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Russian T-50 fighter's Phased Array Radar "Ready


Apr 28, 2011
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Russian AESA radar for T-50 Pak FA

The radar system for Russian Sukhoi T-50 combat aircraft is 99 per cent ‘ready’ to enter serial production after a series of development tests are completed.

The Tikhomirov NIIP active phased array radar system built for Russia’s first fifth-generation combat jet, the Sukhoi T-50 consists of one forward-looking X-band radar in the nose section and two side-scanning arrays as well as L-band antennas along the wing flaps.

The system has been put on display for the first time at the MAKS air show in Moscow, Rostec said in a statement Thursday.

Deputy chief designer of NIIP radar systems Andrey Sukhanov said he doesn’t have a time line for when the testing will conclude, but he is confident the overall design is stable barring minor tweaks.

“A lot of different equipment and items are involved in this testing, because it’s not only the radar being tested but the avionics of the entire system,” he said.

“This is similar to the Lockheed Martin F-22, and the F-35 testing that is taking place now. It does not depend on which country or manufacturer, because the problems encountered are always the same. If the testing finds some things that require finalization or adjustments then it will be done, but as for our estimate, the radar is 99% ready for serial production,” he added.

He gave little detail regarding the radar’s capability, other than to say it comes with air, ground and maritime modes and is easily adaptable to new air-launched weapons.

Russian T-50 fighter's Phased Array Radar "Ready"
Hey buddy @Zarvan, the radar is ready how bout the plane itself!??! @Spectre my friend, care to comment on this one!??! When will the plane operational anyway!??!
Hey buddy @Zarvan, the radar is ready how bout the plane itself!??! @Spectre my friend, care to comment on this one!??! When will the plane operational anyway!??!

Lol, we are not holding our breath over it and India's scramble to get Rafale at outrageous price proves our establishment's misgivings over T-50.

Except F-22 and F-35, none of the other 5th Gen projects are within 7/8 years of induction in numbers by which time F-35 would have fully matured with kinks ironed out.

My friend your edge is secure :)
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