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Russian Navy To Replace Flagship Cruiser With Nuclear Guided Missile Cruiser By 2020


Apr 28, 2011
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Russia has planned to replace the flagship cruiser of the Navy's Northern Fleet, Pyotr Velikiy, with nuclear guided-missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov by 2020.

"The Admiral Nakhimov is scheduled for maintenance," Navy Deputy Commander Rear Adm. Viktor Bursuk said Friday.

In July Sevmash shipyard said it was on schedule to deliver the overhauled cruiser Admiral Nakhimov to the Russian Navy in 2018.

"Presently, The two nuclear guided-missile cruisers, the Admiral Nakhimov and Pyotr Velikiy, which is the flagship of the Northern Fleet are the only Russian Navy's combat strength, Sputnik International reported Friday.

The ship requires modernization. Sevmash shipyard is currently completing the deep modernization of the Admiral Nakhimov. "It will finish its overhaul by the turn of the 20s when it will replace the Pyotr Velikiy." Busuk added.

The Admiral Nakhimov is the third of four Kirov-class guided-missile cruisers operated by the Soviet and then Russian Navy from 1980 to 1998.

Russian Navy To Replace Flagship Cruiser With Nuclear Guided Missile Cruiser By 2020
SIlly title: To Replace Flagship Cruiser With Nuclear Guided Missile Cruiser By 2020
> The flagship already is a nuclear guided missile cruiser.
3 of 4 Kirovs will be fully modernized.

Aug. 31 2015
In 2011, as Russia launched a massive 20 trillion ruble ($300 billion at today's exchange rate) military modernization effort under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, the Russian navy set off to modernize its Kirov-class ships after years of post-Soviet decay, hoping to ensure their pre-eminent role in the Russian navy for several decades.
But the first two Kirov-class ships — the Admiral Ushakov and Admiral Lazarev — were discovered to be in too sorry a state to be safely operated again. Rusting away in the White Sea, the Ushakov's nuclear reactor is considered to be a serious environmental threat.
The third Kirov-class cruiser, the Admiral Nakhimov, was in better condition. Construction on the ship was completed in 1986 and its hull and two nuclear reactors are still serviceable. In 2011, 50 billion rubles ($765 million) was allocated to thoroughly overhaul and modernize the Nakhimov.
At 2011 exchange rates, 50 billion rubles was equal to the 1.2 billion euros Russia paid France for two Mistral-class helicopter carriers. France canceled the deal last year, and Russia never received the ships, but it got its money back.
Last year, the head of the Northern Design Bureau, Vladimir Spiridopulo, told the TASS news agency that when the Nakhimov hits the water again in 2018 it will essentially be a new ship, surpassing the combat abilities of the Pyotr Veliky.
This will give Nakhimov the honor of being Russia's most powerful warship, but that is a distinction that won't last long. The head of Russia's navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, told RIA Novosti in June that the Pyotr Veliky will go in for the same modernization treatment when Nakhimov is done.
No price tag was given for the cost of the Pyotr Veliky's overhaul, but the collapse of the ruble last year has driven up costs throughout Russia's defense industry. Shepovalenko of CAST estimated that it could cost Russia up to 117 billion rubles ($1.7 billion) to overhaul and operate the Pyotr Veliky for another 30 to 40 years.
“For your reference, the cost of one [modernized Kirov-class] battle cruiser roughly equals in cost 2.5 brand-new Admiral Gorshkov-class (Project 22350) frigates or 5 Steregushchy-class (Project 20380) corvettes,” he added.
Russia's Most Anachronistic Warship Is Getting an Overhaul | Business | The Moscow Times
As I remember, it is too long on the docks and can not be restored (or is too expensive to do so).
Ohh,what a loss:(.I just wish that our country can build something like this in collaboration with Russia in the coming future:).The Kirov class is literally "invincible" even in the face of a mass enemy attack:smitten:!
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