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Russia's Medvedev hints of Chinese threat to Far East

I think russia is actually a more secret rival to china. not the USA . Im suprised Chinese seem more threatened than Russia .

China economy is like 5 times bigger.
He doesnt represent us

for you migration is good?

Migration is a fact of life. I'm sitting in Boston, am I not? I started off in a zero-technology mountain village near Keelung, Taiwan.

There are people, who look at the entire world as an opportunity, and decide where they want to go. My father was a nuclear engineer and the United States welcomed him. Mr. Medvedev does not understand that you have to compete for talent.

Why did all of these ethnic Chinese companies, such as Nvidia, Kingston, Marvell, co-founding of Yahoo, and many others, originate in Silicon Valley and not someplace in Russia? The reason is there is a permanent population of Chinese-Americans and there is an insignificant number of ethnically Chinese Russians.

I've heard whispers of the Chinese invasion of the Russian Far East for decades. However, nothing ever happens on the ground. Instead, all of the Chinese people are in the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. What do these countries have in common? They are all English-speaking countries.

Chinese people will not move permanently to the Russian Far East, because there are much better opportunities and friendlier environments elsewhere. Speaking personally, I have always felt welcomed by my fellow Americans. Americans are courteous and hospitable. There is an occasional nut, but they exist everywhere.

My point is the Russian Far East cannot compete with the United States, Canada, and Australia for educated or hard-working Chinese.

Where Chinese people congregate, awesome things happen. Just look at Hsinchu Park (e.g. Taiwan's Silicon Valley where 90% of the world's notebook computers were manufactured by Quanta and Compal).

Or look at Singapore, a modern First-World city with living standards equal to the United States. Where Chinese people gather, spectacular outcomes are inevitable. Look at the list of Chinese-American Nobel Prize winners.
A lot of the people, Korean or Chinese are native to the area, others including Chinese do sometimes migrate but a lot of the people that do migrate come to live in the large cities (Moscow, St Petersburg, ect) where the climate is mild the living standards are good. Cities such as Moscow have seen an influx of tourists as well as foreigners coming for work including those from western Europe, Asia and the America’s. The people that settle in the east are the same type of people that move to places like Alaska. And the tempature in eastern Russia including the landscape is not what people may think, people think flat tundra but it's actually mountains, lakes, forests, ect.

Seriously, we are all tired of these China vs Russia flamebaits, how about we stop bashing each other and work together to bring down US?

Since they possess some of the best arable and habitable land in the world, and we can both take a share of it.
I dont understand how chinese think US is bigger enemy , USA will only support chinas enemies with weapons which it benefits with by earning money , while russia is a rival and they have some border disputes . whats this about just saw it.

Out of a total of about 1,700,000 Soviet troops, 700,000 occupied Manchuria and looted the entire region of valuable materials and industrial equipment. Soviet troops looted and terrorized the people of Mukden, and were not discouraged by Soviet authorities from "three days of rape and pillage". In Harbin, Chinese posted slogans such as "Down with Red Imperialism!" Soviet forces ignored protests from Chinese communist party leaders on the mass rape and looting.
Medvedev can rest easy then. Because China has little interest in Siberia. The only thing Siberia really has to offer China is its water source. When the North South water projects are completed, there will be little reason to take Siberia.

Besides, even if we wanted water from Siberia, we'd probably trade for it. If there's one thing China doesn't lack it's money. Why go to war over something that can be bought with cash?
You know why? Because the so-called russia far-east was part of China less than 150 years ago.

British only took Hongkong, Portugese took Macau, while the the russians took more than 1/6 of current China's size. Of course, there is another 1/6 that it coerced to be independent as mongolia nowadays.

I think russia is actually a more secret rival to china. not the USA . Im suprised Chinese seem more threatened than Russia .

China economy is like 5 times bigger.
I see this issue in two aspects:

1) The Russia leader needs a political agenda to unite his people for vote bank. Just like US politicians need to find an enemy, to differentiate “us” from “them”. Otherwise, they’ll loose their job, because their very existence depends on creating problems, not solving problems. If there is no problem, they loose their job. This is a bad part of democracy.

2) Russia demographic problem lies within Russia, not outside. Russians love alcohol. Also in the extreme north, woman’s reproductive capability reduces. For instance Eskimos’ women in extreme north will have only 6 months menstruation. Alcoholism renders many Russia impotent in reproduction. Their population is in decrease, and can’t match healthier and vaster people on the south side, day by day and year by year. They are scared. They are scared for the right reason but they try to solve it in wrong way.

I think (and hope) Russia might split eventually (in next a few centuries). Russia is a very close society, unlike the United Stated of America: open, and vibrating...
If he gives up his intention to islamize turkey, he is ok.

if he ever turns secular turkey into a islamized turkey, he is a fxxked up.

