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Russia’s Winning the Electronic War


Aug 29, 2009
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Russia’s Winning the Electronic War
In Ukraine and Syria, Russian forces are using high-tech equipment to jam drones and block battlefield communications -- and forcing the U.S. to scramble to catch up.


It comes at different times, and in different forms. But as they have charted the war in southeast Ukraine over the past year, drones flown by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe have run into the same problem: Russian troops on the ground are jamming them into virtual blindness.

It’s just one part of a sophisticated Russian electronic warfare (EW) effort in Ukraine that has proved a sobering experience for the U.S. Army. Faced with how the newly modernized Russian army is operating in Ukraine and Syria — using equipment like the Krasukha-4, which jams radar and aircraft —American military officials are being forced to admit they’re scrambling to catch up.

Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commander of U.S. Army units in Europe, hasdescribed Russian EW capabilities in Ukraine as “eye-watering.” Ronald Pontius, deputy to Army Cyber Command’s chief, Lt. Gen. Edward Cardon, told a conference this month that “you can’t but come to the conclusion that we’re not making progress at the pace the threat demands.”

The electronic war was on display from the start of the Russian incursion into Crimea in the spring of 2014. Not long after Russian EW equipment began rolling into the region, Ukrainian troops began to find that their radios and phones were unusable for hours at a time. Meanwhile, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, an international conflict-monitoring group, has consistently reported that its drones watching the conflict in eastern Ukraine have been subject to military-grade GPS jamming,” forcing monitors to scrub missions taking stock of the war below.

At the forefront of the push to get the U.S. Army up to speed is Col. Jeffrey Church, the Army’s chief of electronic warfare. But it won’t be easy. Dealing with falling budgets, a lack of EW equipment, and a force that is shrinking by tens of thousands of troops, Church says that he has managed to train only a few hundred soldiers — a fraction of the EW forces that are fielded by potential adversaries like Russia and China.

“They have companies, they have battalions, they have brigades that are dedicated to the electronic warfare mission,” Church said in an interview with Foreign Policy. Those units are deploying “with specific electronic warfare equipment, with specific electronic warfare chains of command,” he said.

Currently, 813 soldiers make up the Army’s EW mission, for which just over 1,000 positions have been authorized. And other Army units are guarding against Church’s attempts to peel away soldiers from their ranks to join his. The staffing squeeze is only expected to get worse as the overall Army contracts: At its peak during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army had about 570,000 soldiers; it is on pace to be down to 450,000 by the end of 2017. That number could slide even further, to 420,000 over the next several years, if Washington deadlocks over a long-term budget deal in the coming months.

At the moment, U.S. Army battalions typically assign two soldiers to the EW mission, and they will “have to do 24-hour operations” in battle against sophisticated enemies, Church said. That includes planning and coordinating with other battalion units as well as ensuring that their own jammers and advanced communications tools are working. “There’s too much to do for those guys in a battalion,” Church said. “So how do you maintain in a high-intensity environment against a peer enemy?”

A good amount of the EW equipment the Army bought over the past decade was paid for with supplemental wartime funding accounts. Church said that means it largely sits on shelves, awaiting repair and refurbishments, without regularly budgeted funding to keep it up to date.

In looking at Moscow’s capabilities, the U.S. Army’s Foreign Military Studies Office assessed this year that Russia “does indeed possess a growing EW capability, and the political and military leadership understand the importance” of such warfare. “Their growing ability to blind or disrupt digital communications might help level the playing field when fighting against a superior conventional foe,” the assessment concluded.

Ukraine, which is equipped with easily jammed electronic systems, has proved to be a perfect place for Moscow to showcase its EW prowess. The Russian effort “is likely not aimed at Ukraine as much as it is aimed at NATO and more serious adversaries,” said Dmitry Gorenburg, a senior research scientist at CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization.

Last March, Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work created an EW executive committee led by Frank Kendall, the undersecretary for acquisition, technology, and logistics. At the time, Work noted that the Defense Department had “lost focus on electronic warfare at the programmatic and strategic level.”

Although the Army is running a number of studies to quickly update and better integrate EW capability, none will be completed soon. In the meantime, Church said, soldiers must start training for new kinds of wars — namely, those that will increasingly depend on the kinds of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons that are becoming a mainstay for America’s most powerful conventional adversaries.

“We need to start challenging ourselves a little bit more,” Church said. “We should train as we anticipate we will fight.… It’s [currently] done very little.”
US electronic warfare can handle only small weak countries like Iraq and Serbia. When real fight with peer. Their weakness will exposed. Most of US equipment is over hyped and brag by their countrymen. Crap like US M1A tank is the best in the world is simply a joke. Western design separate weapon compartment to better protect tank crew compare to Russian /Chinese design tank is simply another marketing joke. It only added in addtional useless weight.

