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Russian Terrorists transfer BUK Missile system back to Russia. Foto proof.


Mar 3, 2014
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Russian Federation
MH17 crash: 'We have proof' that Russia participated in missile attack: Ukraine spy chief

Kiev: Ukraine’s spy chief says he has proof that the missile that downed flight MH17 came from a Russian-operated missile launcher that has since been moved back onto Russian soil.

He said they probably thought they were aiming at a military target.


A video still purportedly showing the BUK-M1 system being transferred by rebels back to Russia, according to the Ukraine government. Photo: Ukraine Security Service

“We have proof [the attack] was planned and it was committed with the participation of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Russian Federation,” said Vitaly Nayda, Counter-Intelligence Chief at the Ukraine Security Service.

“All Russian media is lying, it’s cynical propaganda,” Mr Nayda said. “They are trying not to be responsible for this.

“But we have evidence. Obvious evidence.”


A video still of the BUK-M1 system purportedly being transferred in a rebel convoy back to Russia, according to the Ukraine government. Photo: Ukraine Security Service

He shared with media in Kiev, including Fairfax, some of the information the Ukraine security service had gathered, from phone intercepts and from agents within the region controlled by the rebels.

He showed a photograph which he said was a BUK-M1 system identified on the streets of Donetsk city – near the crash site - on July 17.

Among the members of the team operating the missile system were Russian citizens, Mr Nayda said.


This is a still taken from a video made available by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, which they said purportedly shows a truck carrying the Buk-M1 missile launcher it said was used to fire on MH17 back to Russia. Photo: AP

Phone calls intercepted by Ukraine revealed the BUK was intended to join a column of separatist fighters. Mr Nayda showed a photograph of the column including a tank and a truck carrying the BUK-M1 system.

He also showed a photograph taken at the time of the plane being hit, showing the missile’s launch plume – allowing them to identify the launch area, near the village of Snizhne and close to the plane’s crash site.

The area was under separatist control at the time, Mr Nayda said. He would not identify the precise site “in the interests of the investigation” – he said Ukraine agents were trying to access the site but “it’s impossible to get to the place now”.


The trail of smoke left by a missile after it was fired at MH17 by a BUK-M1 system by pro-Russia rebels, according to the Ukraine government. Photo: Ukraine Security Service

“There is no doubt that terrorists knew that they launched a missile against a plane that was higher then 10,000m,” he said.

He showed another photograph of the BUK-M1 system en route to the Russian border soon after the plane was shot down.

The photo showed that one missile was missing from the launching pad.


A file photo shows the Buk M2 missile system at a 2010 military show in Zhukovsky, Russia, outside Moscow. The Ukraine government says a BUK-M1 system was used to shoot down MH17 with the help of Russian personnel. Photo: AP

“Russian side told them to put that system outside of Ukraine,” he said. “Russians gave an order to terrorists to take from Ukraine all BUK-M1 systems – there were many of them, not one.”

At 2am on Friday July 18, around 8 hours after the plane came down, in a region of Ukraine near the Russian border, two big trucks each carrying a BUK system – one with a missing missile, were seen heading for Russia.

At 4am on Saturday morning three more such trucks moved over the border into Russia. One had a BUK-M1, one was empty, and the third carried a tracking module that runs the system.

“Russia is trying to hide its terrorist activity,” Mr Nayda said.

“(Ukrainian) rebels cannot operate the very sophisticated and high-technique missile launcher BUK-M1. To operate BUK-M1 you need to have education, military education, and to be well-trained.

“We know for sure the team was Russian, they were Russian citizens operating BUK-M1 and they came from the territory of the Russian Federation together with the missile launcher.

“We documented negotiations between terrorists that directly told us. We got information directly from those conversations that three Russians, three Russian military personnel came together with BUK-M1 to the territory of Ukraine. It is direct evidence.”

On June 29 the separatists in eastern Ukraine announced to Russian media they have gained access to a BUK-M1 land-air missile system – a system capable of hitting a plane at MH17’s altitude.

They claimed to have captured it from a Ukrainian army base.

However, the base had only contained one BUK-M1 which had been disabled on March 3, and had no missiles, Mr Nayda said. The remains of that launcher were still on the base.

There was a “hint” of information from agents in the field on July 14, three days before the attack, that the launchers had arrived on Ukraine territory from Russia.

But the presence of three launchers had only been confirmed after the attack when they were returning to Russia, Mr Nayda said..

Mr Nayda said Ukraine has passed all its evidence and data on to international allies, including the US and other countries who had lost citizens in the crash.

He called on the international community to ask Russia how it would help the investigation of the attack, and demanded that Ukraine be allowed to interview Russian personnel who launched the missile.

He said Ukraine would only be able to show whether the missile had been launched on purpose at a civilian flight once those responsible had been arrested.

