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Russian weapons missing in Indian army


Jan 22, 2020
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Hello guys
I always feel that below are some Russian weapons which surprisingly were not purchased by India whose military is largely powered by Russian weapons.... Below are those great weapons

MIG 31 (we purchased MIG 25s but after retiring those we didn't upgrade ourselves with Foxhound)

Iskandar missile - this missile will be more fearsome than brahmos and would give us huge upper hand over the enemies

Buk / Tor missiles - don't understand why till date these missiles are not inducted in our air defence system

Shakval E submarine torpedo - this might be because these are quite huge torpedoes and our submarines are not capable to house them?

TU 22 strategic bombers - this can provide us a solid detterance against china in Indian Ocean to keep their navy in check

I believe we have access to any Russian weapons we just need to put our fingers on the toy and Russian will sell it to us... Or it is opposite? I mean did we ever try getting those and Russians refused? Can ppl shed some light on this?
Thank you
Actually I was just curious to know reasons.... Sorry for the trouble
weapons buy for needs not for fasion shows . i have few words for you from your own ex-defense minister

No need for 126 Rafales: Parrikar
Terming the UPA's proposed deal for 126 Rafale fighter jets as "economically unviable" and not required, Defence minister Manohar Parrikar has said ;
He said that the UPA deal for 126 Rafales was way too expensive
and it would have hampered other modernisation plans of the
Indian military.
"Would there be any money for any other work?" he asked. "I also feel like having a BMW and Mercedes. But I don't because I can't afford it. First I can't afford it and second I don need it.
Parrikar said.

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weapons buy for needs not for fasion shows . i have few words for you from your own ex-defense minister

No need for 126 Rafales: Parrikar
Terming the UPA's proposed deal for 126 Rafale fighter jets as "economically unviable" and not required, Defence minister Manohar Parrikar has said ;
He said that the UPA deal for 126 Rafales was way too expensive
and it would have hampered other modernisation plans of the
Indian military.
"Would there be any money for any other work?" he asked. "I also feel like having a BMW and Mercedes. But I don't because I can't afford it. First I can't afford it and second I don need it.
Parrikar said.

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Absolutely right.
weapons buy for needs not for fasion shows . i have few words for you from your own ex-defense minister

No need for 126 Rafales: Parrikar
Terming the UPA's proposed deal for 126 Rafale fighter jets as "economically unviable" and not required, Defence minister Manohar Parrikar has said ;
He said that the UPA deal for 126 Rafales was way too expensive
and it would have hampered other modernisation plans of the
Indian military.
"Would there be any money for any other work?" he asked. "I also feel like having a BMW and Mercedes. But I don't because I can't afford it. First I can't afford it and second I don need it.
Parrikar said.

Read more at:

$450 billion reserves. Let the OP dream.
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