Does that looks like the crew saved from the cooking? :lol:
USA equipment is over-rated and we have a lot of idiots who are just impressed by their gimmickry and advertisement and they want to buy US shitty equipment for a much higher price tag and then comes the parasites of embargoes and sanctions.
after all majority is electronics and software but the ingredients are always the same except quality and how robust. i believe best way to design something is to design it, break it, hack it, improve it until it is robust and also to build counter weopen to that to see its weak point. lets say you have good radar system you should also design a system to hack/fool the radar system to see its weak point.
Agreed with all above. If US equipment was so super duper why could it not stop ISIS in 2 years. And why Russia has destroyed more than 40% of ISIS in 2 weeks.
What BS article, you can not compare with jamming of drones a EW. The latest American EW is far more superior then everyone. A full scale war between hightech strikes like jamming of Aesa radars and communications of enemy is a real EW. When your cruisemissile didn't hit the targets or you SAM can't find the fighter.

That all is a EW, and not stupid compare with ISIS ahahaah.
What BS article, you can not compare with jamming of drones a EW. The latest American EW is far more superior then everyone. A full scale war between hightech strikes like jamming of Aesa radars and communications of enemy is a real EW. When your cruisemissile didn't hit the targets or you SAM can't find the fighter.

That all is a EW, and not stupid compare with ISIS ahahaah.
Another victim fall gimmick to US marketing.
What BS article, you can not compare with jamming of drones a EW. The latest American EW is far more superior then everyone. A full scale war between hightech strikes like jamming of Aesa radars and communications of enemy is a real EW. When your cruisemissile didn't hit the targets or you SAM can't find the fighter.

That all is a EW, and not stupid compare with ISIS ahahaah.

You might be right. American technology has been battle tested and no doubt superior than any other. However, USA has attacked weakened countries and those which did not have technology to match it. Just look at American record since 1991 Gulf war.

In Syria, US has met an adversary thats very capable. Russia has its own drones, satellite GPS, precision guided weapons, stand off missiles and other capabilities developed at home. Russia is not a dependent nation for supply of weapons or of technology like Iraq, Libya, Syria before it. Russia is not some Middle East country America can arm twist or bomb into oblivion.

Hence, American technology is put up against comparable technology not sourced from America or its allies. This is where the test is. So far Russians have not disappointed but have actually impressed.

The article put toward 2 points.

1.) The US EW performance is under par of that of Russia in both Ukraine and Syria
2.) The Russian have a selection of EW suite that's a lot better than US Army...

What make this article BS is that the article pin point 2 low intensity war the US have participate. US have minimal to no involvement in both Syria and Ukraine in term of the technology front. US only train Ukrainian National Guard and some Syria Rebel, why the hell would they deploy EW suit if they only conducting a training mission?

Another point being, the US Army do not have their own branch of EW warfare, they do have EW specialist (MOS 29E/A) however, what they do is ISTAR, not EW. US army had always rely on both US Air Force (E-3 + E-8) and Navy (EA-18G + AEGIS Jammer) for electronic warfare.

To say Russia have better Electronic Warfare capability than the US Army is quite laughable. As the latter do not even have a dedicated branch of Electronic Warfare to begin with. I can make a better cargo truck than Ferrari, even if I do not have car making experience, that's always true since Ferrari did not ever make truck....

Agreed with all above. If US equipment was so super duper why could it not stop ISIS in 2 years. And why Russia has destroyed more than 40% of ISIS in 2 weeks.

lol how do you get the 40% figure??

If you map where the cruise missile and bomb drop by Russia, nearly all of those were dropped and target to area not known to ISIS present, on the other hand, they were known FSA rebel location...

You tell me how they manage to destroy 40% of ISIS without actually hitting them?

The article put toward 2 points.

1.) The US EW performance is under par of that of Russia in both Ukraine and Syria
2.) The Russian have a selection of EW suite that's a lot better than US Army...

What make this article BS is that the article pin point 2 low intensity war the US have participate. US have minimal to no involvement in both Syria and Ukraine in term of the technology front. US only train Ukrainian National Guard and some Syria Rebel, why the hell would they deploy EW suit if they only conducting a training mission?

Another point being, the US Army do not have their own branch of EW warfare, they do have EW specialist (MOS 29E/A) however, what they do is ISTAR, not EW. US army had always rely on both US Air Force (E-3 + E-8) and Navy (EA-18G + AEGIS Jammer) for electronic warfare.

To say Russia have better Electronic Warfare capability than the US Army is quite laughable. As the latter do not even have a dedicated branch of Electronic Warfare to begin with. I can make a better cargo truck than Ferrari, even if I do not have car making experience, that's always true since Ferrari did not ever make truck....

lol how do you get the 40% figure??