“We know for sure the terrorists have the plan to shoot down every military plane, even cargo plane, even helicopter or jet fight(er) in the air over the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk region,” Mr Nayda said.

“I cannot confirm what they aimed at the moment when they launched the missile. They knew definitely that the height was more than 10,000m but they also knew that probably it was Ukrainian cargo plane, military plane that was delivering cargo to Donetsk or Lugansk region.”
Pls translate what it say ?! :coffee:


meanwhile Vlads counter proofs for his claims that ukrainian jet shot down malaysia plane.

A small visualisation of radar telemetrie data which is of course not shown to anyone who can understand it.

Russia had released radar data of East Ukraine Sky, there'r 2x Ukraine jets close to MH17, one is Su-25. Next days just wait for the answer from Ukraine govet why their fighters flied to that MH17 before explode ?



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It is known there was overcasted sky in that area, so where does the blue sky suddenly come from?

Secondly, the pic with the car dealership advertisement on the left is from the city Krasnoarmiysk and not in Krasnodon. Krasnoarmiysk has been under the Junta's army control.

Russia barely came out with satellite and radar images and the black box has been handed to an expert team, Kiev already cries that the black box has been manipulated. As anyone who has a bit of knowledge, it's as good as impossible to manipulate a black box. It's build to fall from the sky, to withstand explosions and any other imaginable catastrophe. As far as we know the black box has been described to be in good conditions.

Is the Junta already wetting its pants?

The Junta's lies are getting exposed by the minutes

Imagine the opposite and the people in the plane being Russian, they would be going apeshit and the video clip of the phonecall with that Vostok battalion guy, they would be all over it. A shitty phonecall during Kiev about the snipers and they all went nuts and still bring it up yet lots of evidence (not great evidence mind) of the rebels being atleast partly at fault here and they still go on anti westeren tirades, I think its just because they as a people are so stupid.

Yesterday there was a reddit AMA with a Ukrainian living in one of the rebel held areas and other Ukrainians joined in, some from Kiev saying that their families in the east have phoned them up telling them not to go outside as the Nazis are killing everyone in the street, burning down churches and eating children etc etc haha. They have family arguing with them because they criticized Putin and others saying how all they ever mention is Putin etc, they really do eat the propaganda up, the more stupid you are the more you believe, its why propaganda works best in dumb countries.

Some of the other funny ones were that "The right sector has 1000 men coming in freight trains to ambush" and that a batch of beer that was headed to the east of Ukraine has been poisoned, I can almost guarantee that they would believe all of that to. It seems that anyone against them is just called fascist and nazi and they all believe the right sector (who arent even that popular by all accounts) are literally running the country and going mental.

Some insight if anyone wants to read it

IamA Ukrainian, who currently lives on the territory that is being controlled by pro-Russian rebels, AMA! : IAmA

Obviously Russians will call it a western ploy etc but they use that excuse everytime, people in Central/Eastern Europe know the true intent of the Russian state.
Who cares who shot it down. It was shot down over Rebel claimed territory. They are responsible for Air security in that zone. Russia is responsible.

Come on fanboyz. Thumbs up for, Putin! :tup:
Only people living in the mirror may accuse the knights fighting for their homes and against unlawful fascist authorities downing a civilian aircraft. Over the months of the war rebels did not kill a single civilian, while the fascist junta killed thousands and has displaced to Russia hundreds of thousands.
Only people living in the mirror may accuse the knights fighting for their homes and against unlawful fascist authorities downing a civilian aircraft. Over the months of the war rebels did not kill a single civilian, while the fascist junta killed thousands and has displaced to Russia hundreds of thousands.

Sure. Hands up in the air for your favorite soviet proll Putin! :tup:

It is funny how armed russian rebels turn into peacefull civilians after getting a bullet in the head. Thats pure magic!
Sure. Hands up in the air for your favorite soviet proll Putin! :tup:

It is funny how armed russian rebels turn into peacefull civilians after getting a bullet in the head. Thats pure magic!
Nobody accuses them in killing militias. But a few months they shooting from artillery and air strikes on residential sector, not trying to aim in positions of militias.
What do you think, why refugees are fleeing to Russia, not to Ukraine?
The Russian military detected a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the MH17 Boeing on the day of the catastrophe. Kiev must explain why the military jet was tracking the passenger airplane, the Russian Defense Ministry said - READ MORE Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash - Moscow — RT News

The Russian Defense Ministry holds a press conference on the details of MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine. Defense Ministry reports that on the day of the catastrophe, a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the Boeing 777. Calling for Kiev to explain why the fighter jet was tracking the airplane.

Who cares who shot it down. It was shot down over Rebel claimed territory. They are responsible for Air security in that zone. Russia is responsible.

Come on fanboyz. Thumbs up for, Putin! :tup:
who cares? you cared in the first place. Pissing yourself after you are exposed?
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