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Russian warships cross Turkey's Bosphorus Strait, en route to Syria

then it'll cost Turkey billions and it'll fvck up Istanbul's unique geography. European side will become an island in the middle and... I don't want to think

either we're being ruled by complete retards or this project will be cancelled
Well lets hope people vote different this time,it sure doesnt look like it.
All Erdogan needs is 1 chemical-tipped shell to land in a Turkish village near the border and kill a cat..

Then he WILL call on Nato, the Patriot missiles are already in place (They cleverly moved them there prior to war)

If 1 NATO member is attacked, the rest will have to come to help.. Turkey can do it on their own but there's no need..

The list looks like this to me:

NATO: USA, France, Turkey, probably Jordan too.. Saudi Arabia and Qatar for cash and Arab support..

AGAINST: Syria, Russia, Iran and China... and lil' Hezbollah..

Start the World War III..
The landing ship Minsk




I once defeated most of the World in Age of Empires III ! :ashamed:

And I was playing the Ottomans ! :smokin:

But I still couldn't find my Hurem Sultan ! :cray:

I played it long time back, they had good artillery right. But there was some limit type locha with turkish settlers. By the way I played under Spanish with Queen Isabella :smitten:
Russian warships cross Bosphorus, en route to Syria

(AFP) – 4 hours ago



Three Russian warships crossed Turkey's Bosphorus Strait Thursday en route to the eastern Mediterranean, near the Syrian coast, amid concern in the region over potential US-led strikes in response to the Damascus regime's alleged use of chemical weapons.

The SSV-201 intelligence ship Priazovye, accompanied by the two landing ships Minsk and Novocherkassk passed through the Bosphorus known as the Istanbul strait that separates Asia from Europe, an AFP photographer reported.

The Priazovye on Sunday started its voyage from its home port of Sevastopol in Ukraine "to the appointed region of military service in the eastern Mediterranean", a military official told the Interfax news agency.

Russia, a key ally of Damascus, has kept a constant presence of around four warships in the eastern Mediterranean in the Syrian crisis, rotating them every few months.

It also has a naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus whose origins date back to Moscow's close relationship with Damascus under the Soviet Union.

Moscow vehemently opposes the US-led plans for military action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in response to the chemical attack outside Damascus last month.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Wednesday that any US Congress approval for a military strike against Syria without UN consensus would represent an "aggression".


How come Russia warships can go through the strait deeply without Turkey or NATO objections? Didn't Turkish warships confront it to prevent them?

I think Russian should also send Destroyers, Frigates, Corvettes, SSKs and SSBNs as well.
then it'll cost Turkey billions and it'll fvck up Istanbul's unique geography. European side will become an island in the middle and... I don't want to think

either we're being ruled by complete retards or this project will be cancelled

My little child (yavrucugum) you wont understand the greatness of this wonderful project and same with the airport although it will be the largest of whole Europe and one of greatest in world you dont want that aswell.

My friend,
Please remain the bigger man.
My hands were also itching, but replying to some guys in the same manner they do, won't bring any good.
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The point is that we have one of the world's largest submarine fleets, not to mention the surface fleet and the airforce... Few outdated russian ships won't stand a chance. In the end only purpose they serve will be showing their flag.

Russian ships are big in displacement but they are all rusty
The point is that we have one of the world's largest submarine fleets, not to mention the surface fleet and the airforce... Few outdated russian ships won't stand a chance. In the end only purpose they serve will be showing their flag.

Diesel submarines are definitely a major challenge anyway and will cause us huge problems in the Mediterranean and give us a bloody nose.But if you are thinking about your surface ships and airforce they will be only targets for our cruise and ballistic missiles.
Diesel submarines are definitely a major challenge anyway and will cause us huge problems in the Mediterranean and give us a bloody nose. But if you are thinking about your surface ships and airforce they will be only targets for our cruise and ballistic missiles.

in what world you hit planes and ships with ballistic missiles? Idiot troll... now foxtrot omega...
in what world you hit planes and ships with ballistic missiles? Idiot troll... now foxtrot omega...

when they are in air bases on the ground.For ships ,it is possible to target with BM's if necessary guidance from russian spy satellites and targetting systems be provided.But we also have supersonic sea skimmers like yakhonts,moskit and klub.
stupid kids think that russia gona interfer for syria:laugh:...

when they sending cruisemissiles russia wil sit and watch...

like al of the little boys of the forum...
YA ostayus v Rossii v techeniye nekotorogo vremeni , nachal chuvstvovat blizostz' k it.but

Mozhno szkazat', oba ili net ....

An indian living in Russia .I am thinking of possibly taking citizenship also in the future,though it isn't main priority as of now.

Lol your defending Russia as if your Russian, your trying to be Russian. Why are all Indians loyal slaves? Indian in Russia think he's Russian, Indian in America thinks he's American. Are you embarrassed of being Indian?
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