If you map where the cruise missile and bomb drop by Russia, nearly all of those were dropped and target to area not known to ISIS present, on the other hand, they were known FSA rebel location...

You tell me how they manage to destroy 40% of ISIS without actually hitting them?

Lol , unlike your propaganda that statement was from the syrian ambassador himself.And looking at the speed at which syrian army is taking over Aleppo from ISIS and the rebels ,seems the Russian strikes are much more effective.

Now eff offf with the propaganda claptrap elsewhere.Your US military has failed .
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that Russia has hit 112 ISIS targets in Syria since September 30, destroying 19 command posts, 12 ammunition caches, 71 military hardware pieces and six explosive device making facilities.

" The intensity of strikes is growing. Many targets were discovered in the past two days, command posts, ammunition and military hardware depots, militant training camps. All the targets were destroyed, no civilian facilities were damaged," Shoigu added.

Lots of terrorists killed

In this context, Syria's Ambassador to Moscow underscored that around 40% of the ISIS infrastructure in Syria has been destroyed since Russia began its military operations in the country.
syriatimes.sy - Russia destroys 40% of ISIS infrastructure in Syria in a week


And the US military . A sodom and gomorrah . Here's what US military is into these days
U.S. Military Celebrating Gay Pride Month, Honors Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Servicemembers « CBS San Francisco

And this is the new US military:

Not a wonder that Bradley/Chelsea manning types are interfering so much in US chain of command . Your military is full of fags .
Lol , unlike your propaganda that statement was from the syrian ambassador himself.And looking at the speed at which syrian army is taking over Aleppo from ISIS and the rebels ,seems the Russian strikes are much more effective.

Now eff offf with the propaganda claptrap elsewhere.Your US military has failed .
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that Russia has hit 112 ISIS targets in Syria since September 30, destroying 19 command posts, 12 ammunition caches, 71 military hardware pieces and six explosive device making facilities.

" The intensity of strikes is growing. Many targets were discovered in the past two days, command posts, ammunition and military hardware depots, militant training camps. All the targets were destroyed, no civilian facilities were damaged," Shoigu added.

Lots of terrorists killed

In this context, Syria's Ambassador to Moscow underscored that around 40% of the ISIS infrastructure in Syria has been destroyed since Russia began its military operations in the country.
syriatimes.sy - Russia destroys 40% of ISIS infrastructure in Syria in a week


And the US military . A sodom and gomorrah . Here's what US military is into these days
U.S. Military Celebrating Gay Pride Month, Honors Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Servicemembers « CBS San Francisco

And this is the new US military:

Not a wonder that Bradley/Chelsea manning types are interfering so much in US chain of command . Your military is full of fags .

So, what do you call it when the Indian have to buy hardware from a Gay Military??

What is the word for even LGBT have a higher caste than Indian Military?? LOL?? So that Indian military have to buy from a bunch of Gays?? I honestly drop to the floor laughing, your military must have been REALLY SHIT to buy from a bunch of Gay and Lesbian to be honest, if you say it like that....make me wonder your army would not even be able to defeat "A bunch of fag" as you put it. Then what do you call them??

And LOL Syria time? You may as well quote RT. lol....
So, what do you call it when the Indian have to buy hardware from a Gay Military??

What is the word for even LGBT have a higher caste than Indian Military?? LOL?? So that Indian military have to buy from a bunch of Gays?? I honestly drop to the floor laughing, your military must have been REALLY SHIT to buy from a bunch of Gay and Lesbian to be honest, if you say it like that....make me wonder your army would not even be able to defeat "A bunch of fag" as you put it. Then what do you call them??

And LOL Syria time? You may as well quote RT. lol....
REplying to a false flagger and why drag Indian Military into it?
You might be right. American technology has been battle tested and no doubt superior than any other. However, USA has attacked weakened countries and those which did not have technology to match it.
You mean you are absolutely 100% certain that we do not test our EW suites against any known threats, even after we made SIGINT a consistent high priority item in peace time.

Just look at American record since 1991 Gulf war.
Yup...Just look...Smarter leaderships than you have.

Hence, American technology is put up against comparable technology not sourced from America or its allies. This is where the test is. So far Russians have not disappointed but have actually impressed.
We had access to Soviet/Russian hardware, from tanks to jet fighters to missile consoles to even full missiles, when the Cold War ended.

In programming, you can see patterns of constructions of codes, even to the point where you recognize whose codes belongs to whom in your company. Same for when we analyzed Soviet/Russian hardware that we acquired and tested our hardware against. There is a distinctive signature in design philosophy.

So please stop talking as if you know what you are talking about when it comes to how American hardware are tested.
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