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Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Kurds have to be brought into negotiation process


Aug 27, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Russian Foreign Minister: Kurds have to be brought into negotiation process


NEWS CENTER (DİHA) - While the Geneva-2 Conference has gone on in Switzerland without including of Kurds, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, "Kurds have to be brought into negotiation process." Lavrov added, “I have read reports that a Kurdish autonomy was declared in the Qamishli area, but there were no statements that the Kurds were going to secede from Syria."

“We supported and continue to support all leading Syrian groups that operate within Syria - the National Coordination Committee, the National Front for Change and Liberation, and Kurdish organisations. All of them sent written appeals to the U.N., as the organizer of the conference, so as to solve the question of their participation in this process. We will insist on the resolution of this issue so that their appeals were upheld,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov noted that these expectations were based on key principles of international law: “sovereignty, territorial integrity, respect for the rights of minorities, and their equality in society.” “If at the initial stage of the talks the sides can jointly make a call for building this kind of Syria, for preserving its multiethnic and multi-confessional nature, its secular nature, I think this all by itself will send an important signal,” Lavrov said.

'I think common sense will prevail in this process'

“I talked with the majority of conference participants. None of them said that the present format of external actors is ideal,” Lavrov said at the news conference. Lavrov said that members of many delegations had said, both privately and publicly, that Iran played an important role and had to take part in the Syrian settlement process. “I think common sense will prevail in this process,” Lavrov said.

'Kurds have to be brought into the negotiation process'

He also believes that Kurds have to be brought into the negotiations. “I have read reports that a Kurdish autonomy was declared in the Qamishli area, but there were no statements that the Kurds were going to secede from Syria,” the minister said. “This is a serious signal to all of us so that we do not try to look for simplified approaches or create the impression that the present delegation of the Syrian opposition can solve all questions for all opposition forces. Kurds have to be brought into the negotiation process.”

DİHA - Dicle News Agency
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