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Russian Jets hit the mosque belongs to Syrian Turkmens

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This is not first time russians kill civils.

Look , theres is died no Muslims, it could stop your idiotic rasizm.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Recovery of bodies

First arrival of bodies at Eindhoven Airport
A Ukraine Foreign Ministry representative said that the bodies found at the crash site would be taken to Kharkiv for identification, 270 kilometres (170 mi) to the north. By the day after the crash, 181 of the 298 bodies had been found.[196]

Bodies were observed being moved, placed in body bags, and loaded on to lorries.[197][198][199]

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte complained about the lack of respect shown to the personal belongings of the dead which were reportedly looted. He initially announced his disgust about the handling of the bodies that were reportedly being "dragged around" and "thrown", but later stated they had been handled with more care than originally estimated.[200][201] On 20 July, Ukrainian emergency workers, observed by armed separatists, began loading the remains of the passengers of MH17 into refrigerated railway wagons for transport and identification.[202]

On 21 July, pro-Russian rebels allowed Dutch investigators to examine the bodies. By this time, according to Ukrainian officials 272 bodies had been recovered.[203] Remains left Torez on a train on the evening of 21 July, en route to Kharkiv to be flown to the Netherlands for identification.[204] On the same day, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced that the Malaysian government had reached a tentative agreement to retrieve the remains of the Malaysians who died in the crash, following any necessary forensic work.[205]

Convoy of 40 hearses heading toHilversum, while other traffic stopped
It was reported on 21 July that with 282 bodies and 87 body fragments found, there were still 16 bodies missing.[206] An agreement had been reached that the Netherlands would co-ordinate the identification effort. All remains were moved to the Netherlands with Dutch air force C-130 and AustralianC-17 transport planes.[207][208] A train carrying the bodies arrived at the Malyshev Factory, Kharkiv on 22 July,[209] and the first remains were flown to Eindhoven on 23 July.[210] The investigation is being conducted at the Netherlands Army medical regiment training facility in Hilversum by an international team.[211] The UK Metropolitan Police sent specialist officers to assist with the recovery, identification and repatriation of those who died.[102]

Dutch authorities stated on 23 July that they found 200 bodies on the train when it arrived at Kharkhiv, leaving almost 100 unaccounted for.[212] Two Dutch and one Australian aircraft flew the first bodies out of Kharviv later that day. The aircraft landed at Eindhoven Airport just before 16:00 local time.[213] The day after, another 74 bodies arrived.[214]

On 1 August it was announced that a search and recovery mission, including about 80 forensic police specialists from the Netherlands, Malaysia and Australia, and led by Colonel Cornelis Kuijs of the Royal Marechaussee, would use drones, sniffer dogs, divers and satellite mapping to search for missing body parts at the crash site.[215][216] Australian officials had believed that as many as 80 bodies were still at the site,[156] but after some days of searching the international team had "found remains of only a few victims" and concluded that "the recovery effort undertaken by local authorities immediately after the crash was more thorough than initially thought."[78]

On 6 August the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced that the recovery operation would be temporarily halted due to an upsurge in fighting around the crash site threatening the safety of crash investigators and recovery specialists, and that all international investigators and humanitarian forces (approximately 500 Australians and 80 Dutch/Malaysians) would leave the country leaving behind a small communications and liaison team.[217] Three areas of the crash site remained unsearched.

On 22 August the bodies of 20 Malaysians (of 43 killed in the incident) arrived in Malaysia.[218] The government announced a National Mourning Day, with a ceremony broadcast live on radio and television.[219]

On 9 October a spokesman for the Dutch national prosecutor's office stated that one victim had been found with an oxygen mask around his neck; a forensic investigation of the mask for fingerprints, saliva and DNA did not produce any results and it is therefore not known how or when that mask got around the neck of the victim.[27]:99

By 5 December, the Dutch-led forensic team had identified the bodies of 292 out of 298 victims of the crash.[220]

In February and April 2015 new remains were found on the site.[221][222] By this time only 2 victims, both Dutch citizens, out of 298 were unidentified.[222]

Dutch Safety Board preliminary report
On 9 September 2014, the preliminary accident report was released by the Dutch Safety Board (DSB).[2][223]:16

The preliminary report concluded that the aircraft and crew prior to the ending of the CVR and FDR recording at 13.20:03 hrs (UTC) were not implicating any technical or operational failure, due to the absence of any corresponding evidence. Furthermore, the report said that "damage observed on the forward fuselage and cockpit section of the aircraft appears to indicate that there were impacts from a large number of high-energy objects from outside the aircraft". According to the investigators, this damage likely led to a loss of structural integrity that caused an in-flight break-up first of the forward parts of the aircraft and then the remainder with expansive geographic spread of the aircraft's pieces.

