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Russian Military Unveils Revolutionary Electronic Warfare System

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Russia's new Richag-AV radar and sonar jamming system can be mounted on helicopters, ships and other military equipment to jam potential adversaries' weapons systems from distances of several hundred kilometers away; it has been hailed by developers as having no analogue anywhere in the world.

At a presentation for journalists in Kazan on Wednesday, Russian radio-electronics firm Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) announced that it is handing over the first batch of a new helicopter-mounted electronic warfare system known as the 'Richag-AV' to the armed forces.

The Richag-AV system, mounted on the Mi-8MTPR1 (a variant of the Mi-8MTB5-1 helicopter) is said to have no global equivalent. Its electronic countermeasures system is designed to jam radar, sonar and other detection systems in the aims of defending aircraft, helicopters, drones, ground and naval forces against air-to-air and surface-to-air defense systems within a radius of several hundred kilometers. It can be mounted on units from any branch of the armed forces, including helicopters and airplanes, as well as ground and ship-based forces.

The Mi8-MTPR1-based Richag-AV platform, using multi-beam antenna arrays with DRFM technology, is designed to actively jam and thus 'blind' radar systems in order to defend against radio-electronic guided weapons systems. In a combat situation, the system would operate as part of an aviation shock attack group aimed at breaking through virtually any defense system, blinding everything up to and including the US MIM-104 'Patriot' anti-aircraft missile system.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta explained that in addition to working as a signal jamming system, Richag-AV is capable of carrying out radar-based intelligence gathering, which involves the finding of foreign sources of electromagnetic radiation. With an onboard database on different types of military installations, the system is capable of quickly determining the type of target, thus allowing it to jam it effectively.

Reporters in Kazan were informed that the Russian armed forces received three Mi-8MTPR-1 helicopters equipped with the Richag-Av on Wednesday, and will receive a total of 18 such systems by October 2016, at a total cost of 11.5 billion rubles ($186 million).

The system's predecessor, the 'Smalta' jamming system, was developed back in the 1970s, and featured a 100 km radius; in its own time the system was considered among the most effective in the world. Alongside the Richag-AV, the Russian military is presently being equipped with other electronic warfare systems, including the L-175B Hibini air and 1L269 Krasuha-2 and 1L267 Moskva-1 ground-based electronic warfare systems.

KRET is Russia's largest radio-electronic industrial holding; it was created in 2009. The company is involved in the development and production of radio-electronic equipment in the civil and military aviation sphere, as well as air-based radar systems, electronic warfare systems, and a variety of precision instrumentation.
Russian Military Unveils Revolutionary Electronic Warfare System / Sputnik International
Radar jammer. Nothing to do with sonar.
Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) announced Wednesday that it has delivered new first batch of a three new Mi8-MTPR1 helicopter-mounted with electronic warfare system ('Richag-AV') to the Russian armed forces.
It can be mounted on units from any branch of the armed forces, including helicopters and airplanes, as well as ground and ship-based forces.
“This type of helicopters is fitted with a unique jammer that would ensure the protection for the group of airplanes, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, ground vehicles and ships from air attacks and strokes of enemy’s air defense systems within a radius of several hundred kilometers, – official spokesperson of the Air Force Colonel Igor Klimov was quoted as saying by local media.
According to him, the new system “is based on components of domestic production and has no analogues in the world.”
The Mi8-MTPR1-based Richag-AV platform uses multi-beam antenna arrays with DRFM technology. It is designed to jam radar systems against radio-electronic guided weapons systems. The system would operate as part of attack group aimed at breaking through virtually any defense system in a combat situation blinding anti-aircraft missile system.
Russia will receive a total of 18 such systems by October 2016, at a total cost of 11.5 billion rubles ($186 million).
Currently, Russia is equipped with L-175B Hibini air and 1L269 Krasuha-2 and 1L267 Moskva-1 ground-based electronic warfare systems.
Russian Military Gets 3 Helos With 'Richag-AV' Electronic Warfare System

And while a new system as such, not a new kind of system (even in Russian context)
The Russian Richag-AV is a groundbreaking radar and sonar jamming system developed by KRET and designed for integration on rotary-wing aircraft, ships and other military platforms such as airplanes and ground vehicles. This new system is the successor of the Smalta jamming system developed in the 1970s with an effective range of 100 kilometers. The Richag-AV is able to jam advanced sensor systems from distances of several hundred kilometers away. The jamming capabilities also may include other detection systems with the aim of defending aircraft, helicopter, drones, ground and naval forces. The system utilizes multi-beam antenna arrays with�DRFM (Digital Radio Frequency Memory) technology jamming any radiofrequency based weapon system. Richag-AV can be employed to carry out radar-based intelligence gathering finding foreign sources of electromagnetic radiation. An onboard database allows to quickly determine the type of targeted radar finding the most effective way of jamming. According to KRET the Richag-AV has no equivalent in the world. KRET delivered the first batch of three Mi-8MTPR1 helicopter-mounted Richag-AV to the Russian Armed Forces on March 4, 2015. The Russian Armed Forces will take delivery of 18 Mi-8MTPR1 systems by October 2016.

Sounds like the Russian equivalent to the USA's airborne integrated jamming system AN/ALQ-99 used on EF-11A, EA-6B and EA-18G.
AN/ALQ-99 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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