiles that can shoot down anything that flies.


The S-500, a new generation surface-to-air missile system, is to enter the Russian Air Defense arsenal in 2015. At present, the Russian Air Force is equipped with S-400 and S-300V4 complexes, which see their production rates gradually increasing. Still, the older generation of these missile defense systems is here to stay.

Russian military expert Victor Esin says:

“It is hard to say what the parameters of the new system will be. The details are still kept secret. If it is being created in such a speedy tempo, most probably, the new system will be a modification of the old one, called S-400. Probably, it will have some considerable innovations, but, still, it will hardly be a real breakthrough.”

The development of the unified S-500U system for the Russian Air Defense and army air defense units was launched in the 1960s by the Russian military and the First Design Bureau with the Soviet Ministry of Radio Industry, the main research unit of the Almaz-Antei company. The initial S-500U was supposed to engage predominantly enemy aircraft.

At the end of the 1960s, however, the military changed their heart in favour of a unified S-300 family, which included the S-300V, its army version, designed to engage ballistic missiles as well as the anti-cruise missile and anti-aircraft S-300P which was designed for the Soviet Air Forces. The latter served as the basis for the naval S-300F missile. Still, their unification failed. The radar stations of the S-300V and S-300P shared only 50% of common design, whereas other crucial systems were completely different.

The collapse of the Soviet Union stalled many prospective projects, while the surface-to-air system research lived on. Towed S-300PT launchers were scrapped by the end of the 1990s; self-propelled S-300PSs, deployed in the mid-1980s, were revamped and re-emerged as S-200PMs. Meanwhile, another version of the system, known as the S-300PMU, gained world recognition and became a clear favourite. The anti-missile S-300V remained in the background, while the versions that had already entered into the service were modernized.

Further research in the field of next generation anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems resulted in the new S-400 system, an invention that allowed to resume the development of the unified S-500 complex on a new conceptual level. The batch production of the S-400 was officially launched in 2006, with the first battalion entering the Russian service as early as next year.

Today, a lot of hopes are pinned on the new plants that are to be built in Kirov and in Nizhny Novgorod, where the first lines are set to be started in 2015. The Kirov factory will be building anti-aircraft missiles, while the Nizhny Novgorod facility will produce launchers, radar stations, and command posts.

At this rate, by 2016, the Russian defence industry will reach the production capacity of five to six battalions a year. This will lead to the Russian Air Forces falling short of sixteen to twenty S-400 battalions out of the expected fifty six. Considering that the S-500 program is still running behind schedule, it will probably be tested only in 2015, with its batch production kicking off after 2017.

As a result, the Russian military can actually fall short of some twenty five battalions out of the sixty six S-400/500 artillery batteries slated to enter its service by 2020. Although the S-300V4 deliveries will be running their course, they will replace the obsolete S-300V versions and therefore won’t improve the situation around the outdated S-300P series.

Thus, it’s becoming increasingly important to revamp the deployed S-300PM systems or even their earlier variants. The air force “workhorses” can even be given a second life by using the modern components and upgraded missiles, which will allow Russia to compensate for the shortage of new air defense systems while the S-400/500 production is gaining steam.

Today, the Russian military has eighty to hundred S-300PM and S-300 PS battalions at its disposal. To prevent its air defense field from shrinking, it will have to keep at least fifty S-300 batteries in its ranks by 2020.

Nice development by the Russian air defence systems......:)
if it can shoot anything that flies then every country should just get s-500's and there is no need for jets
In 2013, the Russian army is likely to receive the S-500, a new set of missiles that can shoot down anything that flies.

Can it shoot down flies?? I mean seriously. How small of a target can it actually register on its radar and at what range? Its though to be better than the S400 and that is solid predecessor to scare everyone.
if it can shoot anything that flies then every country should just get s-500's and there is no need for jets

there is no need to take the comment literally, it just shows how powerful the missile is, i hope you understand that.

Great going Russia,we should buy a squadron of them if it is offered to us.

well Russia is itself not able to produce enough for it's own air defence, there is little probability it will offer to India these missiles.
hi can someone tell me more about these type missiles , i thought they are mainly to shoot other countries ballistic missiles or even nuke missiles , also can these type weapons shoot most aircraft? patriot , s-400 , hq something , so isit basically bam shot , or what are the flaws of these e.g sometimes not picking up on radar or i dno misses target , are these flawless
Interesting defence systems keep getting bigger and more powerfull what defence do we have against weapons getting smaller?


We are heading towards tech for swarms of autonomus micro drones is the war of the future going to be biger missile v's stealthier aircraft or against dust sized micro drones that can disable equipment without being detected?
No doubt this is good system but it can't shoot F22, J20 and other fifth generation fighters. Reason is in front of all.
Stealth aircraft are also like miracle. If you can't see Jet from ground radar, You can't shoot and guide it.
Jammers and stealth is real test in the future.
S-500 may be excellent SAM but it is much over hyped by the media/people.
i asked question let me ask again , what are flaws of these systems because people are sounding like its a magic weapon and it will just destroy everything in the air
No doubt this is good system but it can't shoot F22, J20 and other fifth generation fighters. Reason is in front of all.
Stealth aircraft are also like miracle. If you can't see Jet from ground radar, You can't shoot and guide it.
Jammers and stealth is real test in the future.
S-500 may be excellent SAM but it is much over hyped by the media/people.
Then you know very little about stealth, or LOA which does NOT make a plane disappear. It only reduces its RCS and that too depending upon the angle of incidence.

The Russians and Czech researchers have developed the very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) radar, “passive detection” technology and the two meter band 'counter-stealth' radars that defeats stealth. Thus, with its compromised X-band 'optimized' stealth, the F-35 and F-22 will simply not be survivable in this environment.

In addition, the Russians also posses the 500 MegaWatt Ranets E pulsed microwave beam weapon, using a mobile beam director dish on a 8 x 8 MZKT-7930 truck co-located with the counter stealth radars. This system will be electrically lethal to aircraft avionics and guided munition electronics at a range of 15 km or greater.
Russian toys are junks, each time they have gone against the west, they were defeated and this s 500 is nothing but a big time marketing gimmick. Russian military hardwares are 30 years outdated and considering the military budget of USA and russia, that is an understatement.
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