Tjibbe Joustra, Chairman of the Dutch Safety Board, explained on the release date of the preliminary report that the investigation thus far "point towards an external cause of the MH17 crash", but determining the exact cause of the crash requires further investigation and investigators will be able to use "additional evidence" to produce the final report. The Board's press release for the preliminary report also established a time frame for the final report: "The Board aims to publish the report within one year of the date of the crash."[224]

Dutch Safety Board final report
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Narrated reconstruction of the missile impact, produced by the Dutch Safety Board
The Dutch Safety Board issued its final report into the crash on 13 October 2015. There were 61 flight operators from 32 countries who flew over eastern Ukraine at the time, all who thought it was safe to fly there at cruising altitude. In the DSB's opinion, there was sufficient reason to fully close the airspace over eastern Ukraine as a precaution. The DSB recommended that states involved in armed conflicts should exercise more caution when evaluating their airspace, and operators should be more transparent into their methods of selecting flight routes.

They found the crash was caused by a Buk surface-to-air 9M38-series missile with 9N314M warhead. The missile hit the left side of the cockpit and fired fragments, killing all the flight crew. The cockpit was then torn off by the impact, which meant it was likely that most passengers were unconscious by this time due to lack of oxygen. Based on evidence they were able to exclude meteor strikes, the plane having technical defects, a bomb, and an air-to-air attack as causes of the crash. The DSB calculated the trajectory of the missile and found it was fired within a 320-square-kilometre (120 sq mi) area southeast of Torez. Narrowing down a specific launch site was outside the DSB's mandate.[27] According to Al Jazeera, the area identified by the DSB was controlled by separitists at the time of the downing.[22

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And with Russian help Armenian kill children!

The USSR developed two tools that changed the world: airplane hijackings and state-sponsorship of terror




According to the former KGB-FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, who was poisoned in 2006, PKK's leader Abdullah Öcalan was trained by KGB-FSB.[134] As of 2008, Russia is still not among the states that list PKK as a terrorist group despite intense Turkish pressure.

Cry harder turk.
Not true :D

Turkmen rebels seize Syria border village from IS: monitor

Beirut (AFP) - Syrian Turkmen rebel fighters have seized three villages from the Islamic State group near the Turkish border in clashes that killed 13 from the ethnic minority, a monitor said Saturday.

"This is the first time that Turkmen fighters have led the battle against IS in the area, and that comes after they received support from Turkey," said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor.

He did not provide details on the alleged assistance.

The Britain-based group said the 13 fighters killed since Friday were members of the Sultan Murad Brigades, made up of Turkmen fighters, battling IS in the northern province of Aleppo.

The clashes were centred on a region to the east of Azaz, a town on the Turkish border, that is home to many of Syria's Turkmen minority, it said.

It added that the Turkmen had captured three border villages.

The Observatory did not have a casualty toll for the jihadists but said one of their vehicles was destroyed in an air strike by the US-led coalition in the Azaz area Friday night.

IS controls large stretches of the border area, but Ankara and Washington have sought to ensure the group is cleared from the area between Jarabulus and Azaz.

Turkey sees Syria's Turkmen in Syria as natural allies and reports have frequently surfaced that Ankara wants them to lead the fight against IS in areas near the border.

That is sensitive because the most effective Syrian force fighting IS has so far been the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which have been backed by the US-led coalition.

Ankara considers the YPG to be a branch of the Kurdistan Workers Party, which it deems a "terrorist" organisation.

Turkmen rebels seize Syria border village from IS: monitor - Yahoo News

LOL the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is run by one guy living in Britain that hasn't visited Syria in 15 years.

EXCLUSIVE: Man who runs SOHR admits to RT he last visited Syria 15 years ago — RT News

Who is behind Syrian Observatory for Human Rights? Nimrod Kamer investigates for RT — RT News

Turkmens have been exterminated. That's all you need to know.
@Khafee, how come you understand Urdu? I thought you were an Arab camel. Kidding of course about the camel part! :D

A little intro would be nice..... if you've already done that, post a link for me...... cheers!

Izzat tumhain raas nahin' aati!
Ahahahahah......even though I don't agree with your points, I must confess that was funny. Crack me up. Look
I do agree that Russia Russia has always been a ruthless power and it doesn't care one bit about what the public thinks or say unlike western powers who often have to face public scrunity for every action they undertake. In this field I will say RUSSIA has an edge over the west since it can wage total war without worrying about collateral damage/civilian casualties. Good strategy. :)

A natural outcome of the insignificance of human life in Russian culture. These overly nationalist Russians are nothing but trash to their rulers, who'd be used as human waves in case of a war to be grinded by the enemy. Same can also be said about their Chinese fluffers. Casual calling for the murder of woman and children can only be expected from these kinds of degenerate filths. The good thing is they are living the lives they deserve as slaves.
I don't think it's a good thing. I ( and most people outside the ME ) don't really think anything. We have gotten used to bombings/beheadings/civil war/misogyny etc in that part of the world. Hell we've gotten used to it in the domestic muslim populations too :lol:
We have all seen videos/read stories of muslims teaching their children about jihad/ how dying for Islam is so amazing and the end purpose of life. Hell here is a counter terror "expert" on this forum

When Muslims themselves don't value their's and other's lives... why should we care?

Lol, what if I told you I don't identify as a muslim? I am merely a soldier and that is why I see no end more poetic, so tragically beautiful than dying in the service of one's nation. My sentiments would not have changed had I been serving in the US Army, the PLA or even the Indian Army.
You're immature assumption based on one post, that too quoted out of context is thus a farce, it is no surprise that you are banned and thus will be unable to tender me a suitable response.
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