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Russia's Medvedev hints of Chinese threat to Far East

What world are you living in? China nor Russia can never hope to defeat the US, not in this century at least. The very best you could do is destroy half of humanity but that's about it.
Taking parts of the US...

By 2050 i think it is possible,
What world are you living in? China nor Russia can never hope to defeat the US, not in this century at least. The very best you could do is destroy half of humanity but that's about it.
Taking parts of the US...

By 2050 i think it is possible,
like I've said russia is always our biggest threat rather than the US.

This I agree on completely - the CCP & PLA consider the US and Russia as their No.1 and No.2 enemy, and in return Russia considers China as their No.1 enemy and threat.
I admit he is very good at sponsoring terrorism, but I'm not sure if he is better than the Saudi or Qatari Kings in that regard.

Unfortunately, Putin considers Russia as part of Europe. He says most Russians do so as well. I've read some reports lately on a Russian website and was disappointed by some of his naive remarks. Almost nobody in Europe likes Russia, but (like Turkey) they want to be "accepted" by their western masters.
Exactly, Russia's core interest is to regain its position as the arbitrator of Europe while China is only looking after its interests in the Asia pacific. So there really isn't any conflict of interest there, and two can help each other with their interests in their prespective regions. US being the common pain in the a$$ also helped the corporation between those two.
By 2050 i think it is possible,
Defeating the US is not possible unless all their thousands of Nuclear weapons suddenly vanish. No nations can match US might today and for the next couple of decades and even then the rules of MAD still apply.
What world are you living in? China nor Russia can never hope to defeat the US, not in this century at least. The very best you could do is destroy half of humanity but that's about it.
Taking parts of the US...
How naive, even in the first half of this century the US will no longer be the sole superpower. Dreaming isn't forbidden, but you shouldn't confuse your (wet) dreams with facts.
Im suprised Chinese seem more threatened than Russia .

China economy is like 5 times bigger.
What was that again?
They russians know well that chinese cant be contained and vice versa.
Thats the principles of EAST.
Russia has 10,000 Nukes. Any Chinese adventurism into Siberia and it could lead to Nuclear War.
on behalf of my dear chinese friend sino challenger I would like to take this opportunity to make Russia aware that CHina is not a cake walk for them.For a third world hole like Russia, DF-21D is a gift from the lord destroyer. For a technologically advanced country like China, DF-21D is the fruit of their hard work and high IQ and to complete the post I am posting his favourite pic.
How does a country with such small population gained such large territory? Through conquest. The Russian went to war and took that part of the land. Someday, Chinese/Korean, and other people in the area will get it back.
no not really , siberia was lowly populated and weak little tribes so russia just invaded them easily , remember how easy it was in past times to conquer and invade , there was no UN , human rights etc , theres hardly anyone living in siberia.

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