Erdogan is probably the best leader in the Islamic world.

I love Turkey.

My second choice after being a Pakistani is being a Turk :D
Medvedev can rest easy then. Because China has little interest in Siberia. The only thing Siberia really has to offer China is its water source. When the North South water projects are completed, there will be little reason to take Siberia.

Besides, even if we wanted water from Siberia, we'd probably trade for it. If there's one thing China doesn't lack it's money. Why go to war over something that can be bought with cash?

Modern China has fought 3 wars since 1949.

The Korean War 1950-53, Sino-Soviet Border Disputes of 1969, and Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979.

Chinese are more interested in building their economy than launching wars.

If he gives up his intention to islamize turkey, he is ok.

if he ever turns secular turkey into a islamized turkey, he is a fxxked up.

Turkey is Great because its Secular.

Secularism checked Islamic from coming to power in Turkey and thus leading to a backward course like what happened in Pakistan or Iran.

But some of his initiatives were good like allowing women to wear head scarves in government buildings. I don't see anything wrong with that.

But anything beyond that, I am against.

The World needs Turkey to be Secular.
I dont understand how chinese think US is bigger enemy , USA will only support chinas enemies with weapons which it benefits with by earning money , while russia is a rival and they have some border disputes . whats this about just saw it.

Out of a total of about 1,700,000 Soviet troops, 700,000 occupied Manchuria and looted the entire region of valuable materials and industrial equipment. Soviet troops looted and terrorized the people of Mukden, and were not discouraged by Soviet authorities from "three days of rape and pillage". In Harbin, Chinese posted slogans such as "Down with Red Imperialism!" Soviet forces ignored protests from Chinese communist party leaders on the mass rape and looting.

That was ancient history, most of the border disputes between China and Russia had been solved in 1991 by Sino-Russian Border Agreement, and rest were solved by 2004 Complementary Agreement. Internationally Russia and China don't have any conflict of interests but rather on many issues standing together on them. Most importantly both China and Russia want to out an end to unilaterism that has been imposed by certain country. So saying China and Russia are enemies or even suggesting it, the motive behind that really needs to be deeply scrutinized.
Erdogan is probably the best leader in the Islamic world.

I admit he is very good at sponsoring terrorism, but I'm not sure if he is better than the Saudi or Qatari Kings in that regard.

That was ancient history, most of the border disputes between China and Russia had been solved in 1991 by Sino-Russian Border Agreement, and rest were solved by 2004 Complementary Agreement. Internationally Russia and China don't have any conflict of interests but rather on many issues standing together on them. Most importantly both China and Russia want to out an end to unilaterism that has been imposed by certain country. So saying China and Russia are enemies or even suggesting it, the motive behind that really needs to be deeply scrutinized.
Unfortunately, Putin considers Russia as part of Europe. He says most Russians do so as well. I've read some reports lately on a Russian website and was disappointed by some of his naive remarks. Almost nobody in Europe likes Russia, but (like Turkey) they want to be "accepted" by their western masters.
No one is migrating to Siberia

Siberia is not really habitable with -40 degree temperatures. It will never support a large population.

Mr. Medvedev has nothing to worry about. Chinese are migrating to Canada (e.g. think Vancouver) and Australia. Siberia is not competitive.

The new generation of young and smart Chinese speak Mandarin and English. No one learns Russian anymore.


Chinese Vancouver: A decade of change

"Chinese Vancouver: A decade of change

HONG KONG — Remember "Hongcouver?" You don't hear that word much anymore in the polite society of Vancouver, a city that has grown into Canada's — and North America's — most effortlessly Asian metropolis."

China biggest source of migrants to Australia - FT.com

"Aug 10, 2011 – China has overtaken the UK to become Australia's biggest source of migrants in an historic shift that underlines the strengthening ties between ..."

Chinese CCP by nature is a resource and land grabbing animal. This is what the world powers understood after SCS dispute and Chinese plans. The recent military exercises by India and Russia near to Siberia is a signal to CCP that China and Russia are united when it comes to defend their territory.
Chinese CCP by nature is a resource and land grabbing animal. This is what the world powers understood after SCS dispute and Chinese plans. The recent military exercises by India and Russia near to Siberia is a signal to CCP that China and Russia are united when it comes to defend their territory.

India is kidding themselves if they think they can beat the PLA. Didn't you learn your lesson back in 1962?
The Chinese special forces can beat the Indian army. Indian army is a ragtag army just like Saddam Hussein's Iraqi army. Both are highly fragmented, disorganized, poorly equipped, and poorly trained.

Don't write checks you can't cash son, 1962 should have taught you that.
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