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Russian Muslim Alliance And Pakistan


Jan 3, 2008
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United Kingdom
Whatever history holds about Russia against muslims is changing fast and paving the ways towards good relations not only economically but militarily too. This is a fact that orthodox Christians will join forces with Muslims in future against common enemy (different subject).
I here trying to connect the dots what terms we are going to have with Russia as Russia is going to get very strong hold of Orthodox christianity. And what terms Russia is going to have with India, as I can see India will down play Russia big time as they having strong ties with Israel. The big question boggling my mind is, is Russia going to side Pakistan with China against India in upcoming full scale war.
To understand why Russia ever will break ties with India I'll put up a video and one must watch it to understand the scenario.
More detailed lecture
I want good healthy debate in regards with the subject as this has very serious implications for Pakistan. And it's our duty to educate masses and people in power circles. We dont know who is seeking what and where from but a serious and to the point discussion can achieve alot.
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The big question boggling my mind is, is Russia going to side Pakistan
Nobody will come to Pakistan's rescue... if You want to survive in today's world as a Muslim... You learn to fight for your own rights by yourself alone.

Nobody is coming... And the Muslims are disunited... hence the reason, "In the End Times they will fall upon and feast upon the Muslims like vultures".

Milk Shake Imran Hosein has taken the position that:
1. Kashmiris should apologize to the Hindus of India for the Muslim Rule of India.
2. Pakistan is part of the problem because it is an American puppet
3. The Turkish Ottoman Empire was satanic and not really Muslim and should apologize to the Orthodox Christianity
4. The Bosnians are fault against the Serbians
5. The Sunnis in Syria are wrong to fight against the tyrant Assad
6. The Russians are the saviors and true allies of Muslims (ignore Chechnya, Afghanistan, Indian alliance with India etc.)

Beware of one subject Milk Shakes...
Seems someone was watching too much retarded Sheik "Real Christians are Orthodox" Hussein vids on youtube...

Right now... RU only allies are "Shia regimes" who are internationally cornered... So please keep your fake "Russia Love Muslim BS" and go back to sleep or find a job... Instead of wasting your neurons for such gutter BS.

And most importantly... Read... Read and Read... instead of swallowing everything without thinking about it...
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@Clutch as you have mentioned many points from Imran's lectures I find it hard to digest aswell but what he says in defence is not easily thrown away. Keeping that aside we have Quran and sunnah to seek wisdom and also many learned men pointed towards same points that he mentions. I find him well equipped then anything we have in our country. We can disagree with his point of view with a better view point but do you have any? He says many things about Pakistan's system and ruling class but not to the common men. I find him not common molvie.

@HannibalBarca as you put it Russia,s only alliance with Shia states, I dont find it totally correct. It was us who distanced from Russia in yankee love. On other hand there are historical documents pointing what is to come. We can leave Imran Hossein aside but how you are going to deny those documents and reference from holly book.
If you cant accept the fact what's to come or your hate towards some molvie then brother dont participate, I believe this is open forum to share and discuss.
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