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Russian human rights Report accuses Europe Of Aggressive Propaganda Of Homosexual Love


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Russia Accuses Europe Of 'Aggressive Propaganda Of Homosexual Love'


JAN. 15, 2014, 12:37 PM 1,793 26

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Matthew Stockman / Getty
A Russian report on the state of human rights in Europe in 2014 has accused the EU of trying to force an "aggressive propaganda of homosexual love" on other countries. The English-language version of the document, labeled an "unofficial translation" yet released today, also refers to LGBT as "queers."
You can download the full report in English here. One key passage is below:

[...] the European Union and its Member States consider, as one of their priorities, the dissemination of their neo-liberal values as a universal lifestyle for all other members of the international community. This is particularly evident in their aggressive promotion of the sexual minorities' rights. Attempts have been made to enforce on other countries an alien view of homosexuality and same-sex marriages as a norm of life and some kind of a natural social phenomenon that deserves support at the state level. Such an approach encounters resistance not only in the countries upholding traditional values, but also in those countries which have always taken a liberal attitude towards queers. Suffice it to recall the protest reaction of a major part of the French society to the decision on legalization of same-sex marriages in the country.
The report, titled "Report on the Human Rights Situation in the European Union," also takes aim at the rise of "xenophobia, racism, violent nationalism, chauvinism and neo-Nazism" across the continent.
"In this context, it is still clear that the existing system of protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms in the EU remains ineffective and [flawed]," it argues.
The annual report is the second of its kind, and appears to reflect a growing cultural rift between Russia and Europe. Russia was widely criticized by European nations after a law banning "homosexual propaganda" was fast-tracked into law by President Vladimir Putin last year.
While Russia's report on Europe may be harsh, Western organizations are just as critical of Russia's own human rights movement. Freedom House, a Washington D.C.-based NGO that focuses on democracy and human rights, has consistently ranked Russia as "not free" in its research.
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